Articles In The News International Trade Finance Large Projects Money Available Private Placement Programs Referral Partners Trade Programs

Fact or Lie?


Fact-To do a real PIO buy/sell trade is when a client signs a direct bank contract on bank letterhead or bank verifiable contract with the program bank.

Fact-When signing a contract with a platform, you are not doing a trade. You are doing a contract with a corporation on their letterhead because you are not in a trade, You are in a contract and your name and information is not with the bank, but with who ever you signed this so called contract.

FACT- Sorry, but 99% of these people who claim to be able to do PPP, are not able to perform and their due diligence is not with the program bank, which means, it is useless, as you are not in a bank trade.

FACT- 99% of the people who say they can do a PPP with the banks in Europe, have never spoken to a real trader and are only speaking to a  Platform of brokers that say they are traders, as the internet is full of these types of non-performers.

FACT- Only certain Western European Banks have been appointed as buy/sell Program Banks.

FACT- There are not many traders with the bank clearance level to do these programs direct from the bank and if you are not working with one of these traders, then it will explain why your trade with your platform did not get done.

FACT-U.S Traders do not know or understand how High Yield European PPP trades are done, as they do not have the clearance with these program banks, though the traders, might have dealings with European banks. It is not the same thing as doing a Closed market PPP in Europe.

FACT-Private placement programs with the banks in Western Europe are ZERO RISK and are 100% guaranteed, as the clients contract is with the program bank and not some platforms contract, which the Program Bank has nothing to do with.

Joe Tufo
WhatsApp: jptufo
Email: or
Phone: 1-925-352-6000 Cell/Text 1-800-669-2700 Office

This is with a Real European Closed Market Private Placement Program Bank Trader with the Clearance to Top Banks in EUROPE.

Articles for Publication In The News Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Trade Programs

Get Rich When the Money Moves

I’ll be in Escondido – Southern CA the week of May 27th if you’re located nearby come and meet me face-to-face.



Get Rich When the Money Moves
By Joe Tufo

Recessions, depressions, and bear markets are a natural part of human existence.

They have been happening since the dawn of man and I don’t think they are going away.

But, that does not mean you have to lose your shirt or face major financial disaster because of them.

Yes – most people do lose money when these tough times hit… but not everyone does.

In fact, some people become wildly wealthy.

The Great Wealth Transfer

Do you know the name J. Paul Getty? He was a relatively poor man in 1925… and just 10 years later… in 1935, he was one of the wealthiest oil tycoons in the world. And, just to make sure you have the dates right, that was in the heart of the Great Depression… a period I also call the Great Wealth Transfer.

The Edison Electric Illuminating Company (today known as Con Ed) is another that thrived during the Great Depression. Not only did they survive the Great Depression, but they have thrived during all subsequent recessions. And so have their shareholders.

Today they do more than $14 billion in business. Between 2008 and 2010, as global markets were crumbling, their top executives got a handsome pay raise of 82%… with some now making over $14.3 million in salaries (bonuses are extra… thank you very much!).

I could give you stats on tens of thousands of people just like you and me who have become very rich during depressions, recessions, and bear markets.

The reason for this is that money – or rather, I should say “wealth” – is never really destroyed.

It simply transfers.

It moves from one group of people to another. Usually from the masses to a minority group of “in the know” people.

Those that know where the wealth is going, have the power and ability to position themselves to scoop up the money as it moves. They get rich when the money moves.

Those that don’t, fall victim to social, economic, and political cycles that force the massive movement of money in our world.

At the Brink of Financial Chaos

I think you know – or at least sense – that we are on the brink of financial chaos in our world today.

The United States of America is so far in debt that if debt was a pile of manure, you’d need a Category 5 tornado to wipe it out. Storm Chasers lovingly call this kind of tornado “The Hand of God” and I think that is just about what it will take to get us out of this mess.

If political lies and financial troubles were holes, than the European Union is like a piece of Swiss cheese the size of Africa. They can only patch and pacify so often.

And Asia? They’re the golden boys right now… right? I mean, communism and sweatshops have finally figured out the magic formula for financial growth and prosperity for the masses… right?

Ummm… if you believe that, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. I know a man that is an executive financial analyst in Singapore. His insider connections tell him that China and the rest of Asia has a day of reckoning coming that will rock the world. Two-thirds of the world can only be manipulated and lied to for so long before they wise up.

Most of South and Central America have never been financially stable with their overabundance of drug lords and corrupt dictators, so we won’t even bother factoring them into the equation.

My point is this… the world’s financial foundation is unraveling. I am not going to make any kind of specific predictions about when and how big the mess is going to be… but I’m going to safely assume the money transfer is going to be one of… if not THE… biggest in history.

It’s Time to Move to Higher Ground

Okay – so we all get it… the money is going to move and a lot of people are going to get hurt… and a few are going to become wildly wealthy.

I can’t stop the tidal wave, but I can move to higher ground.

And so can you.

On higher ground, you are not only safe, but you can dip your bucket in the water as it rushes past. Wise people do that and that is why they get rich when the money moves.

So, how do you do that? How are you going to move to higher ground and protect yourself and your family?

To tell you the truth… I’m not sure how YOU are going to do it.

I have a plan that I think is pretty solid for ME and MY family.

But YOU?

I’m just not sure.

A Personalized Path for Safety and Riches

Here’s the deal…

I don’t pretend to know you personally. I don’t know how many pets you have, what magazines you read, or what you had for breakfast.

Spying on you and micromanaging your life is Big Brother’s job, not mine. (Plus, the government hates competition.)

But, I don’t have to know all of that stuff to know that you are concerned about the economy.

I’m sure you’d love to get rich when the money moves.

I know for a fact that you want to make sure that you and your family are safe and financially secure when the real problems erupt… right?

Here’s the good news… To move to higher ground, you actually have a LOT of options.

Personally, I’m good at writing, coaching, speaking, and growing businesses. So, my higher-ground survival plan makes use of these skills and abilities.

But there are other ways. A lot of them. And I’m sure one is JUST right for you.

For example, here are just a few ways that people have gotten rich and stayed safe during depressions, recessions, and bear markets…

  1. Real Estate
  2. Venture Capital Investments
  3. Stock Market Investing
  4. Commodities
  5. Retail
  6. Information Products
  7. Consumer Goods
  8. Collectibles
  9. Entertainment
  10. Gold and Silver
  11. Small Business Ownership
  12. Consulting
  13. Freelancing

I could go on, but you see my point.

There is no “one size fits all” solution for moving to higher ground. The ways and means of doing it are as vast and varied as human beings.

Because of this, I’m taking on a new mission.

A New Mission to Help Move YOU to Higher Ground

Starting today, I’m on a mission to help YOU move to higher ground. YOUR move to higher ground will be custom-tailored to you so you can do it as quickly, safely, and joyfully as possible.

My mission is going to directly and deeply impact you. I also believe it will make you a lot of money, because I’m going to expose you to some of the most powerful ways to get rich when the money moves.

In the coming weeks, you will hear more about this…

But for now, just know that as part of that mission, I’m going to share with you a number of powerful systems, strategies, and business ideas that will allow you to move to higher ground and capture the money as it flows.

If you already have a business… we are going to recession-proof it. We’ll make sure you’re safe.

If you are still stuck in a day job, I’ll give you two options… be safe in place (i.e., keep the job and add protective, wealth-building measures)… or hit the eject button and start your own enterprise that will withstand the torrent.

There is a whole new world of riches out there just waiting for YOU. You just need to scoop it up. You’ve already heard of many of the collection buckets, but just don’t know how to use them. I’ll show you.

Other collection buckets will be new and unknown to you. Not to worry, I’ll give you full details and you can see for yourself if this could be YOUR way to get rich when the money moves.

Are you ready to move to higher ground?

I think it’s time. So let’s begin…

As The Economy Falls, This Can Make You Rich

To get you started, I’ve found a way for you to start a very profitable business offshore for as little as $5,000. This idea will offer you asset protection, wealth accumulation, and tax savings: of course the more you place the more dramatic the results.

If you are interested visit and register. Use my name, Joe Tufo, and my agent code ACJT2565CAUS. In a few days we’ll send you a user name and password. You’ll be able to access dozens of timely articles and hundreds of pages of useful information.

You’ll also be qualified to attend a live webinar that I host every Wednesday at 4PM Eastern. This webinar will inform, educate, and exhort you to make the moves that will transform your life, increase your wealth, protect your family and bless future generations.

Register today. It will only take a few minutes.

As always you can reach me 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific at 925-522-0700.

Here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Joe Tufo
GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland,New Zealand
Panama City,Republic of Panama
925-352-6000 Cell
Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Skype: jptufo
Available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific
Visit to see gold, 
and other commodities to buy/sell.

Tuesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call GFC Agents Training
Wednesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call Registered Clients


Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct
Skype:  jptufo
Referral Key: 

Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS

Private Client Services $100k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Onshore and Offshore Financial Planning, and Business Consulting 

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer


In The News Preparation Private Placement Programs Testimonials

How To Legally “Free” Your IRA And Invest The Money Wherever You Choose.

