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Insure Loans $250,000 to $5,000,000: Webinar; Fact or Lie?

This came in this morning from Jim France CEO & Founder of FIIC. I have been helping Jim raise funds ​for 13 months My wife, Bonnie, and I are founders along with several of our clients. FIIC will be licensed just as soon as the Department of Insurance in Washington D.C. issues the license. 

​There are two Founder’s slots available: one at $500,000 and one at $5,000,000.​




After 35 years in small business and helping to fund many, its become more and more challenging. In 2013 there were over 275,000 small business loan requests made to the US banking industry. However, 97% were rejected. This puts the funding burden onto friends and family now reaching 80% for all small business funding. This is a shame to place the drain on families and friends, when our institutions should be doing more. The growth in the sector is hard without proper capital sources.

History shows us that more jobs are created in small business development than any other sector. Microsoft was a small start up once before becoming a large company! If our country is to build new jobs in the face of automation we need to move more capital into various small business sectors. Last year over 175,000 new businesses tried to start and most went looking for funding sources. Approximately 7,000 found help from Venture Capital firms, once again leaving the balance of funding for these companies looking for other sources.

In developing a solution for this problem, I have spent over 10 years looking at business starts and failures in the US in hopes of producing a new financial service product for both Investors and business managers alike that will solve much of this disproportionate disbursement of capital which will change this problem into a “new standard” funding method. If we can lower the risk, a solution to attracting capital, then I for one hope to help bring change to this sector by 2015.


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“Who do you want to hitch your wagon to? Someone who HAS been paid, or someone who THINKS they will be paid?”



Fact or Lie?


Fact-To do a real PIO buy/sell trade is when a client signs a direct bank contract on bank letterhead or bank verifiable contract with the program bank.

Fact-When signing a contract with a platform, you are not doing a trade. You are doing a contract with a corporation on their letterhead because you are not in a trade, You are in a contract and your name and information is not with the bank, but with who ever you signed this so called contract.

FACT- Sorry, but 99% of these people who claim to be able to do PPP, are not able to perform and their due diligence is not with the program bank, which means, it is useless, as you are not in a bank trade.
FACT- 99% of the people who say they can do a PPP with the banks in Europe, have never spoken to a real trader and are only speaking to a supposable Platform of brokers that say they are traders, as the internet is full of these types of non performers.

FACT- Only certain Western European Banks have been appointed as buy/sell Program Banks.

FACT- There are not many traders with the bank clearance level to do these programs direct from the bank and if you are not working with one of these traders, then it will explain why your trade with your platform did not get done.

FACT-U.S Traders do not know or understand how High Yield European PPP trades are done, as they do not have the clearance with these program banks, though the traders, might have dealings with European banks. It is not the same thing as doing a Closed market PPP in Europe.

FACT-Private placement programs with the banks in Western Europe are ZERO RISK and are 100% guaranteed, as the clients contract is with the program bank and not some platforms contract, which the Program Bank has nothing to do with.

Joe Tufo
Skype: jptufo
Phone: 1-925-352-6000 Cell/Text 1-925-522-0700 Office

This is with a Real European Closed Market Private Placement Program Bank Trader with the Clearance to Top banks in EUROPE.

Hidden Traps to Success

Being Prudent Is a Choice You Must Make Every Day 
Being prudent is a decision that needs to be made every time you face an important
decision in any area of your life. Whether you are facing a business decision, a financial
decision, or a personal decision, choose first to “look well into the matter.”

Meeting Details for “Project Funding $250k to $10b, FIIC, Open Market Private Investment Opportunities, and More” 

Wednesday, August 27, 4:00 PM EASTERN




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Send this registration link to your friends through e-mail or post it on your website to allow for quick access to registration.


Terms of Service box: 


Our programs are designed for Accredited Sophisticated Investors ONLY. By participating you agree that you are an Accredited Sophisticated Investor and that you understand risk and reward. All non-accredited investors, either alone or with a purchaser representative, must be sophisticated—that is, they must have sufficient knowledge and experience in financial and business matters to make them capable of evaluating the merits and risks of the prospective investment. (SEC)


​The Lease ​Monetization and Investment Club programs are accepting applications.

You are welcome to meet me in San Francisco: 30 have met me since June 3rd with 11 more scheduled to October 31st.
Joseph P. Tufo

Alamo California (San Francisco Bay Area)
925-522-0700 Direct 800-669-2700 USA Only
Skype:  jptufo
Referral Key:  

Private Client Services $200k to $500m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, FIIC, and Business Consulting 


Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 


Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow
Don’t forget our Weekly Wednesday Webinar at 4PM Eastern. 
Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer
Articles In The News International Trade Finance Large Projects Money Available Private Placement Programs Referral Partners Trade Programs

Fact or Lie?


Fact-To do a real PIO buy/sell trade is when a client signs a direct bank contract on bank letterhead or bank verifiable contract with the program bank.

Fact-When signing a contract with a platform, you are not doing a trade. You are doing a contract with a corporation on their letterhead because you are not in a trade, You are in a contract and your name and information is not with the bank, but with who ever you signed this so called contract.

FACT- Sorry, but 99% of these people who claim to be able to do PPP, are not able to perform and their due diligence is not with the program bank, which means, it is useless, as you are not in a bank trade.

FACT- 99% of the people who say they can do a PPP with the banks in Europe, have never spoken to a real trader and are only speaking to a  Platform of brokers that say they are traders, as the internet is full of these types of non-performers.

FACT- Only certain Western European Banks have been appointed as buy/sell Program Banks.

FACT- There are not many traders with the bank clearance level to do these programs direct from the bank and if you are not working with one of these traders, then it will explain why your trade with your platform did not get done.

FACT-U.S Traders do not know or understand how High Yield European PPP trades are done, as they do not have the clearance with these program banks, though the traders, might have dealings with European banks. It is not the same thing as doing a Closed market PPP in Europe.

FACT-Private placement programs with the banks in Western Europe are ZERO RISK and are 100% guaranteed, as the clients contract is with the program bank and not some platforms contract, which the Program Bank has nothing to do with.

Joe Tufo
WhatsApp: jptufo
Email: or
Phone: 1-925-352-6000 Cell/Text 1-800-669-2700 Office

This is with a Real European Closed Market Private Placement Program Bank Trader with the Clearance to Top Banks in EUROPE.

Articles Business Lines Of Credit Church Loans Factoring Hard Money In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Referral Partners Webinars

