Film Funding In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Trade Programs

CFSI Menu of Products & Services, Wednesday Webinar, Want To Hear Chris Again?

60 attended Wednesday’s Webinar featuring my friend, Chris M., who has been helping business people fund projects globally since 2004 and helping investors grow wealth exponentially.

Many missed out because of scheduling conflicts. If you’d like to hear Chris M tell how he’s helped many become centi-millionaires and several become billionaires send me an email to with the single most important question you’d like to ask Chris and I’ll aggregate the questions and intercede for you.


Serving you since July 1, 1999. Project Funding $1m to $10b+, Managed Buy/Sell, Trade Programs $100k to $5b, Instrument Monetization, and more. 

Best time to reach me: 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific: if you get voice mail leave a message with the best times to reach you, I’m probably helping someone else. 

I do a live webinar/call Wednesday at 4PM Eastern. I give an overview on each product and service. Calls run 60 to 90 minutes depending on audience Q&A and content to share.

Meeting Details for “CFSI/Joe Tufo Weekly Wednesday Webinar Offshore Asset Protection, Offshore Investments, Project Funding, and More” 

Wednesday, May 15, 4:00 PM 


Audience Log-in URL: 

Send this log-in URL to your guests through e-mail or post it on your website


Registration Form URL:

Send this registration link to your guests through e-mail or post it on your website to allow for quick access to registration.


Survey URL:

We do Instrument Monetization. The smallest instrument we will monetize is $50M. For high rated Banks will do 60% to 80% LTV. For weaker Banks will do 20% to 60% LTV. The term or block is normally only 45 to 60 days. Being non recourse this is very attractive as the client can repeat the process. Higher rated banks can do Admin Hold, weaker Banks must do mt760. We will take BG, SBLC, MTN, CD, and CASH. We will need a CIS, Passport, and Bank Statement. Once received, the Client will be on the phone with our principal within 2 to 3 hours. (Carl)


We do Project Funding/Financing. Normally the client needs from $200K to $10m+ in cash depending on the funding source participation. We will need the Clients CIS, Passport, Bank Statement, and Project Summary. Once received, your principal will be on the phone with our principal within one to two business days. Our Principal will work with what the client has depending on the size of the project.  All questions will be answered then. This is private money and the principal can be very flexible. I cannot set an appointment without the necessary paperwork. (Carl, Steve, Chris, Vince, Mike)


Vince has a special program beginning at $1.5m EUR that can fund any viable project, any size, almost anywhere in the world. This requires three to five days face-to-face in Sacramento CA at an investment of approx. $2,000 per person (you will receive a refund at the first tranche). I will block time and together: you, your advisors, Vince and his team, and me will go over all the contracts line by line, we will go over the procedures step-by-step. You will learn the math and you will create your own spreadsheets. You will meet the trader and your application will be processed while you visit. You will be into trade upon departing Sacramento if you submit a complete package. You will understand the program completely and you will become Our Client For Life. 

We have access to commodities: gold, fuel, sugar, precious metals, precious stones, rare earth, edible, non-edible and others. (Steve)

We have access to instruments. (Greg, Steve, Chris)

We can do Currency Exchange. (Steve)

We have a CD Program with a top European Bank that pays 3% a month at $100,000 or more. You must proof $1,000,000 or more in the bank to qualify. (Chris)

Offshore Services: IBC, Trusts, Foundations, 2nd Residency, 2nd Passport, 2nd Citizenships, Diplomatic Passports, Portfolio Management (Mike)


Lastly, we do tailings and concentrate from gold mines. We process through our plant in Las Vegas. We write a contract after analysis and send our trucks to pick up the tailings. We can then sell the bars or give a 150% net loan against the bullion if stored in our Bank. We prefer mines in the Western US.  (Carl)   

CFSI and our sources:

Asset Management (Steve, Chris)

Wealth Management (Steve, Chris)

SWIFT, Trade Finance (Steve, Anthony)

Managed Buy Sell (Chris, Steve)

Project Funding (Chris, Vince, Steve, Mike, Carl)

Joe Tufo has sent you a message in regards to the following meeting 

CFSI/Joe Tufo Weekly Wednesday Webinar Offshore Asset Protection, Offshore Investments, Project Funding, and More

Wednesday, May 08, 2013 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM Eastern Time

Personal message from Joe Tufo

Chris was the featured speaker yesterday on our Weekly Wednesday Webinar. 36 attended by computer and 24 by phone. The program went strong for 90 minutes. All questions were answered. Several submitted applications afterwards. If you are interested in our programs from $100k to $5b+, building wealth or funding a project from $1m to $50b+ you need to contact me by phone or text at 925-352-6000 or email me at Call or write for an invitation to a future meeting. We hold them every Wednesday at 4PM Eastern. If you’d like to attend a future webinar with Chris let me know that too. Thank you.