I am a firm believer that the ultra-rich and the middle class are playing by two different sets of rules.
The rich have their “black box” investment strategies that can earn 13%, 27% or even 100%+ returns each year.

And the middle class are told to invest in IRAs and 401ks.

That’s why we get so excited when we help our clients and friends start investing like the wealthy do.

One way to do that is by setting your IRA “free” from its prison, so to speak.

Most people don’t have control of the funds in their IRA. And that means they’re often invested in stocks and bonds – the riskiest investments to hold right now. Especially since we predict the next economic crash to come from a bonds bubble.

But if you gain control of your IRA, you can invest the funds in gold & silver, real estate, structured settlements, currency exchanges and more.

We don’t give specific financial advice, but we believe this is a much better place to be.

And that’s why we’re thrilled whenever we get feedback like THIS…

I joined met Joe in November 2011. From then on, my life changed.

Joe showed me how to create a self-directed IRA/LLC and my savings are now free from institutional controls. I converted my traditional IRA to a Roth so that future yields will be tax free. Wow!!!

I can now invest in hard assets — financial instruments that were denied me in the past. I am responsible for my future success, and that is the way it should be.

Allowing an outsider to invest your money is a bad idea. Money managers of large institutional funds do not have a good reputation. They get paid huge salaries whether or not they produce results and, on average, most of them fail.

The owner is the only person who cares enough about the success of his investments. So we must learn to face the challenge! It could be a lot of fun!

~ Claudette T.

So not only is Claudette’s IRA free from financial prison so she can invest wherever she wants… but her future returns are also tax free!

This is just one example of how understanding the rules… like the ultra-rich do… can change your life forever.

If you’d like to legally “free” your IRA to invest in gold & silver, real estate, structured settlements and more, then its time to get plugged in to our weekly Wednesday webinars at 4PM Eastern.

Register for website access. and enter agent Joe Tufo and Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Joe Tufo
GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland,New Zealand
Panama City,Republic of Panama
925-352-6000 Cell
Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Skype: jptufo
Available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific

Tuesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call GFC Agents Training
Wednesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call Registered Clients

Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Film Funding In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Trade Programs

Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324

Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324


Facts on Project Funding:

If you have a viable project that needs funding we can help you.

Underwriting Qualifications:


1. $2,000,000.00 (USD) and up.

2. Documents required:

• Business Plan

• Capital Expenditure Budget

• Executive Summary

• Last three (3) years of financial statements

• Incorporation Documents

• Corporate Structure Outlined

• Passports of all officers and directors

• All documents must be submitted to the underwriting department at Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS Joe Tufo/CFSI



Here are some other ideas for you:


Traditional Funding sources are “cherry picking” their deals and fewer than 10 in 1,000 are being accepted today.

Consider alternative funding sources and self-fund your viable projects and ideas.



Please attend our Mond

ay 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. 
We are fully 

transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.



Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
As a registered offshore financial company The Global Financial Center (GFC) provides banking services to sophisticated offshore entities including Trusts, Foundations and International Business Corporations (I.B.C.).
The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) has outlined “know your client” rules that The GFC must adhere to, to maintain good standing with the New Zealand securities commission and with the international financial community.
The GFC does not take citizens of sovereign countries as its clients. Those citizens need to acquire an I.B.C. and/or a Trust and/or a Foundation in order to use the services.
The GFC can assist individual citizens to acquire and setup their offshore structures so they may access the incredible opportunities provided.
These structures may then setup a savings account which a debit/visa will be issued to the signatory to access money on a 24/7/365 day per year basis. Once this is done the client may then allocate their money towards the various investment opportunities available through The GFC and its partners.


Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month

We have programs that pay 15% a month AU Peru for 12 months and 20% a month Lloyd’s insurance wrap for 10 months.

These programs are ideal for sophisticated, accredited investors.

Register to access more information:


Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS





As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.


Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct
Skype:  jptufo
Please attend our Mond

ay 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. 
We are fully 

transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.
Private Client Services $100k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Onshore and Offshore Financial Planning, and Business Consulting 

Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer       
Joe Tufo
GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland,New Zealand
Panama City,Republic of Panama
925-352-6000 Cell
Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Skype: jptufo
Available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific

Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference call Global Financial Center
Please attend our Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.
Tuesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call GFC Agents Training
Wednesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call Registered Clients
Film Funding In The News Large Projects Money Available Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Trade Programs

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 20120317

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 20120317

The Good:

Our Global Financial Center Products and Services are doing well for our Clients and Agents.

Clients and agents are placing funds and receiving 5% on passbook savings annually, up to 7.5% a year on CD’s: they are placing funds in mutual funds, hedge funds, are historically earning 20% a month for 10 months in our Lloyd’s Bank trade that has an insurance wrap with Lloyd’s of London Insurance (minimum $105,000), are historically earning 15% a month for 12 months on our gold buy/sell (minimum $105,000).

Clients and Agents have access to dozens of products and services geared to capital preservation, evergreen gifting ideas, proven methods of saving money on taxes, obtain commercial loans, onshore and offshore financial planning and dozens of great ideas.

To learn more register here:

Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
I host a weekly webinar for clients and prospective clients:
Meeting Details for

“Global Financial Center Limited Client Introduction”

Monday, March 19, 4:00 PM (Start Now

Audience Log-in URL: (Invite More People)
Send this log-in URL to your attendees through e-mail or post it on your website
Registration Form URL:
Send this registration link to your attendees through e-mail or post it on your website to allow for quick access to registration.
This meeting is part of a series. This meeting recurs every 1 week(s) on Monday from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) starting on 3/5/2012 and never ending. Attendees will choose which meeting they want to attend.
I host a weekly webinar for agents:
Meeting Details for “The Global Financial Center Limited Registered Agent Training”
Tuesday, March 20, 4:00 PM
Audience Log-in URL: (Invite More People)
Send this log-in URL to your attendees through e-mail or post it on your website
Registration Form URL:
Send this registration link to your attendees through e-mail or post it on your website to allow for quick access to registration.
This meeting is part of a series. This meeting recurs every 1 week(s) on Tuesday from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) starting on 3/6/2012 and ending on 3/5/2013. Attendees must register for the entire series at once.
March 22, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 12: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL- $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More

March 29, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 13: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL- $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More 

The Bad:

I had to report a businessman to Rip-Off Report. I tried to collect the money he owed me for nine months.

The Ugly:

Don’t you hate it when people don’t do what they promise?

I’m here for you and those whom you choose to refer, M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific. Saturday’s are for research, writing articles, preparing for the two webinars and weekly Wednesday Conference Call, meeting with Clients and Agents. Sunday is for Church, Sunday School, family and rest.








Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct

Purchase MP3’s Previous Calls:
Referral Key: 

Skype:  jptufo
Please attend our Wednesday Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully
transparent and real.
March 22, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 12: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL- $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More

March 29, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 13: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL- $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES, Project Funding, and More 

Private Client Services $100k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Financial Planning, and Business Consulting
For access to information on raising capital for your business visit:

Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS


Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer


Factoring Preparation

We’re The One’s That You Call When The Bank Says NO!!!

We’re the ones that you call when the Bank says NO!!!

We have a niche-funding product for manufacturers who need growth capital.

We provide alternative-funding products such as asset based lending, factoring, accounts receivable funding, purchase order financing, business notes, Hard Money and other cash flow needs for business.

In business since July 1, 1999 we have served hundreds and hundreds of businesses. Remember that funding is 85% presentation and 15% appetite of the funding source at that point in time that you submit your application. You are pitching a story to an investment banker who has a short attention span.

If you study financing on a financial spectrum you’ll find banks on one end with their restrictive terms, covenants, and guarantees: on the other end you’ll find the vulture, whoops!, excuse me, the venture capitalists – equity capital is the most expensive option, that is assuming that the business owner is able to attract a private investor. Businesses never stop paying for equity capital. Furthermore, business owners may encounter untimely demands for repayment, as well as unwelcome or meddlesome equity partners.

Positioned firmly in the center of this continuum are Joe Tufo and Cash Flow Specialists. We can be more flexible, oftentimes overlooking derogatory credit, length of time in business, without income or employment verification. Ownership buyouts and dilution are not an issue.

Some clients choose to pay us 1% to 6% equity to maintain an ongoing business relationship.

To get started we will look at an Executive Summary of two to four pages in length using our template and we will offer one-15 minute interview at no charge.

If you and we decide to move forward we charge a fully earned, non-refundable 1% commitment consultation fee $2,500 minimum, $25,000 maximum per project capped at $100,000 per client (four of more projects) for six months of mentoring and coaching. Funds may be direct deposited or wired to our Bank of America account.

This came in Friday January 22, 2009:
Hello Rose!

See information below.  Joe Tufo is very seasoned in funding projects.  Give him a call and let me know if he is able to assist you

Best regards,
Nancy Fritz

Nancy is a licensed business broker and licensed Realtor in NV.

Rose called me today, February 2nd, and needs $12m.