Hidden Traps to Success

Hidden Traps to Success 
The naive believes everything: but a wise man looks well to a matter. – Proverbs 14:15 
Solomon reveals that a similar kind of trap in your personal or professional life can have
an equally devastating effect. What is the name of that hidden trap? Naiveté. And it can
ambush anyone, regardless of their intelligence, education, financial success, or personal
Naiveté and IQ 
Naiveté has less to do with intelligence and more to do with the way a person approaches
individual situations and life in general. A naive person tends to oversimplify a situation
and thereby fails to see critical factors that may significantly affect an outcome.
Solomon describes a person as naive when he or she doesn’t “look well into a matter”
before choosing a course of action.
Oversimplification – In Proverbs 1:22, Solomon chides, “How long, O naive ones, will
you love simplicity?” Important decisions are never simple. Dig deeper.
Presumption In Proverbs 27:1, Solomon warns, “Do not boast about tomorrow for you
do not know what a day may bring forth.”
Misplaced Trust – We often put more trust than we should in people whom we don’t
know well. More often than not, people are less capable, less experienced, less competent,
and less honest than they seem to be. People always put their best foot forward, and we
usually make judgments of them in a matter of minutes or seconds.
Superficial Appearances – Our response to a person or a situation is often based entirely
upon appearances. A person may be charismatic or extremely personable, or a business
opportunity may appear extraordinary at first glance. But appearances almost never tell
enough of the story to base any important decision upon.
Laziness – Our natural inclination is to do as little as possible to get what we want. The
same is true in the decision-making process. “Looking well into a matter” requires a lot
more effort and creativity than simply accepting a statement or person at face value.
Haste – When we are in a hurry to make a decision, we will usually make it without
taking enough time to look into the matter thoroughly. In Proverbs 21:5, Solomon warns,
“But everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.”
Narrow Vision – More often than not, our vision is far too limited to make the best
decision based only on our own knowledge and experience. Solomon cautions in
Proverbs 15:22, “Without counsel plans are frustrated, but with many counselors they
Integrity – Honest people never think of lying, stealing, or defrauding someone of their
life savings. Such thoughts are so foreign to their character they can’t imagine anyone
else doing such things to them.
Greed – Wrong motives for making a decision can lead you to detrimental circumstances.
Arrogance – Arrogant people often think they’re smarter than everyone else. They don’t
feel they need to seek outside counsel or perform due diligence—they already know what
they need to know. Solomon said, “Pride goes before destruction, and an arrogant spirit
before a fall.” (Proverbs 16:18)
Wrong Priorities – Sometimes a person chooses not to look in depth into a matter before
making an important decision, because they don’t think due diligence is that important.
The Solution 
Diligence is like a giant floodlight: turn it on, and naiveté’s darkness disappears.
Look well into a matter before making any important decision. If a person is truly honest,
they will respect your thoroughness and welcome any due-diligence efforts you
Don’t Be Naive When It Comes to Making Wrong Choices 
In Proverbs 22:3, Solomon warns us, “The prudent sees the evil and hides himself, But
the naive go on, and are punished for it.”
Most people rarely find themselves in unethical or illegal situations by surprise. Usually,
they see a red or yellow flag or two first. At that point, they have a choice. Solomon tells
us that a wise man will turn away. Those who are naive, however, see the red flag, feel a
twinge in their conscience, and then choose to keep moving in the same direction.
“There Is a Way That Seems Right . . .” 
In Proverbs 14:12, he says, “There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it
leads to death.” Diligently looking into a matter will ensure that doesn’t happen.
How to Make Wise Choices 
Choose to Look Well into Matters. 
Seek Outside Counsel – Over and over again in Proverbs, Solomon cautions us to seek
outside counsel. His advice is clear, his wisdom undeniable. Follow it.
Choose Your Friends and Associates Wisely – In Proverbs 13:20, Solomon writes, “He
that walks with wise men shall become wise. But a companion of fools shall be
But you should be careful about whom you partner with or attach yourself to in any
significant way. Look at a person’s wisdom and integrity. Be sensitive to any red flags
that would warn you of dishonesty. Look at what their priorities are and how they order
their lives. How do they treat their parents, spouse, siblings, or children? What do they
value most? Don’t let yourself become the companion of fools.
Being Prudent Is a Choice You Must Make Every Day 
Being prudent is a decision that needs to be made every time you face an important
decision in any area of your life. Whether you are facing a business decision, a financial
decision, or a personal decision, choose first to “look well into the matter.”

“Who do you want to hitch your wagon to? Someone who HAS been paid, or someone who THINKS they will be paid?”


Joseph P. Tufo
Alamo California (San Francisco Bay Area)
925-522-0700 Direct 800-669-2700 USA Only

How We Work

Skype: jptufo
Referral Key:

Private Client Services $200k to $500m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, FIIC, and Business Consulting

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Don’t forget our Weekly Wednesday Webinar at 4PM Eastern.

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Cash Flow Specialists Disclaimer


Articles In The News Private Placement Programs Trade Programs

$1 Million Doesn't Cut It for Retirement

$1 Million Doesn’t Cut It for Retirement

Conventional wisdom says you need to save $1 million for retirement.  

 75% of Baby Boomers Aren’t Prepared for Retirement 


There are 77 million Baby Boomers marching toward retirement as we speak. Some are 10 years away or less. Unfortunately, most are quite ill-prepared and ill-equipped to make their visions and expectations for retirement come true. They don’t know how much to save and to appropriately invest in order to create a portfolio that will last a lifetime of retirement. Only about 25% of Baby Boomers are confident about their retirement prospects and are on track for a comfortable retirement

If only about 25% are adequately prepared, what’s going to happen to the other 75%?

Articles Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Bank Instruments In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Preparation Real Estate Projects Referral Partners

New Bridge Loan Program Discussed 7/27/11 – Ali

As you know we work on a priority/non-priority basis which is explained in detail on our websites:

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You are welcome to participate in future Wednesday weekly conference calls. For future calls email me at or call me at 925-352-6000 cell.

Here are the next three calls:

August 3, 2011: Wednesday Weekly Conference Call Week 30: Small Cap Programs $50k to $5m, Project Funding, and More

August 10, 2011 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call Week 32: Small Cap Programs $50k to $5m, Project Funding, and More

August 17, 2011 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call Week 33: Small Cap Programs $50k to $5m, Project Funding, and More

This is the program Ali mentioned during Wednesday’s Live Call. He has brought two clients through this process at this time.


If you do not have sufficient cash to enter into any of our main programs for leasing or buying bank debt instruments drawn on major banks or even if you wish to enter into a loan program and need capital to pay for your setting up fees, this program is especially made for you.

If you have no connections with banks or financial institutions that could monetize any of the bank instruments you would want to lease then this program is tailor made for you.

We offer to cause some of our small European Banks to issue leased 90 day Letters of Credit or Standby Letters of Credit in your favor starting as low as €/USD100,000.00 face value instruments or more to be discounted by our own banks, finance houses, lending institutions etc…

Verbiage of Instrument: The desired and acceptable verbiage of the instrument is included and is made a part of your “Leasing and Bridging Finance Agreement”.

Menu of Banks: At the time of application we will provide you with the name of the issuing bank. The issuing banks are BBB rated European Banks.

Term of the Instruments: Our bridging loan bank instruments may be leased for a term of ninety days

Minimum Face Value Amount: The minimum face value amount is One Hundred Thousand Euros or United States Dollars (€/USD100, 000.00).

Leasing fees: The leasing fees for our instruments amount to ten per cent (10%) of face value of the leased instrument.

General procedure: 1°) You must fill in an application form for the bridging finance module along with the required accompanying documents.

2°) We send you the “Leasing and Bridging Finance Agreement” to be executed by both parties.

3°) Both parties execute the agreement.

4°) We then send you the contract of the discounter to be signed between you and the discounters.

5°) We then send you our invoice for the leasing fees.

6°) Once fees are paid by SWIFT MT103 we will cause the instrument to be issued within five banking days from receipt of funds on our account.

7°) The instrument is thereafter sent on your behalf to the bank of the Discounter by SWIFT MT760.

8°) We email you a copy of the SWIFT MT760 for your files.

9°) Seven to Fifteen calendar days later you receive the proceeds of the discounting on your account.

10°) Steps 2 to 9 can be repeated thereafter.

nk courier (if required);


We are not opened to any changes in our proposed procedure.

Should you have any additional queries do not hesitate to email us at:



1°) Why are you are offering short term leased bank instruments from smaller banks, less well rated than your usual top ten world banks?

Is all about financially empowering its clients (the rich and the not so rich!).

We can do that by providing them with financial tools in alignment with their own financial possibilities.

Because one needs money to make money we believe that providing a way for our clients to obtain the much needed seed capital to be able to enter into our various financial modules is one of our goals, obligations and duties.

So we have moved the necessary assets and funds in smaller banks to be able to cause instruments with face value amounts as low as USD100, 000.00 to be issued.

These instruments (SBLCs) rated BBB are then monetized through various professional discounters at ratios ranging from 45 to 65% of face value.