Joseph P. Tufo

925-522-0700 Direct
Skype:  jptufo
Referral Key: 


Offshore Private Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS

Private Client Services $100k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Offshore Financial Planning, and Business Consulting 

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 


Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer



Film Funding In The News International Trade Finance Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Trade Programs

100% Project Funding Available $2m+ (financial district)

100% Project Funding Available $2m+ (financial district)


Conventional Commercial Loan vs. GFC 10/100 Commercial Loan

Conventional Commercial Loan:
1. 30 to 40% down payment to the lending bank. 2. Recourse to the borrower via personal guarantees. 3. Generally require minimum three years financials. 4. Debt to servicing ratio no more than 40% of gross income. 5. Debt to equity ratio of no more than 0.5:1. 6. Restricted by jurisdiction. 7. Come under Bank Act lending policies.

GFC 10/100 Commercial Loan:
1. 10% cash reserve/equity requirement by borrower. 2. Non-recourse to borrower as no personal guarantee is required. 3. Require three years financial statements. 4. Debt to servicing ratio no more than 40% of gross income. 5. Debt to equity ratio of no more than 0.5:1. 6. Not restricted by jurisdiction. 7. Do not come under any bank act or lending policies other than ones that are self-imposed.

Borrower has a savings account setup with the GFC. Debit/Visa cards are issued and loan proceeds will be deposited to this account.
Asset to Purchase
Deposits 10% of loan request into account with the GFC.
Borrower’s bank account with GFC. The borrower draws on the loan as per an approved capital expenditure budget to purchase the asset..

To see if you qualify visit and enter agent code ACJT2565CAUS and my name Joe Tufo. It will take three banking days to have you vetted. You will then be provided a user name and password and be able to access the loan application and upload your documents to our military grade encryption website. Underwriting generally takes three to four weeks. Average funding is 120 days. The fastest we have funded anyone is 60 days and the longest 180 days. We move at the speed of the client.

We are a private merchant bank and offshore trust serving hundreds of clients worldwide.

We host live weekly webinars for vetted agents and clients and host bi-monthly dinners in San Francisco for accredited sophisticated investors. Our next dinner is March 26th. 26 have RSVP’d. We have room for 50.

Joe Tufo, GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
925-352-6000 Cell and Text
925-522-0700 Office
Available 7AM to 5PM Pacific M-F


Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Film Funding In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Preparation Real Estate Projects

10/100 Commercial Loan and Project Funding $2m to $1b+

At one time you asked me about commercial loans and/or project funding.
You are welcome to register on our website and enter Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS 
We will vet you in two to three business days and provide a user name and password. You can enter our website with your user name and password and open a savings account of $5,000 or more. We will issue VISA and MasterCard Debit cards for you. You will also need to open an International Business Corporation (IBC). The cost is $1,750 in Panama where most clients establish their offshore businesses.
You can then upload your information to our bank encrypted 256bit software and preserve your ideas and identity.
It takes about two to three weeks for underwriting approval and about 90 days to fund. The fastest anyone has been funded is 60 days and the longest has been 180 days. We have had good success with this program having funded dozens for hundreds of millions of dollars.
Are you our next success story?

 10/100 Commercial Loan and Project Funding:

  • Before any loans or project funding will be considered the borrower must apply for the loan or project funding via the applications found under the Banking/Loans/Application tabs.
  • No conference calls will be entertained until a representative of the borrower ie: CEO, CFO, President, Managing Director or COO has registered and applied.
  • Once an application has been submitted and due diligence has been done on the applicant and individual then a conference call can be entered into.
  • After the conference call all due diligence information as outlined in the Application tab must be uploaded for further consideration.
  • A pre-approval will not be issued without all of the above being submitted and followed.
  • The borrower must provide proof of funds and move the money into a third party escrow agent.
  • Once the underwriting department has finished with all of the due diligence on the Borrower, Officer and/or Director then and only then will it be submitted to the Due Diligence committee for review.
  • If the applicant is accepted only at that time will a Pre-Approval letter be issued.
  • The pre-approval letter will have all the terms and conditions outlined within it.
  • Once all subject-to’s within the pre-approval are addressed then the third party escrow agent will be directed to wire the 10% reserve deposit to the GFC.
  • In the event it is a Project Funding request all of the above will need to be followed however the client does not need to use an escrow agent or deposit a 10% reserve amount.
  • Once all requirements are adhered to and a pre-approval letter is issued and authorized by the borrower then the loan documents will be issued and entered into.