Large banks “A or better” rated are absolutely not interested in issuing such low denomination instruments.

We have already had a hard time talking them into issuing anything as low as ten million in face value amounts that attempting to go just a fraction lower would have resulted impossible.

Because discounters perceive these small European Banks as a long time risk we obtain the highest possible discounting rates by causing these banks to issue short term instrument such as 90day SBLCs.

Because we do not wish to bore you with legal and technical information you only need to know that banks perceive the format of an SBLC as best suited at the time of collaterizing lines of credit.

This is the reason why we have included 90 day SBLCs into our bridging finance module.

The idea is to provide our clients with the means and the ability to raise funds quickly to the approximate level of USD/€1M in order to be able to take complete advantage of most of our financial modules.

2°) Are you able to cause one of your Prime Banks to come out with an irrevocable and unconditional bank commitment letter to deliver the desired 90day SBLCs in favor of your clients before leasing fees are being paid to you?

A Prime Bank deals and speaks with other Prime Banks.

Prime Banks do not get involved or do not make commitments for and on behalf of much smaller banks especially when they are only BBB rated.

On top of that Prime Banks are expensive to use.

Assuming it was at all possible it would defeat the entire purpose; the cost of the instruments would soar and therefore become too expensive to use.

Because the cash outlay can be as low as USD10, 000.00 we believe clients can take a leap of faith by entrusting us with their leasing fees before we deliver.

3°) This bridging finance module is quite expensive. Don’t you think people will think twice before applying for bridging finance because of that?

In our document entitled “BRIDGING FINANCE IN SHORT” we show how, by monetizing a series of 90day SBLCs, one can finally obtain the resources to cause a five year top ten world bank, bank guarantee to be issued.

We have all gone to our calculating machines and discovered that in this particular case the overall cost of finance for this five year loan was just over 10%!

I believe every one interested must do his math’s and see whether or not this bridging module is fit for his needs or not!

4°) This bridging financing program starts by using the ability that has to cause a series of 90day SBLCs to be issued and further monetized. We also know how crucial it is to be able to quickly monetize larger instruments later in the program so one can successfully lower the overall cost of borrowings. Can help us quickly monetize these larger denomination bank debt instruments?

We offer, in one of our modules to lend money against acceptable bank instruments.

For borrowers who believe this option is unwarranted because not yet tested, or because they are fearful that, at time of issuance of larger denomination instruments, we might not be in a position (out of our menu of banks) to supply them with paper coming from the specific issuing bank their credit line bank is requesting, we are offering them a safety net.

We have the ability to cause any of our top world banks to issue Medium Term Notes or Bonds to be delivered to our clients banking coordinates.

Once on account, these bank instruments can be monetized within three days.

5°) You mean to say you can have an instrument of that size monetized without even moving it from the client’s account?

Yes. That is correct.

We have access to at least eight repo desks of major banks that will Repurchase these instruments within a matter of hours.

6°) What does the word Repo stand for?

Repo’ is the generic term for repurchase agreements (also known as ‘classic repos’) and buy/sell-backs.

7°) Do I have to take your word for this or is there any way I can verify this information beforehand?

If you type the two words “Repurchase Agreement” and conduct a research on the internet you will find a great deal of information on the subject.

We will have your bank officer contacted by one of our bankers in order for you to sign a Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA)” for the security held on account.

The monetization of the instrument will happen very quickly thereafter.

A Repurchase agreement, also known as a Repo, RP, or Sale and Repurchase Agreement, is the sale of securities together with an agreement for the seller to buy back the securities at a later date. The repurchase price will be greater than the original sale price, the difference effectively representing interest, sometimes called the repo rate. The party who originally buys the securities effectively acts as a lender. The original seller is effectively acting as a borrower, using their security as collateral for a secured cash loan at a fixed rate of interest.

A repo is equivalent to a cash transaction combined with a forward contract. The cash transaction results in transfer of money to the borrower in exchange for legal transfer of the security to the lender, while the forward contract ensures repayment of the loan to the lender and return of the collateral of the borrower. The difference between the forward price and the spot price is effectively the interest on the loan while the settlement date of the forward contract is the maturity date of the loan.

A repo is economically similar to a secured loan, with the buyer (effectively the lender or investor) receiving securities as collateral to protect against default of the seller – the party who initially sells the securities being effectively the borrower. Almost any security may be employed in a repo, though practically speaking highly liquid securities are preferred because they are more easily disposed of in the event of a default and, more importantly, they can be easily secured in the open market where the buyer has created a short position in the repo security through a reverse repo and market sale; by the same token, illiquid securities are discouraged. Treasury or Government bills, corporate and Treasury/Government bonds, and stocks may all be used as “collateral” in a repo transaction. Unlike a secured loan, however, legal title to the securities clearly passes from the seller to the buyer. Coupons (installment payments that are payable to the owner of the securities) which are paid while the repo buyer owns the securities are, in fact, usually passed directly onto the repo seller. This might seem counterintuitive, as the ownership of the collateral technically rests with the buyer during the repo agreement. It is possible to instead pass on the coupon by altering the cash paid at the end of the agreement, though this is more typical of Sell/Buy Backs.

Although the underlying nature of the transaction is that of a loan, the terminology differs from that used when talking of loans because the seller does actually repurchase the legal ownership of the securities from the buyer at the end of the agreement. So, although the actual effect of the whole transaction is identical to a cash loan, in using the “repurchase” terminology, the emphasis is placed upon the current legal ownership of the collateral securities by the respective parties. That said, one of the most important aspects of repos is that they are legally recognized as a single transaction (especially important in the event of counterparty insolvency) but do not count as a disposal and a repurchase for tax purposes.

8°) If I enter into a Repurchase Agreement with any of the financial institutions you recommend, how can I satisfy my obligation of having to return the instrument to the issuing bank fifteen days prior to maturity date and still raise a loan against this bank debt instrument?

It is quite simple.

TheGlobal Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA)” you will be invited to sign is a standardized contract.

This Agreement has been produced by The Bond Market Association (“TBMA”) and the International Securities Market Association (“ISMA”). The Agreement has been prepared as a standard form.

We recommend you visit the websites of the “Bond Market Association” (New York, Washington, London) and of the International Securities Markets Association (Rigistrasse 60, P.O. Box, CH-8033, Zürich, Switzerland) to learn more about this forty page long agreement.

Entering into a repurchase agreement enables you to specifically repurchase your leased bank instrument before its maturity date and return it to the issuing bank.

9°) What are the additional advantages of entering into a Repurchase Agreement?

Because we are able to cause instruments to be issued with accompanying interest coupons, we can achieve very high lending ratios at the time of entering into a repurchase instrument.

You can discount the future interest coupons of the instrument and get a very high lending ratio from the banking institution.

You can make your Global Master Repurchase Agreement (GMRA)” a recourse or non recourse agreement.

The price at which an asset is repurchased in a repo is equal to the price at which it was sold plus an amount of interest for the use of the cash. The amount of interest is calculated from a market-determined interest rate called the repo rate. Repo rates are lower than deposit rates like LIBOR and EURIBOR because lending cash through a repo is, by virtue of the collateral, less risky than making an unsecured loan. If an asset is strongly in demand, dealers may be willing to offer cheap cash to get hold of it in the repo market (repo rates can fall to zero or even go negative). When this happens to an asset, it is said to be special. In contrast, the normal repo rate is called the GC or general collateral rate (because there is nothing ‘special’ about the asset).

Because repo is a safer way to lend cash, lenders are willing to lend more. Cheapness and the ability to borrow more are the key attractions of repo for borrowers. 

The advantage of repo for lenders is of course lower credit risk. In addition, because repo is less risky, regulations such as the Basle Accords and CAD require institutions lending through repo to hold less regulatory risk capital than unsecured lending. Consequently, there has been a major shift in liquidity from deposit markets to repo over the last 10 years. 

10°) How familiar are banks with Repurchase Agreements?

You need to understand that all banks refinance their Repurchase Agreements through their respective Central Banks.

The banks would rather provide you with credit lines before promoting a Repo transaction. Simply because they earn more money that way!

Generally, and in exchange for the facilities extended, the credit line banks impose that you to let them manage the largest possible proportion of your credit funds by lowering their lending ratios.

A repo will provide you with a much higher lending ratio and a much cheaper borrowing rate.

11°) How can raising funds that way be made the least expensive possible?

The minimum times one uses 90 day leased SBLCs to raise funds the better.

If it is true that one can successfully implement this leasing bridging finance option by causing SBLCs with face value amounts as low as USD100,000.00 to be issued to start with, it is equally true that the higher the face value amount of the first SBLC to be monetized the better.

After all, the 90 day SBLCs only constitute a mean to an end: that is to say raise sufficient funds to be able to lease one or more bank debt instruments of a minimum face value amount of ten million.

Therefore in order to avoid going through too many funding cycles using 90 day SBLCs one should start this program with the largest possible face value amount 90 day SBLC.

12°) Why can’t I discount the SBLCs and the bank guarantees all on my own by using my contacts and introductions to banks?

Any client or borrower can choose to monetize his leased bank debt instruments where and with whom he wishes to.

But one must always remain aware of the constant changes introduced by the regulators in this industry.

For example, and from now on, in Europe, any applicant causing a bank instrument to be issued and further discounted must produce at least three sets of audited accounts in order for these bank instruments to be discounted or monetized by the receiving bank.

In addition to that, the issuing banks must declare and produce copies of the assets and funds that have been pledged in their favor in order for these instruments to be issued.

All that information must be forwarded to the discounting bank via the central banks and copied for review and examination by the various national money laundering agencies implicated and concerned.

Therefore in order to monetize bank instruments issued by European banks in Europe one is looking at a due diligence and verification timeframe of three months before funds could start being made available to any of our clients.

This is why, our issuing banks for the 90 day SBLCs being European, the financial institutions monetizing these instruments operate from banks located either in the United States of America, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Hong Kong or Dubai.

We therefore advise any of our borrowers or applicants to be extremely cautious and careful at the time of engaging in this leasing and bridging finance module without our involvement and know how.

Ninety percent of efforts must be devoted to preparation, and ten percent to execution.

At work very hard to be best prepared.

13°) How many discounters do you have at hand to implement this program?

We are currently negotiating discounting agreements with three financial institutions that have already accepted our small European banks as issuing banks.

We also believe we will be invited by one of our associates to use an additional discounter for the 90 day SBLCs in the very near future.

14°) Are the new rules you refer to in item 12 applicable to MTNs and Bonds to be possibly issued by any of your top ten world banks with the view of entering into a Repurchase Agreement?

The one to ten years MTNs or Bonds we would possibly cause to be issued by any of our top ten world banks to be further repurchased in Europe would have to be issued by non-European banks in order to avoid introducing any delays in the monetization process.

We have two non-European issuing banks that are part of the top ten world banks we plan to use in these sets of circumstances.

15°) Because your issuing banks for 90 day SBLCs are small BBB rated European Banks, don’t you believe the lines your discounters have available for these banks in their books are quite limited?

Subsequently don’t you think it will take only a small number of transactions involving these banks as issuers to cause these lines to be filled and extinguished?

You have a point.

This is why we have looked at multiplying the number of discounters in order to better service our clients both in quality and in quantity.

On the other hand, because we are using 90day SBLCs, these lines stand to be freed very quickly from one client to another.

We do not believe it will be a problem.

16°) Aren’t you afraid that someone unscrupulous and dishonest will come one day and will raise funds through the issuance of a series of 90 day leased SBLCs and possibly of one or more additional leased five to ten year guarantees with the intention of vanishing with the money and never fulfilling his obligations?

At the time of issuance and monetization of a minimum five to ten year ten million face value instrument we do force each and every borrower to post the necessary funds with the issuing banks for the 90 day SBLCs to be paid for at maturity.

As for the larger instruments issued in the face value of ten million or more, we urge the clients, who believe they are going to default on their financial obligations, to get in touch with us so we can organize a special placement program in order to provide them with the means to pay their loans back and return the leased instruments unencumbered and free of any liens to the issuing banks.

Even if this means we have to cause an additional bank instrument to be issued and placed in a special private placement for that very purpose we will do it working hand in hand with our client.

We therefore urge everyone who wishes to enter into this program to work with us all the way, and to be truthful and honest from start to finish.

Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Referral Key:

You are welcome to participate in future Wednesday weekly conference calls.

August 3, 2011: Wednesday Weekly Conference Call Week 31: Small Cap Programs $50k to $5m, Project Funding, and More

August 10, 2011 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call Week 32: Small Cap Programs $50k to $5m, Project Funding, and More

August 17, 2011 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call Week 33: Small Cap Programs $50k to $5m, Project Funding, and More

Private Client Services $50k to $100m, Project Funding, Asset Monetization and Business Consulting.

Ask about a proven method to increase your credit score to 765+.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow





Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer


Articles In The News Preparation Private Placement Programs Referral Partners Testimonials Trade Programs

Small Capital Trade Programs: An Opportunity For You

Small Capital Trade Programs: An Opportunity For You

Another Private Client Private Trade Testimony 20110512


Thank you Joe for the opportunity to work with you.  I now have my first client in and I look forward to submitting many more to you.  The program is by far the best one I have come across in the market and is the only one that I have found that is actually performing.

The call was a fantastic call yesterday and I am expecting another client to move forward over the next couple of days also.  To actually be able to say that a client has been paid and then that I have will be a first for me.  It is exciting to say the least.

Well done Joe,

Fran Lewis


There are dozens of testimonials on our websites:



85 attended last Wednesday and were pleasantly surprised to speak with Chris, our 23-year experienced Small Cap Trader ($5,000 to $10,000,000+). .

Total Minutes: 5821 Number of Callers: 85

Recordings are posted on our private subscription site, pay the fee, and look under audio.


Stop screwing around with the poor bank returns and volatile stock market returns and reposition 1/7th to 1/8th of your funds now.

New American Standard Bible (©1995) Ecclesiastes 11:2

Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.


This is our Offshore Trading Program Pre-Release. I have known this trader for a few years. He is a retired US Treasury Agent and an international expert witness on bank fraud: 23 years of proven consistent performance.

These are cash trades which means that you wire funds to an Escrow account in an Escrow Company that the Trader owns. The escrow account triggers his credit line. There is a firewall between the escrow account and the trading account. Your principal is protected.

New Trade Programs effective May 13, 2011

The programs listed below are the current programs operating for MGBL (5/13/2011). All other program offers are in-valid at this date.

MGBL Trade Programs may change at any time without advanced notice.

Programs Amounts Interest Term Cycles & Settlements Roll Over Monthly Pay
1. Starter Trade 5K to 10K 4% per Mo 6 Mo. 2/90 day settlements None NO
2. Basic Trade 15K to 45K 5% per Mo. 12 Mo. 12/30 day (Monthly Pay) Restart to New YES
3. Intermediate Trade 50K to 80K 7% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day (every 90 days) 1 year NO
4. Intermediate P/Lock 50k to 80K 6% per Mo. 24 Mo. 12/30 day (Monthly Pay) 1 year YES
5. Standard Trade 100K to 500K 8% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day (every 90 days) Up to 4 years NO
6. Standard P/Lock 100K to 1M 70% Annual 24 Mo 2/6 month settlements Up to 4 years NO
7. Advanced Trade 1M to 3M 60% Annual 12 Mo. 4/90 day (every 90 days) Up to 4 years NO
8. Investors Trade 3M to 5M 50% Annual 12 Mo. 12/30 day (Monthly Pay) Up to 4 years YES
9. Investors P/Lock 3M to 5M 80% Annual 24 Mo. 2/6 month settlements Up to 4 years NO
10. Platinum Trade 5M to Open Negotiated Annual % 12 Mo. 2/6 month settlements Up to 4 years NO
2011 Season Trade Chart: Amounts over 3 million to under 50 Million are acceptable on a one to one basis
As you can see from above we have done a lot of work for the 2011 season. Offering more trades with something to fit everyone’s particular needs and budget. The trades listed above are not promo trades, these will be available all year round, so please take a look and see what fits your money’s needs the best. 30 Day Payout Great Monthly Income Profit Returns. P/Lock is a ©® program under the MGBL, ownership, it is a flagship trade of our design all rights reserved 2011; The investors profit position can not change for a full 24 month program with another 24 months of roll over time, 4 full years of structured terms.
MGBL Worldwide Customer Service: 925-352-6000

All Trade programs posted and Trade Profits posted herein may change at any time and without notice, call before investing and / or, for updates on program information.

These are gross returns. Commissions and account set-up fees are subtracted on payouts. FYI.

Send a proof of funds not more than three business days old all pages and I will have the Trader send you the compliance package.


Start with as little as $15,000 and test this. Roll your gains and build up the trade.


Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct

925-352-6000 Cell
800-669-2700 Toll-Free USA Only
206-984-2853 Fax

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Participate in our 4PM Eastern Wednesday Conference Call:

Conference Dial-in Number: (712) 432-0600
participant Access Code: 994456#

Private Client Services $5k to $50m, Project Funding, and Business Consulting.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer



Articles In The News Preparation Private Placement Programs Trade Programs Webinars

Bank Closings – Kind of Gives You The “Warm Fuzzies?” Get Smart and Move Some of Your Hard Earned $$$ Offshore and Earn Big Bucks!

Bank Closings – Kind of Gives You The “Warm Fuzzies?” Get Smart and Move Some of Your Hard Earned $$$ Offshore and Earn Big Bucks!

Bank Closing – Cortez Community Bank, Brooksville, FL

On Friday, April 29, 2011, Cortez Community Bank (CERT #57625), Brooksville, FL was closed by the Florida Office of Financial Regulation. All deposits, excluding certain brokered deposits, were transferred to the acquiring institution. For further information, please visit the FDIC web site: Cortez Community Bank (

Bank Closing – First Choice Community Bank, Dallas, GA

On Friday, April 29, 2011, First Choice Community Bank (CERT #58539), Dallas, GA was closed by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance. All deposits, excluding certain brokered deposits, were transferred to the acquiring institution. For further information, please visit the FDIC web site: First Choice Community Bank (

Bank Closing – First National Bank of Central Florida, Winter Park, FL

On Friday, April 29, 2011, First National Bank of Central Florida (CERT #26297), Winter Park, FL was closed by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. All deposits, excluding certain brokered deposits, were transferred to the acquiring institution. For further information, please visit the FDIC web site: First National Bank of Central Florida(

Bank Closing – The Park Avenue Bank, Valdosta, GA

On Friday, April 29, 2011, The Park Avenue Bank (CERT #19797), Valdosta, GA was closed by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance. All deposits, excluding the Cede & Co. deposits, were transferred to the acquiring institution. For further information, please visit the FDIC web site: The Park Avenue Bank (

Bank Closing – Community Central Bank, Mount Clemens, MI

On Friday, April 29, 2011, Community Central Bank (CERT #34234), Mount Clemens, MI was closed by the Michigan Office of Financial and Insurance Regulation. All deposits, excluding certain brokered deposits, were transferred to the acquiring institution. For further information, please visit the FDIC web site: Community Central Bank (

Meet The Trader Wednesday May 4, 2011:

Small Cap $5k to $50m,  First Come First Served

Trade Programs: Myth Or Reality?

Wednesday Conference Calls 4PM (Everyone) and

8PM Eastern (Clients Only)


Disclaimer Notice:
The information on this page is in no way relying upon or relating to the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or related regulations and does not involve the sale of securities. We are not acting in the capacity of a Securities & Exchange Commission broker/dealer or investment advisor. The information herein is not intended for the T14E purpose of buying, selling, trading, recommending securities or offering counsel or advice with respect to any such activities. We hereby declare that we are not licensed brokers or government employees and that this information is of a private nature and is deemed exempt from the Securities Act it is not intended for the general public and all materials are for your “PRIVATE USE ONLY”.  Intermediaries are NOT Advisors of any kind. We are Business Consultants providing business information to private individuals and private companies. You are advised to click on the link “Legal & Privacy” and scroll to sub-heading “Financial Instruments.” By browsing this site it is fully understood that you have read our Legal and Privacy Statement and have accepted all the terms and conditions.

Please note, that in providing project finance related services, we are not in any way acting as legal, tax and or other professional advisers, or giving legal, tax or other professional advice. We strongly recommend, that project finance applicants obtain independent legal or tax advice, as appropriate from a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Attorney-at-Law, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or other licensed professional as regulated by your State or Country.

12 attended last Wednesday and were pleasantly surprised to speak with Chris, our 23-year experienced Small Cap Trader ($5,000 to $10,000,000+). Monthly yields are 4% to 17%.

Stop screwing around with the poor bank returns and volatile stock market returns and reposition 1/7th to 1/8th of your funds now.

New American Standard Bible (©1995) Ecclesiastes 11:2

Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.


Just imagine placing $100,000 and receiving 12% a month or $12,000 a month for two years before the account set-up management fee and commissions.


Imagine placing $250,000 and receiving $30,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.


Imagine placing $500,000 and receiving $60,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.


Imagine placing $750,000 and receiving $90,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.


Imagine placing $1,000,000 and receiving $120,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.


Yes, you read that right. 12% a month; not 12% a year or 12% a decade but 12% a month – 23 years of proven consistent performance.


This is our Offshore Trading Program Pre-Release. I have known this trader for a few years. He is a retired US Treasury Agent and an international expert witness on bank fraud.


These are cash trades which means that you wire funds to an Escrow account in an Escrow Company that the Trader owns. The escrow account triggers his credit line. There is a firewall between the escrow account and the trading account. Your principal is protected.

Small Cap Trading Programs 2011
Programs Amounts Interest Term Cycles & Settlements Roll Over Monthly Pay
1. Starter Trade 5K to 10K 4% per Mo 6 Mo. 2/90 day settles every 90 days None No
2. Basic Trade 10K to 45K 5% per Mo. 12 Mo. 12/30 day settles every month Restart to New Yes
3. Intermediate Trd 50K to 80K 6% per Mo. 12Mo. 12/30 day settles every month 1 year Yes
4. Intermediate Trd 50k to 80K 8% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 1 year No
5. Standard Trade 100K to 1m 10% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 4 years No
6. Standard Trade P/Lock 100K to 1 Mill 12% per Mo. 24 Mo 12/30 day settles every month 4 years Yes
7. Standard Trade 1Millk to 3 Mill 15% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 4 years No
8. Investors Trade 3 Mill to 5 Mill 17% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 2 years No
9. Investors Trade 5 Mill to Open .15% Per Mo. 12 Mo. 12/30 day settles every month 4 years Yes
2011 Season Trade Chart: Amounts over 3 million to under 50 Million are acceptable on a one to one basis
As you can see from above we have done a lot of work for the 2011 season. Offering more trades with something to fit everyone’s particular needs and budget. The trades listed above are not promo trades, these will be available all year round, so please take a look and see what fits your money’s needs the best. 30 Day Payout Great Monthly Income Profit Returns.
MGB Ltd Worldwide Customer Service: +1-925-352-6000 Email:

All Trade programs posted and Trade Profits posted herein may change at any time and without notice, call before investing and / or, for updates programs information.

These are gross returns. Commissions and account set-up fees are subtracted on payouts. FYI.

Send a proof of funds not more than three business days old all pages and I will have the Trader send you the compliance package.


Start with as little as $10,000 and test this. Roll your gains and build up the trade.


I had 242 investors when I was securities licensed and 1123 insurance clients so I can manage a large group and still stay in touch regularly.

Please join is every Wednesday at 4PM Eastern for our weekly conference call.

The dial in number is 712-432-0600. The access code is 994456#.

The calls last approximately 60 minutes. Occasionally traders attend and the calls last 90 minutes. Last week was 64 minutes on the recording.

We discuss:

  1. Small Cap Trade Programs: $5,000 to $10,000,000+. Our flagship product yields 4% to 17% a month. The trader has 23 years experience.
  2. Project Funding
  3. Asset Monetization
  4. Consulting Services: visit


View online:


As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific. There are extended service hours for Priority Clients and existing Trade Program Clients.



Articles In The News Large Projects Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Referral Partners Trade Programs

Trade Programs: Myth Or Reality? Wednesday Conference Calls 4PM and 8PM Eastern

Trade Programs: Myth Or Reality? Wednesday Conference Calls 4PM and 8PM Eastern




Disclaimer Notice:
The information on this page is in no way relying upon or relating to the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or related regulations and does not involve the sale of securities. We are not acting in the capacity of a Securities & Exchange Commission broker/dealer or investment advisor. The information herein is not intended for the T14E purpose of buying, selling, trading, recommending securities or offering counsel or advice with respect to any such activities. We hereby declare that we are not licensed brokers or government employees and that this information is of a private nature and is deemed exempt from the Securities Act it is not intended for the general public and all materials are for your “PRIVATE USE ONLY”.  Intermediaries are NOT Advisors of any kind. We are Business Consultants providing business information to private individuals and private companies. You are advised to click on the link “Legal & Privacy” and scroll to sub-heading “Financial Instruments.” By browsing this site it is fully understood that you have read our Legal and Privacy Statement and have accepted all the terms and conditions.

Please note, that in providing project finance related services, we are not in any way acting as legal, tax and or other professional advisers, or giving legal, tax or other professional advice. We strongly recommend, that project finance applicants obtain independent legal or tax advice, as appropriate from a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Chartered Accountant (CA), Attorney-at-Law, a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) or other licensed professional as regulated by your State or Country.



17 attended last Wednesday and were pleasantly surprised to speak with Chris, our 23-year experienced Small Cap Trader ($5,000 to $10,000,000+). Monthly yields are 4% to 17%.

Stop screwing around with the poor bank returns and volatile stock market returns and reposition 1/7th to 1/8th of your funds now.

New American Standard Bible (©1995) Ecclesiastes 11:2

Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.

Just imagine placing $100,000 and receiving 12% a month or $12,000 a month for two years before the account set-up management fee and commissions.

Imagine placing $250,000 and receiving $30,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.

Imagine placing $500,000 and receiving $60,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.

Imagine placing $750,000 and receiving $90,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.

Imagine placing $1,000,000 and receiving $120,000 a month before the account set-up management fee and commissions.

Yes, you read that right. 12% a month; not 12% a year or 12% a decade but 12% a month – 23 years of proven consistent performance.


This is our Offshore Trading Program Pre-Release. I have known this trader for a few years. He is a retired US Treasury Agent and an international expert witness on bank fraud.

These are cash trades which means that you wire funds to an Escrow account in an Escrow Company that the Trader owns. The escrow account triggers his credit line. There is a firewall between the escrow account and the trading account. Your principal is protected.


Small Cap Trading Programs 2011
Programs Amounts Interest Term Cycles & Settlements Roll Over Monthly Pay
1. Starter Trade 5K to 10K 4% per Mo 6 Mo. 2/90 day settles every 90 days None No
2. Basic Trade 10K to 45K 5% per Mo. 12 Mo. 12/30 day settles every month Restart to New Yes
3. Intermediate Trd 50K to 80K 6% per Mo. 12Mo. 12/30 day settles every month 1 year Yes
4. Intermediate Trd 50k to 80K 8% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 1 year No
5. Standard Trade 100K to 1m 10% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 4 years No
6. Standard Trade P/Lock 100K to 1 Mill 12% per Mo. 24 Mo 12/30 day settles every month 4 years Yes
7. Standard Trade 1Millk to 3 Mill 15% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 4 years No
8. Investors Trade 3 Mill to 5 Mill 17% per Mo. 12 Mo. 4/90 day settles every 90 days 2 years No
9. Investors Trade 5 Mill to Open .15% Per Mo. 12 Mo. 12/30 day settles every month 4 years Yes
2011 Season Trade Chart: Amounts over 3 million to under 50 Million are acceptable on a one to one basis
As you can see from above we have done a lot of work for the 2011 season. Offering more trades with something to fit everyone’s particular needs and budget. The trades listed above are not promo trades, these will be available all year round, so please take a look and see what fits your money’s needs the best. 30 Day Payout Great Monthly Income Profit Returns.
MGB Ltd Worldwide Customer Service: +1-925-352-6000 Email:

All Trade programs posted and Trade Profits posted herein may change at any time and without notice, call before investing and / or, for updates programs information.

These are gross returns. Commissions and account set-up fees are subtracted on payouts. FYI.

Send a proof of funds not more than three business days old all pages and I will have the Trader send you the compliance package.




Start with as little as $10,000 and test this. Roll your gains and build up the trade.

I had 242 investors when I was securities licensed and 1123 insurance clients so I can manage a large group and still stay in touch regularly.


Please join is every Wednesday at 4PM Eastern for our weekly conference call.



The dial in number is 712-432-0600. The access code is 994456#.


The calls last approximately 60 minutes. Occasionally traders attend and the calls last 90 minutes.


We discuss:

  1. Small Cap Trade Programs: $5,000 to $10,000,000+. Our flagship product yields 4% to 17% a month. The trader has 23 years experience.
  2. Project Funding : Our featured program requires $1,000,000 to participate.
  3. Asset Monetization: In Ground and Out of Ground.
  4. Consultation: visit


The direct dial number to my desk is 925-522-0700. I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific. My email address is

View online:


As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific. There are extended service hours for Priority Clients and existing Trade Program Clients.



Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct

925-352-6000 Cell

800-669-2700 Toll-Free USA Only
206-984-2853 Fax

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:


Private Client Services $5k to $50m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, and Business Consulting.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow


Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer


Articles Articles for Publication Improve Credit In The News Preparation Referral Partners

Collectible Bonds 7,000+/- Available Now. First Come, First Served

More information on Collectible Bonds. If you are interested in purchasing these bonds I will personally introduce you to the owner. They have approximately 7,000 bonds for sale. You can hire Pass-Co to authenticate.
All prices listed are net of commission. Clients usually pay us in the range of 5% to 10% so you need to ADD that to the purchase price.



We do not have any 1899 Series A’s. You will not find one. They are extremely rare. We do have the best inventory of Mexican Bonds on the open market. Here is the list. We do not do packages, platforms, trade programs, or useless paperwork. Outright sales only.
Articles Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Business Lines Of Credit In The News Money Available Preparation Stock Loans

Securities Based Line of Credi

We have a business relationship with a lender that provides customized loans to individuals, institutions and companies around the world. Whether you’re a CEO, a law firm, a fresh start-up, an established business, an active investor or an individual shareholder, they will provide you fast access to capital.


Lending against securities is not a new concept, but it is rapidly gaining popularity because it makes sense for the reality of today’s economy. We are living in extraordinary times. World financial markets are grossly undervaluing bellwether stocks such as Microsoft, GE and Citibank by reacting emotionally to market fears, rather than rationally by rewarding firms with solid balance sheets. And it’s even tougher out there for early stage companies that could be the next Google.


Making matters worse, we’re living in a time when business credit is not flowing freely, leaving C-suite executives, shareholders and investors searching for liquidity yet hesitant to cash in on stocks they hope will see a return to value.


Fundamentally, popular wisdom says our best days are ahead of us, which is why borrowing against your securities makes more sense than selling them today.


Whether you’re looking to raise capital to pay down a debt, make an alternative investment, leverage your existing one, or simply take some capital off the table as a hedge against unforeseen events, we can structure a loan for you.  You can get the cash you need today while still retaining the upside potential in your investments for tomorrow.


Since 2000, the management of ICG has evaluated and executed thousands of structured financings and portfolio hedges in 20 countries totaling over half a billion dollars.

Their approach to lending allows borrowers the flexibility of gaining needed liquidity at a reasonable cost and without sacrificing potential upside. Moreover, loans are both interest-only and non-recourse, so you have the option of walking away at any time with no further liability.
They collaborate with the borrower on the terms of each and every loan. The process is quick, transparent and completely confidential. All of which explains why they are the market leader in lending standards, customer service and transaction execution and have the best reputation in the industry.


Here’s a note that I received moments ago on a prospective client’s loan request:

Thanks Joe,

I just heard from Underwriting regarding Francisco’s request for a 100K loan using Walgreen’s as collateral.
The 3 year model is the best option for him, we will be at 70% LTV, with an interest rate of 3 month libor + 350, or roughly 3.80% interest.
The 2 year came back at 65% LTV, Libor plus 400, or 4.30%
Also, due to the size of this loan, we will need the stock retitled to our firm’s name, stock will not be sold unless there is a default on the loan and will be hedged in our book. The stock is returned to the borrower with all appreciation when the loan and all interest is paid in full.

Steps to Doing Business:


CONTACT US through Joe Tufo at 1-800-669-2700 or

Our process gets started with simple detail about your collateral and the amount of funding needed. Our specialists will be in contact with you shortly after your inquiry to confirm we have the details needed to process your loan effectively and efficiently.


Our clients need to provide proof of ownership of their securities or options with either electronic or physical certificate documents. You must also be able to demonstrate that any security is free-trading and without restriction. Out of the box securities/ portfolios can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.


Customization of loan terms is what makes ICG different. They first determine the liability of the collateral, and then calculate a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio and fixed interest rate based on an assessment of both short-and long-term risks. They work to understand your goals and concerns, and then collaborate on mutually agreeable terms.


They explicitly document the mutually agreed terms, sign all contracts and arrange assets to be transferred to ICG. They execute loans quickly, often in a matter of days. Payment terms include quarterly fixed interest only payments.


At the end of the loan term, you repay the loan. Once your loan is repaid in full, they return the collateral to you. It’s that simple.

p.s. Here’s a case study for you:

Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct
800-669-2700 Toll-Free USA Only
206-984-2853 Fax

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer


Articles Bank Instruments In The News Money Available Preparation


1. Client Information Sheet (CIS)
2. Passport Copy of Seller
3. Letter of Attestation, the letter needs to be dated within 2 weeks from the date of
compliance package being submitted.
4. Copy of front and back of each type of bond.
5. Hacienda report/letter
6. Pericial/Paredo letter
7. Genealogy, if available
8. Owner Authentication, if available.
9. Location of bond
10. How is the bond being held.
11. If the Seller has an assigned representative, we will need the Power of Attorney
giving them the power to sell the bond on behalf of the beneficial owner.
12. Seller’s representative Client Information Sheet (CIS)
13. Seller’s representative passport copy.
14. If bond listed on Euroclear, we will need pages 1 – 4, and page 14.
All compliance documents must be currently dated.
Approximate timeline for closing is between 5 to 10 banking days. Timeline for closing
is determined by the type of bond and background information. Some bonds may take
longer due to background and verification process.

Joseph P. Tufo, President

Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-522-0700 Direct
925-352-6000 Cell
800-669-2700 Toll-Free USA Only
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $50,000 to $500,000,000+, Large Project Funding, Private & Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

Ask about how to self-liquidate and self-fund a project (hint: you need a minimum of $2 million)

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer
Articles In The News Large Projects Money Available Private Placement Programs Testimonials Trade Programs

Merry Christmas! Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing

Merry Christmas!

As always I am here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer for Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing Products and Services.

You may have seen this a while back but I thought it was worth revisiting:

This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be – please read it!

The article below is completely neutral, …not anti republican or democrat.

Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day.

It’s a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering!

545 vs. 300,000,000


Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years.

545 PEOPLE–By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them..

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don’t set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits…. . The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace

545 people who stand convicted — by present facts — of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it’s because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it’s because they want it in the red ..

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it’s because they want them in IRAQ If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it’s because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like “the economy,” “inflation,” or “politics” that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power..

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees…

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have read it……… Is up to you.

This might be funny if it weren’t so darned true.

Be sure to read all the way to the end:

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table, At which he’s fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.

Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think.

Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries Tax his tears.

Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass.

Tax all he has Then let him know That you won’t be done Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He’s good and sore.

Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he’s laid…

Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove me to my doom…’ When he’s gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax..

Sales Tax

School Tax

Liquor Tax

Luxury Tax

Excise Taxes

Property Tax

Cigarette Tax

Medicare Tax

Inventory Tax

Real Estate Tax

Well Permit Tax

Fuel Permit Tax

Inheritance Tax

Road Usage Tax

CDL license Tax

Dog License Tax

State Income Tax

Food License Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Gross Receipts Tax

Social Security Tax

Service Charge Tax

Fishing License Tax

Federal Income Tax

Building Permit Tax

IRS Interest Charges

Hunting License Tax

Marriage License Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Personal Property Tax

Accounts Receivable Tax

Recreational Vehicle Tax

Workers Compensation Tax

Watercraft Registration Tax

Telephone Usage Charge Tax

Telephone Federal Excise Tax

Telephone State and Local Tax

IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

Telephone Federal Universal Service fee tax

Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)

Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax

Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes

Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened? Can you spell ‘politicians? ‘ I hope this goes around THE USA at least 100 times!!!

YOU can help it get there!!!


Thank You.

Please remember that we are direct to three trading groups with rates of return from 4% to 20% monthly depending on the product and your commitment.


There are two things that I have always encouraged investors to do since I began selling investments in 1979:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2.Always take the profits until you get your original investment back.

Here’s a testimony that I received from Brad December 6,2010 on one of these programs:


I want to send a quick note and let you know how satisfied I am in my dealings with CFSI/FMC.  As you know, I went into the ANY MONEY, 30-day bullet trade, with a 50% return on November 1, 2010 with a payout date of December 6, 2010.  When the initial investment and anticipated return posted to my bank account on December 2, 2010, I was more than delighted (4 days ahead of schedule).

I’m not going to lie…I was very skeptical as I contemplated entering the Private Placement Offering (PPO).  What CFSI/FMC was offering sounded too good to be true, and as the old saying goes, it usually is.  However, the intuition I had regarding this PPO didn’t agree with that sentiment, so I decided to go through compliance. After receiving my initial contract, it felt like I asked CFSI/FMC a million questions. They ended up answering all questions in a precise and timely manner, which I greatly appreciated given the tight turnaround. Even though my initial contract wasn’t for millions I still felt like I was a priority to CFSI/FMC. It’s quite refreshing knowing what I know now about the principals and what their goals are for the platform and all involved.

After the success of the first contract I decided to enter into my second contract with CFSI/FMC. It’s the 10-day bullet trade, with a 35% return that begins December 6, 2010 with a payout date of December 21, 2010. If the second contract is successful like the first contract, then I’ll probably be an CFSI/FMC client for life. Right now, I don’t foresee any reasons why that wouldn’t be the case. What’s more, the various programs offered by CFSI/FMC will allow me to grow my businesses without taking on any additional debt. I really appreciate the self-funding means they provide. I’m definitely looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with CFSI/FMC. Thanks for all your assistance in establishing this relationship.


Here are some points by an attorney for our Gold Program:

*  Should any of your investors you personally know be interested, I will then be happy to get on the phone with you and each of them and answer any and all questions they may have.  It is only after this call that I would suggest we forward our corporate overview.

*  The key is our TLI System: boring, but efficient.  As with McDonald’s restaurants, we do the same thing over and over again in the gold-exporting countries where we have permanent representatives (who are business savvy & understand local culture + Western efficiency in business): the gold never leaves our sight after we have assayed it.  This business is one of details and we always have someone next to the gold until it reaches one of our refineries with which we have accounts (our preference remains Dubai for many reasons, including business efficiency/little red tape).

*  Our TLI System is possible as TLI is vertically integrated: (1) we pick up the gold in exporting countries; (2) we handle transportation every step of the way; (3) refineries: we have made an offer to purchase a well-known gold refinery in Dubai + we were offered co-ownership in new one; (4) we are finally studying offers to acquire private banks which TLI will turn into gold-backed banks servicing our business in general.

*  While we have our own financing, we are looking at buying more gold quicker,as we have the supply for this.  In answer to your question, could we use more funding? We are not pursuing it (certainly not soliciting any of it), yet I believe any enterprise would answer positively to this for the short or long run. While this would mean less money for us in the short term, teaming up with an entity with funds would enable indeed us + this entity to purchase more gold quicker.  + the possibility of working with this entity on other sectors of joint synergies.

Frederick pays 12.5% a month on funds up to $500,000 and 20% above $500,000 for a one year term.

This came in Wednesday, December 8,2010:
” After 15 years of hearing about and talking about  trade programs I finally found a company that knew what they where doing . I entered into a trial trade program with them in Sept. 2010 and got a PAYOUT in Dec 2010 just like they said it would work.

The company has been honest , trustworthy , and best of all easy to get in touch with to answer any questions. I have not found until now someone who would give me a copy of their passport before completing any paperwork

Number One In MY Book and I am not AFRAID TO SAY IT !!!!

B R ( Ron ) VOOGEL


Ron placed his funds in our New Zealand based program that yields 4% to 12% a month gross before commissions and fees.

Three programs each a little different from the others.

Always remember:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2.Always take the profits until you get your original investment back.

For fellow Bible students Solomon said this in Ecclesiastes 11:

2Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.

As always I am here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific for Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing Products and Services.

Joseph P. Tufo, President
Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $50,000 to $500,000,000+, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to $2 Billion, SBA Loans, Commercial Loans, Private & Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

Ask about how to self-liquidate and self-fund a project (hint: you need a minimum of 10% to 15% in cash)

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Distressed Debt Opportunities:

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Articles Articles for Publication Film Funding In The News Large Projects Money Available Preparation Real Estate Projects


$20 Million – $500 Million
Documentation needed to set up a 45 – 60 minute internet presentation.
1) Cash- Proof of Funds 1% to 3% of the total project
2) Resumes/Bios of the Principals
3) Executive Summary
4) Pro Forma
5) Capital Needs Schedule (Prefer 1 Page)
Cash- Proof of Funds 1% to 3% of the total project can be provided in the form of
a letter from principals/projects bank, an unrevised copy of the most recent Bank
Statement or an unrevised screen shot showing account balance, date, name and
account number.
There is the possibility of bringing in another group to provide the Proof of Funds
if the project does not have the 1% to 3% Proof of Funds. Group putting up
the 1% to 3% Cash will receive a significant rate of return in 120 days or less.
Note: Cash- Proof of Funds is not transferred until the Project and Monetizing Bank
reach agreement on funding including such terms as total amount, disbursement
schedule, payee orders etc.
Up to a 40% equity stake in the project depending on the project
Send items 1-5 listed above to the following email address: along with :
1) The name(s) of the principal(s) that will be on the call
2) The total amount needed to fund the project and
3) The total amount that the principal(s)/group can contribute to the project in cash,
as this will determine the speed and direction of the possible funding of the project.
Once all documentation is received for review, then provide the best 2 dates and
best 2 times on those dates to schedule a 45 – 60 minute internet presentation.
(Make sure you give the USA Western Time Zone )
*Participants are protected in several ways:
1) Entire transaction is overseen and managed by a prestigious law firm acting as
an Escrow Agent and Trustee, Law firm represents the US Embassy, Israeli Embassy
and South Africa’s Embassy, Specializes in Intellectual Property Law and Banking
among other specialties, US Court of International Trade, US Court of Appeals
for the Armed Forces and one of the largest law firms with over 200 attorneys.
2) Escrow instructions protect the participants
3) No Money is moved/spent until contract with Monetizing Bank is in hand –
Monetizing Banks are top tier International Banks.
4) Money only moves after there is a finalized contract and a guaranteed transaction
5) All payments due to the participants are paid by the bank through an Irrevocable
Payee Order and/or Escrow instructions. Language of Irrevocable Payee Order &
Disbursement schedule are reviewed by all participants
DISCLAIMER: Sender is not a United States Securities Dealer, Broker, Real Estate
Broker or US Investment Advisor nor is sender releasing a solicitation. By requesting
evaluation materials for any investment, you are indicating that you have read
and completely understand the statements contained in this transmission and
the following. We reserve the right to refuse to work with anyone who will not
Any projections, opinions, assumptions or estimates used are for example only
and do not represent the current or future performance of the property and/or
investment. You agree to indemnify and shall hold us harmless from any kind of
claim, cost, expense, or liability arising out of your investigation and/or purchase
of an investment/property. This e-mail (including any attachments) is protected by
the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. §§2510-2521 and contains
information which is confidential and legally privileged. The information is intended
only for the use of the individual or entity named on this E-mail. If you are not the
intended recipient, you are hereby notified that disclosing, copying, distributing, or
taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited,
and that the E-mail should be returned to this company immediately. The date(s),
number(s), and time(s) should not be relied on due to they are only estimates and
are subject to change without notice. If you have received this E-mail in error, please
contact the sender immediately.

Joseph P. Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Business and Personal Lines of Credit $500,000 to $14,800,000, Large Project Funding $20,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Articles In The News Money Available Preparation S.B.A Loans

Pre-Qualification List For SBA Loan Consideration

Following is the new & improved Pre-Qualification list for SBA loan consideration.  These are the items which the SBA lenders need to see in order to qualify a loan:

  1. Project Overview.

    1. Who are the borrowers?

    2. What type of business?

    3. Who are the owners?

    4. What do you need financing for, how much money do you need, how will it be used?  Specify project costs (example:  purchase real estate $500K, renovation $200K, purchase equipment $300K, refinance business debt $150K, marketing and soft costs $30K, etc)

    5. How much do you plan to put down on the deal?

  1. Business tax returns.  Last 3 fiscal years from applicant business and selling business.  Complete copies, including all schedules, statements, K1s.  If they are not available immediately we can take year-end financial statements for the last 3 years.  Statements include Profit & Loss (Income) and Balance Sheet.

  2. Personal Financial Statement.  Dated within 60 days.  Each owner to complete their own, jointly with their spouse if married.  Must be signed by owner and spouse in BLUE INK.  Form attached.

  3. Resume of owners.  This is especially important if the business is start-up or a business acquisition.

  4. Credit Report.  Pulled anytime within the last 60 days.  If you pull your own credit it won’t hit your score.