*Please note the GFC will not fund raw land unless there are third party assets to collateralize or monetize.

**The GFC will not fund in ground assets.

*** Assets acceptable for project funding:

  • Financial instruments B rating or better
  • Precious metals above ground 95% purity or better (SKR)
  • Precious stones gem quality or better (SKR)
  • Real Estate $10 million or more
  • Corporate stock trading on an exchange; price value $1 or more 6 month average and daily trading volume of 50,000 shares per day 6 month average.

Due Diligence List


Please upload the following information inorder for your application to be processed:

1.) Incorporation documents

2.) Officer and Director list with color copy of passports, addresses, phone numbers

3.) Asset and liability list

4.) 3 years financial statements

5.) Banking information – accounts, type, bank name, phone number, bank representative

6.) If factoring please provide the name and address of factoring company and contact

7.) Documents of all assets

8.) Documents of all liabilities

9.) Shareholders list and copies of all shares issued

10.) Contracts for sale or purchase list and documents

11.) Legal firm representing company

12.) Accounting firm representing company

13.) Business Plan

14.) Capital Expenditure Budget

15.) Application for an International Business Corporation submitted

16.) Copy of investment portfolio

17.) Documents on any and all subsidiaries (the same as all of the above)

18.) Copy of any patents pending

19.) Copy of any licenses required to conduct business

20.) Copy of any pending legal issues (lawsuits in process)


Joe Tufo
GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland,New Zealand
Panama City,Republic of Panama
925-352-6000 Cell
Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Skype: jptufo
Available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific

Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference call Global Financial Center
Please attend our Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.
Tuesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call GFC Agents Training
Wednesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call Registered Clients
Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Film Funding In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Trade Programs

Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324

Facts on Project Funding, Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month and More Lessons Learned 20120324


Facts on Project Funding:

If you have a viable project that needs funding we can help you.

Underwriting Qualifications:


1. $2,000,000.00 (USD) and up.

2. Documents required:

• Business Plan

• Capital Expenditure Budget

• Executive Summary

• Last three (3) years of financial statements

• Incorporation Documents

• Corporate Structure Outlined

• Passports of all officers and directors

• All documents must be submitted to the underwriting department at Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS Joe Tufo/CFSI



Here are some other ideas for you:


Traditional Funding sources are “cherry picking” their deals and fewer than 10 in 1,000 are being accepted today.

Consider alternative funding sources and self-fund your viable projects and ideas.



Please attend our Mond

ay 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. 
We are fully 

transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.



Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
As a registered offshore financial company The Global Financial Center (GFC) provides banking services to sophisticated offshore entities including Trusts, Foundations and International Business Corporations (I.B.C.).
The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) has outlined “know your client” rules that The GFC must adhere to, to maintain good standing with the New Zealand securities commission and with the international financial community.
The GFC does not take citizens of sovereign countries as its clients. Those citizens need to acquire an I.B.C. and/or a Trust and/or a Foundation in order to use the services.
The GFC can assist individual citizens to acquire and setup their offshore structures so they may access the incredible opportunities provided.
These structures may then setup a savings account which a debit/visa will be issued to the signatory to access money on a 24/7/365 day per year basis. Once this is done the client may then allocate their money towards the various investment opportunities available through The GFC and its partners.


Exempt Programs 15% to 20% a Month

We have programs that pay 15% a month AU Peru for 12 months and 20% a month Lloyd’s insurance wrap for 10 months.

These programs are ideal for sophisticated, accredited investors.

Register to access more information:


Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS





As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.


Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct
Skype:  jptufo
Please attend our Mond

ay 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. 
We are fully 

transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.
Private Client Services $100k to $100m+, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, Onshore and Offshore Financial Planning, and Business Consulting 

Offshore Private Merchant Banking, Asset Protection, Commercial Loans and more visit and sign up as a Client and/or Agent: Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 
Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer       
Joe Tufo
GFC Sales and Marketing Manager
Auckland,New Zealand
Panama City,Republic of Panama
925-352-6000 Cell
Agent Code ACJT2565CAUS
Skype: jptufo
Available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific

Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference call Global Financial Center
Please attend our Monday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully transparent and real.
Registration Form URL:
For quick access to registration.
Tuesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call GFC Agents Training
Wednesday 4PM Eastern Weekly Conference Call Registered Clients
Asset Monetization In The News Large Projects Money Available Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Trade Programs




I’ve released 10.8 pounds or 5.43% of my body weight since Super Bowl Sunday. 

I didn’t think that was possible!

My investment was $326.00. I believe that I will release 25 to 35 pounds in 30 days and reset my metabolism. 

If you are interested in learning more write me at or call me at 925-352-6000.



12,000,000 Americans that are now underwater. This is from Dr. Housing Bubble.negative-equity



We had dozens of guests plus three existing clients of our Managed Buy/Sell Program attend last Wednesday’s Weekly Conference Call.

Purchase MP3’s Previous Calls:

The three clients are each in the process of obtaining additional contracts.



Who wouldn’t want to earn 10% a month on their investments?

Most of our clients place $1,000,000* or more and earn 10% a month or $100,000 a month.

There’s a nominal fee to the attorney paymaster of .5% plus a $25 wire fee. On $100,000 that $525 so they net $99,475.

Not bad!


Please attend our Wednesday Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully 

transparent and real.

February 15, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 7: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES,  Project Funding, and More 


* We accept applications from $100,000 or more on a case-by-case basis. Most place $1,000,000 or more.



1. The Gold Futures Program that I wrote about in October 2011 is closed to new busines. It paid 4% a month ($50,000) to 10% a month ($1,000,000+).

2. The REO Program that I began writing about two years ago takes about 90 days to aggregate properties and then pays about 9% quarterly so if you submit funds your first payment is in about six months. 

3. FOREX – As Dale and I stated in our FOREX book a few years ago: “FOREX is not for the faint of heart.”

If your idea of a good time is to take five to six figures to Las Vegas (Lost Wages) for the weekend and coming home with pennies in your pocket or a chance for a windfall then you may be able to earn 4% to 20% a month (more or less) with our European FOREX Trader.

The minimum account size is $500,000. They will consider a trial trade of $100,000 if you commit to $500,000 within six months.

You have 24/7 access to your account and can add to or subtract from the account. There’s a capital preservation limit of 90% which means that if the Trader loses 10% of your capital all trading stops.

He claims he wins 71% of the time. I have his proof.

At 61, FOREX carries more risk that I’m willing to absorb but it is available.




Thanks to the referral of Serge from Patrick Wxxxx of London England we have our first client signed, sealed, and delivered in LEAP.

Serge will receive $10,000,000 in four to six weeks for his wind farm in Lithuania.

Serge submitted the signed LOI Thursday February 9, 2012.

We have several reliable, trustworthy funding sources available if you have a viable project and some working capital (preferably 10%).


Please note that I’ll be editing the article. We are no longer offering Ali’s Bridge Loan Program. We replaced it with an offshore program that gets LOI’s in two to four weeks and funds in 90 days. Rates are LIBOR+1 to LIBOR +8 depending on risk assessment.

Read about the program here:



There are dozens of articles on our websites. here’s one:


I’m doing an evening devotional from this posting with my two youngest children. I placed this on the website a few years ago. Some of you have made positive comments about this:


I appreciate you. Thank you for reading my newsletters and articles.

May God bless you exceedingly, abundantly above whatever you may think or ask.

As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.




Joseph P. Tufo, President

925-522-0700 Direct

Purchase MP3’s Previous  Calls:
Referral Key: 

Skype:  jptufo
Please attend our Wednesday Weekly Conference Calls. We are fully 

transparent and real.

February 15, 2012 Wednesday Weekly Conference Call 4PM EST Week 7: PRIVATE MANAGED BUY/SELL– $500K TO $50M GOLD COMMODITIES,  Project Funding, and More 

Private Client Services $100k to $100m, Project Funding, Asset Monetization, and Business Consulting 

For access to information on raising capital for your business visit:

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation. 

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer