Asset Monetization In The News Money Available Preparation Private Placement Programs Testimonials Trade Programs



We’ve had a number of people come forward with items they’d like to monetize and place into trade to fund projects in the past year.

Since three contacted me in the past week I thought this may be of help to you too.


Get as much as possible as to all that applies.

Can monetize up to 90%LTV Debt/Loan


The $ can then be placed into My Trade Platforms.

Send at the same time, do not piece mail.

Approvals Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Bank Instruments Collateral Instruments Credit Enhancement In The News Large Projects Money Available Preparation Private Placement Programs Proof of Funds Real Estate Projects Referral Partners Testimonials Trade Programs

Merry Christmas! Joe’s Slip & Fall, POF, Trade Programs and More!

Merry Christmas!

As always I am here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer for Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing Products and Services.


I have a membership at Jellyfish Spa in Danville CA. You may want to check to see if a spa in your area

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Articles In The News Large Projects Money Available Private Placement Programs Testimonials Trade Programs

Merry Christmas! Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing

Merry Christmas!

As always I am here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer for Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing Products and Services.

You may have seen this a while back but I thought it was worth revisiting:

This is about as clear and easy to understand as it can be – please read it!

The article below is completely neutral, …not anti republican or democrat.

Charlie Reese, a retired reporter for the Orlando Sentinel has hit the nail directly on the head, defining clearly who it is that in the final analysis must assume responsibility for the judgments made that impact each one of us every day.

It’s a short but good read. Worth the time. Worth remembering!

545 vs. 300,000,000


Charley Reese has been a journalist for 49 years.

545 PEOPLE–By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them..

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don’t propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don’t have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of Representatives does.

You and I don’t write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don’t set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don’t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices equates to 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing. I don’t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator’s responsibility to determine how he votes.

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits…. . The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? Nancy Pelosi. She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace

545 people who stand convicted — by present facts — of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can’t think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it’s because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it’s because they want it in the red ..

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ , it’s because they want them in IRAQ If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it’s because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like “the economy,” “inflation,” or “politics” that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power..

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees…

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of the Orlando Sentinel Newspaper.

What you do with this article now that you have read it……… Is up to you.

This might be funny if it weren’t so darned true.

Be sure to read all the way to the end:

Tax his land, Tax his bed, Tax the table, At which he’s fed.

Tax his tractor, Tax his mule, Teach him taxes Are the rule.

Tax his work, Tax his pay, He works for peanuts Anyway!

Tax his cow, Tax his goat, Tax his pants, Tax his coat.

Tax his ties, Tax his shirt, Tax his work, Tax his dirt.

Tax his tobacco, Tax his drink, Tax him if he Tries to think.

Tax his cigars, Tax his beers, If he cries Tax his tears.

Tax his car, Tax his gas, Find other ways To tax his ass.

Tax all he has Then let him know That you won’t be done Till he has no dough.

When he screams and hollers; Then tax him some more, Tax him till He’s good and sore.

Then tax his coffin, Tax his grave, Tax the sod in Which he’s laid…

Put these words Upon his tomb, Taxes drove me to my doom…’ When he’s gone, Do not relax, Its time to apply The inheritance tax..

Sales Tax

School Tax

Liquor Tax

Luxury Tax

Excise Taxes

Property Tax

Cigarette Tax

Medicare Tax

Inventory Tax

Real Estate Tax

Well Permit Tax

Fuel Permit Tax

Inheritance Tax

Road Usage Tax

CDL license Tax

Dog License Tax

State Income Tax

Food License Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Gross Receipts Tax

Social Security Tax

Service Charge Tax

Fishing License Tax

Federal Income Tax

Building Permit Tax

IRS Interest Charges

Hunting License Tax

Marriage License Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Personal Property Tax

Accounts Receivable Tax

Recreational Vehicle Tax

Workers Compensation Tax

Watercraft Registration Tax

Telephone Usage Charge Tax

Telephone Federal Excise Tax

Telephone State and Local Tax

IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)

State Unemployment Tax (SUTA)

Federal Unemployment Tax (FUTA)

Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax

Telephone Federal Universal Service fee tax

Gasoline Tax (currently 44.75 cents per gallon)

Utility Taxes Vehicle License Registration Tax

Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Taxes

Telephone Recurring and Nonrecurring Charges Tax


Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago, & our nation was the most prosperous in the world.

We had absolutely no national debt, had the largest middle class in the world, and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

What happened? Can you spell ‘politicians? ‘ I hope this goes around THE USA at least 100 times!!!

YOU can help it get there!!!


Thank You.

Please remember that we are direct to three trading groups with rates of return from 4% to 20% monthly depending on the product and your commitment.


There are two things that I have always encouraged investors to do since I began selling investments in 1979:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2.Always take the profits until you get your original investment back.

Here’s a testimony that I received from Brad December 6,2010 on one of these programs:


I want to send a quick note and let you know how satisfied I am in my dealings with CFSI/FMC.  As you know, I went into the ANY MONEY, 30-day bullet trade, with a 50% return on November 1, 2010 with a payout date of December 6, 2010.  When the initial investment and anticipated return posted to my bank account on December 2, 2010, I was more than delighted (4 days ahead of schedule).

I’m not going to lie…I was very skeptical as I contemplated entering the Private Placement Offering (PPO).  What CFSI/FMC was offering sounded too good to be true, and as the old saying goes, it usually is.  However, the intuition I had regarding this PPO didn’t agree with that sentiment, so I decided to go through compliance. After receiving my initial contract, it felt like I asked CFSI/FMC a million questions. They ended up answering all questions in a precise and timely manner, which I greatly appreciated given the tight turnaround. Even though my initial contract wasn’t for millions I still felt like I was a priority to CFSI/FMC. It’s quite refreshing knowing what I know now about the principals and what their goals are for the platform and all involved.

After the success of the first contract I decided to enter into my second contract with CFSI/FMC. It’s the 10-day bullet trade, with a 35% return that begins December 6, 2010 with a payout date of December 21, 2010. If the second contract is successful like the first contract, then I’ll probably be an CFSI/FMC client for life. Right now, I don’t foresee any reasons why that wouldn’t be the case. What’s more, the various programs offered by CFSI/FMC will allow me to grow my businesses without taking on any additional debt. I really appreciate the self-funding means they provide. I’m definitely looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with CFSI/FMC. Thanks for all your assistance in establishing this relationship.


Here are some points by an attorney for our Gold Program:

*  Should any of your investors you personally know be interested, I will then be happy to get on the phone with you and each of them and answer any and all questions they may have.  It is only after this call that I would suggest we forward our corporate overview.

*  The key is our TLI System: boring, but efficient.  As with McDonald’s restaurants, we do the same thing over and over again in the gold-exporting countries where we have permanent representatives (who are business savvy & understand local culture + Western efficiency in business): the gold never leaves our sight after we have assayed it.  This business is one of details and we always have someone next to the gold until it reaches one of our refineries with which we have accounts (our preference remains Dubai for many reasons, including business efficiency/little red tape).

*  Our TLI System is possible as TLI is vertically integrated: (1) we pick up the gold in exporting countries; (2) we handle transportation every step of the way; (3) refineries: we have made an offer to purchase a well-known gold refinery in Dubai + we were offered co-ownership in new one; (4) we are finally studying offers to acquire private banks which TLI will turn into gold-backed banks servicing our business in general.

*  While we have our own financing, we are looking at buying more gold quicker,as we have the supply for this.  In answer to your question, could we use more funding? We are not pursuing it (certainly not soliciting any of it), yet I believe any enterprise would answer positively to this for the short or long run. While this would mean less money for us in the short term, teaming up with an entity with funds would enable indeed us + this entity to purchase more gold quicker.  + the possibility of working with this entity on other sectors of joint synergies.

Frederick pays 12.5% a month on funds up to $500,000 and 20% above $500,000 for a one year term.

This came in Wednesday, December 8,2010:
” After 15 years of hearing about and talking about  trade programs I finally found a company that knew what they where doing . I entered into a trial trade program with them in Sept. 2010 and got a PAYOUT in Dec 2010 just like they said it would work.

The company has been honest , trustworthy , and best of all easy to get in touch with to answer any questions. I have not found until now someone who would give me a copy of their passport before completing any paperwork

Number One In MY Book and I am not AFRAID TO SAY IT !!!!

B R ( Ron ) VOOGEL


Ron placed his funds in our New Zealand based program that yields 4% to 12% a month gross before commissions and fees.

Three programs each a little different from the others.

Always remember:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2.Always take the profits until you get your original investment back.

For fellow Bible students Solomon said this in Ecclesiastes 11:

2Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.

As always I am here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific for Asset Management, Project Financing, and Investment Banking Services through Non-Traditional Financing Products and Services.

Joseph P. Tufo, President
Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $50,000 to $500,000,000+, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to $2 Billion, SBA Loans, Commercial Loans, Private & Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

Ask about how to self-liquidate and self-fund a project (hint: you need a minimum of 10% to 15% in cash)

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Distressed Debt Opportunities:

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

In The News Large Projects Preparation Private Placement Programs Referral Partners Testimonials Trade Programs

Learn How To Self-Fund Any Projects Or Ideas: Learn How To Self-Liquidate Debt

Learn How To Self-Fund Any Projects Or Ideas:

Learn How To Self-Liquidate Debt

I thought that this may be of interest and value and I am sharing this for educational purposes only.

In the old days of balance sheet lending you completed a loan application, submitted an appraisal or detailed use of funds, biographies, personal and business financial statements, three to six months of banks statements (all pages), a five-year pro-forma, a written exit strategy, and then waited oftentimes for 90 to 180 days or more and then had the privilege of putting 20%, 25%, 30%, 35% or more down and then lived with the rates, fees, conditions, terms, and restrictions that the lender imposed.

Today you have options.

We have one program available that allows you to self-fund or self-liquidate debt in as little as one year provided that you qualify.

You can start with as little as $50,000 in a monthly program that pays 15% a month.

One prospective client was referred from Niagra Falls NY last month. He had been trying to obtain funding of $40m with local banks for two years. He had a FICO score in the low sixes; Strike One. He had $5m in cash: Strike Two. He had no experience in hotels: Strike Three.

By placing $5m in our 30-day bullet he earns 100% the first month which means his $5m earns $5m. The second month his $10m earns 150% or $15m. The third month he places his $25m into a six-week program and grows that to $100m, more than enough to build multiple projects with no indebtedness and an opportunity to build an empire.

If you are interested in being on a call with a Trade Principal send your bank statements not more than three business days old: all pages of at least $250,000 to We are organizing monthly calls for qualified applicants.

Providing Evidence Of Proof Of Funds

Validation of funds.  This is similar to showing and verifying assets for a business or commercial venture in order to qualify for a loan.  Borrowers submit their financial statements showing their ability to service the loan….similar process

PROOF OF FUNDS- (POF)   can be a Sanitized recent Bank Statement or Tear Sheet

Proof-Of-Funds (POF)   can be a Sanitized recent Bank Statement or Tear Sheet.  (TO START WITH AS THIS IS ONLY AN INTRODUCTION)

It should not be that hard to send this as if anyone has ever wrote a check, by the time that check reaches its final destination it has gone through about six to 12 stops before it reaches its final destination.  That check has all the important banking coordinates and account information on it.  If someone has illegal intentions they could use this check.  There is nothing anyone can do with a Sanitized Bank Statement or Tear Sheet.  We are not asking for account information i.e. Sanitized   (White-out or Black-out account numbers)

All we need is a bank statement not more than three business days old, a drivers license if your are a U.S.A. Citizen and a passport if you are not. Email to either for fastest service or I receive one or two emails a day at the help@joetufo.comaddress and about 500 at If I overlook your email Skype me at jptufo or call me at 925-352-6000 (cell).

If you are a financial planner, insurance agent, CPA, accountant, attorney, business broker, business consultant, or center of influence with clientele you may participate in a call with my mentor and friend, Jim P. whom I have mentioned in our newsletters.

We are doing a business opportunity call Thursday, December 9, 2010 at 5PM Pacific, 6PM Mountain, 7PM Central, 8PM Eastern. RSVP at 925-691-8200 (my main line).

I will provide the conference call number and access code when you RSVP. If you know of others who would benefit I would like to speak with them first. As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific at 925-691-8200.

Speed Translates Into Results

Each of you should place money in the monthly program to “crack your nut” personally and “cover the burn” for your business. Trust me, you’ll sleep much better at night.

Remember $50,000 earns $7,500 a month: $100,000 earns $15,000 a month; $200,000 earns $30,000 a month, $500,000 earns $100,000 a month.

When you grow a pair of “cojones” you can join the NBA player who placed $25,000,000 in the monthly program two weeks ago and is earning $5,000,000 a month.

The two programs are as follows:

Option 1a.   $50,000 minimum from 90 days to a 5 year or best efforts contract.

A return of 15% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Option 1b.   $500,000. or more will return 20% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Principal monies will be returned at the end of your chosen contract.

Option II   $100,000. or more compounded for 1 year will bring a return of 500% at the end of the 1 year contract plus return of initial principal.

There are two things that I have always encouraged investors to do since I began selling investments in 1979:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2.Always take the profits until you get your original investment back

Here’s a testimony that I received from Brad December 6, 2010 on this program:


I want to send a quick note and let you know how satisfied I am in my dealings with FMC.  As you know, I went into the ANY MONEY, 30-day bullet trade, with a 50% return on November 1, 2010 with a payout date of December 6, 2010.  When the initial investment and anticipated return posted to my bank account on December 2, 2010, I was more than delighted (4 days ahead of schedule).

I’m not going to lie…I was very skeptical as I contemplated entering the Private Placement Offering (PPO).  What FMC was offering sounded too good to be true, and as the old saying goes, it usually is.  However, the intuition I had regarding this PPO didn’t agree with that sentiment, so I decided to go through compliance. After receiving my initial contract, it felt like I asked FMC a million questions. They ended up answering all questions in a precise and timely manner, which I greatly appreciated given the tight turnaround. Even though my initial contract wasn’t for millions I still felt like I was a priority to FMC. It’s quite refreshing knowing what I know now about the principals and what their goals are for the platform and all involved.

After the success of the first contract I decided to enter into my second contract with FMC. It’s the 10-day bullet trade, with a 35% return that begins December 6, 2010 with a payout date of December 21, 2010. If the second contract is successful like the first contract, then I’ll probably be an FMC client for life. Right now, I don’t foresee any reasons why that wouldn’t be the case. What’s more, the various programs offered by FMC will allow me to grow my businesses without taking on any additional debt. I really appreciate the self-funding means they provide. I’m definitely looking forward to a long and prosperous relationship with FMC. Thanks for all your assistance in establishing this relationship.


Here is the language in the contract that Brad accepted:

Term of Joint Venture

7 The term of this joint venture shall commence on execution of this Agreement and continue until all payments to be paid to this joint venture per the terms and conditions of the aforementioned distribution have been paid. DEPOSITOR(S) principle is guaranteed from loss.

Is that strong enough language?

We need a CIS, a copy of your passport and Proof of Funds not more than three business days old.

The smallest anyone has applied for was $50,000 and the largest $30,000,000

The next 30-Day Bullet Trade will begin January 2011:

Bullet Trade: $500,000 Minimum 50% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return. (Trade Size $500,000 to $4,999,999)

Place $500,000 and receive $250,000 for a total of $750,000 in just 30 days

Place $1,000,000 and receive $500,000 for a total of $1,500,000 in just 30 days.

Place $2,000,000 and receive $1,000,000 for a total of $3,000,000 in just 30 days.

Place $3,000,000 and receive $1,500,000 for a total of $4,500,000 in just 30 days.

Place $4,000,000 and receive $2,000,000 for a total of $6,000,000 in just 30 days.

Bullet Trade: $5,000,000 Minimum 100% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return (Trade Size $5,000,000 to $9,999,999)

Place $5,000,000 and receive $5,0000,000 for a total of $10,000,000 in just 30 days.

Place $9,000,000 and receive $9,000,000 for a total of $18,000,000 in just 30 days.

Bullet Trade: $10,000,000 Minimum 150% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return (Trade Size $10,000,000 to $19,999,999)

Place $10,000,000 and receive $15,000,000 for a total of $25,000,000 in just 30 days.

Place $19,000,000 and receive $9,500,000 for a total of $28,500,000 in just 30 days.

Bullet Trade: $20,000,000 Minimum 200% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return (Trade Size $20,000,000 to $99,999,999)

Place $20,000,000 and receive $40,000,000 for a total of $60,000,000 in just 30 days.

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.


Q.  Who is Cash Flow Specialists, Inc and how do I know that you are for real?

A.  Even though we have been around for a couple of years now I would be greatly surprised if you had heard of us.  There are several reasons for this.  First off, due to the nature of our program and where we fall within the guidelines of the SEC, we are not allowed to advertise, so the only way that anyone finds out about us is by word of mouth.  Secondly, another stipulation by the SEC allows us to only have a limited number of participants in our program at any given time.  Therefore we are very selective about whom we approach as potential participants which leads to number three.  We are looking for the seasoned, savvy, knowledgeable investors who know that there is something out there beyond the stock market, mutual funds, options and real estate and they understand and appreciate what it is that we have to offer.

A.  We have very simple, straight forward programs that allows individuals to participate at a level that was heretofore available only to very wealthy individuals or well funded institutional investors.  We have several options that all offer double digit returns on monthly or up to five years or best effort contracts.

Q.  What type of program are you talking about?

A.  They are known as PPTP’s, or Private Placement Trading Platforms (as they grow in popularity they are being referred to simply as Private Placements).  There are many types of PPTP’s out there.  Most are for a short term and for a specific purpose.  A company may decide to sell some of their debt equity in order to raise capital or offer a percentage of their company to private investors, again to raise capital.  Some are used specifically to raise large amounts of cash for charities.  They are growing in popularity because they allow for the raising of capital without the tedious, time consuming, drawn out procedure required by the SEC to do an IPO or stock offering.

Q.  Which type does CFSI employ and how do you make money?

A.  Ours is yet another type of Private Placement, that is multi-faceted and, unlike most of the others, it is ongoing.

Q.  How can you offer such great returns when no one else does?

A.  That is a great question.  I don’t know why banks, stocks and other forms of investments pay so little.  But you really should ask yourself some questions.  Why are there so many banks?  How can brokerage companies afford to advertise incessantly on television and cable?  There is an old joke that goes like this.  Do you know the difference between a bankster and a gangster?  The bankster wears cheaper suits!  Rest assured they are making a lot of money off of your money.

Q.  Is my investment guaranteed?

A.  By your question I know that you are a novice at investing.  Anyone who has bought as few as ten shares knows that you cannot mention investment and guarantee in the same sentence.  This goes for everyone, even the big boys like Merrill Lynch, JPMorgan, Scottrade and all the others.  Every time you make an investment you must acknowledge that you understand the inherent risks in investing, up to and including the loss of your entire investment.

Q.  Are you registered with the SEC?

A.  Due to the way that our company is structured and due also to the fact that we do not offer or sell any stocks or commodities or make any such offerings we have been advised by counsel and the SEC not to register with them.  It would mean mounds and mounds of unnecessary paperwork and regulations that would gain us nothing.  This, by the way, is primarily why Private Placements have become so popular.  Please visit our website and look under Private Placement Programs and Trade Programs on our home page, and check out the articles on that will explain this even further.

Q.  Do I have access to my investment?

A.  Think of it as a one year CD at your bank.  But, unlike the bank, we offer options that allow you to have either monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual payouts on your returns.  Your initial investment will be returned at the end of the contract year.

Q.  Do I have to take all of my money out at the end of the year?

A.  It is recommended that every contract be closed out at the end of the year, but there are situations, with prior approval and detailed documentation, where monies may be rolled over from one year to the next as if an new contract had been instituted with every annual anniversary.

Q.  How do I put my money in and how to I get it back?

A.  We accept either personal checks, or wire transfers.  No cash or untraceable form of currency will be accepted.  Payouts will be made either by wire transfer directly into your account or by check.

We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 34+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Thanks to each of you for doing business with me; some for more than 30 years.

As always I am available M-F 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific. There are extended service hours for Priority Clients and existing Trade Program Clients.

Joseph P. Tufo, President

Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $50,000 to $500,000,000+, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to $2 Billion, and More.

Ask about how to self-liquidate and self-fund a project (hint: you need a minimum of 10% to 15% in cash)

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer
Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Bank Instruments In The News Large Projects Preparation Private Placement Programs Testimonials Trade Programs

Hurry! 10-Day Trade Subscribes 12/2/10. Pays 35%, Small BANK DEBT- Bullet Program $5M to $20M, Fund Your Project and More

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $50k to $100m+, How To Fund Viable Projects Today, Asset Monetization, Testimonials and More 20101127

Call or write for a FREE Copy of Call When The Bank Says No!

I trust that you had a great Thanksgiving Holiday! As always we are here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

We’re doing well with the new Trade Group. The first 30-day trade we were involved with is paying out next week, one week ahead of schedule. The lone client we placed is going into his second trade which closes to new subscribers Thursday, December 2nd.

We have two vetted, confirmed, and paid clients for the December 6 trade with 11 more going through the process. The return is a whopping 35% for the 10-day trade. The minimum is $500,000 (exceptions $50,000+ on a stand-by basis). You will be paid by December 21, 2010.

Each of you should place money in the monthly program to “crack your nut” personally and “cover the burn” for your business. Trust me, you’ll sleep much better at night.

Remember $50,000 earns $7,500 a month: $100,000 earns $15,000 a month; $200,000 earns $30,000 a month, $500,000 earns $100,000 a month.

When you grow a pair of “cojones” you can join the NBA player who placed $25,000,000 in the monthly program two weeks ago and is earning $5,000,000 a month.



Small Bank Platform and your funds can stay in your USA BANK

Client can enter Two Times Only.

Client can then go into Tier 1 Platform ($100M+) for higher returns.

Small BANK DEBT- Bullet Program $5M to $20M

This is a Small Bullet Program, 2 weeks, MINIMUM AMOUNT $5M– MAX $20M, 2 weeks, 5 time multiplier.  We can accept American, Canadian, and European Banks.  This involves an admin hold, monies stay in account.  Program will also accept CD’s as well.

This is a different Trade Group than the program we normally feature.


This is a compilation of everything that occurred in our office for the week. It’s an opportunity for you to see what we learned.

We’re pretty good at what we do but we’re far from perfect. You’ll learn that our clients and funding providers are far from perfect too. Hopefully we’ll all learn some lessons on how to do business better.

We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 34+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Please remember that we work on a Priority-Expedited basis and a Non-Priority- Get To You When We Can basis. Not everyone understands our business model and that’s okay. After 34+ years in financial services we can’t please everyone – We do the best that we can for committed paying clients because they’re the ones who keep us in business.


I’ve sat through tens of thousands of presentations since we started in business July 1,1999. Most are made by shrewd entrepreneurs in search of funding for their new business concepts.

I am continually shocked by the failure of most of these presentations to communicate effectively and persuasively.

The problem is that nobody knows how to tell a story. And what’s worse, nobodyknows that they don’t know how to tell a story.

The overwhelming majority of business presentations merely serve to convey data, not to persuade.

You need to be able to master the art of telling a story in a clear, convincing manner.

Investors have been burned badly in the past several years. There’s nothing worse than receiving a 250-page “novel” with the funding request buried on page 57. We don’t have time to sift and sort through hundreds of pages of data and to give dozens of hours of our precious time away.

If you’d like to be “coached” on how to present powerfully and effectively you should retain Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. as a Priority – Expedited Client.

We’ve helped hundreds obtain funding, are you next?

This is a special recording and offer How To Fund Your Viable Project:

We’ve had good success in funding several in these difficult times.

We’ve found that those whom we meet with face-to-face for a couple of hours, that really get plugged into our websites, newsletters, articles, and webinars have a much higher funding success rate than those who try to “go on the cheap” skip the process. don’t read the newsletters and, in general, try to do things their way.

If you’re serious about getting funded you’ll come to Concord CA and spend two hours with me.

For only $2,500 you’ll receive two hours of coaching for you and your teamhere in Concord CA on how to properly fund your viable project or idea, athorough review and written critique of your Executive Summary, Bio’s, Detailed Use of Funds, 5-Year Pro-Forma, and Exit Strategy, and a one-year prepaid subscription to our 4,000+ page and growing private subscription website which archives our newsletters. This is a $4,664 value if you buy the services separately.

In addition, if you choose to become a Priority Client we’ll credit your entire $2,500 investment plus the costs of your travel to Concord CA towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

We’ve been successful in funding dozens of business people who struck out using mainstream funding sources. Block a couple of days; fly or drive to the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, bring a cashier’s check or wire funds direct to our Bank of America corporate account.

If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

If you need me to come to you for two hours you’ll need to add $10,000 for travel expenses and time away from Concord CA. If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Victor B wrote:

Thanks Joe. You are my kind of guy, and I plan to meet with you for a couple of hours within the next couple of weeks; but I have to go to Portland next week and I’ll study your websites before I try to confirm the appointment. I’ll bring a Cashier’s check with me to San Francisco.

Just for your info: I invented plastics recycling in 1987, raised $0.75 mil. in venture capital by Jan. ’89 single-handedly and bought them out by 1991, borrowed millions between 1988-92 and prepaid a $0.5 mil. SBA-guaranteed loan in 1991. However, I have been working very patiently on this phase of my recycling business since the late 1990s; because the big guys wanted to kill recycling in the 1990s. Vic

Vic drove down from Portland Oregon and met with me for two hours at Armadillo Willy’s my favorite barbecue restaurant in Dublin CA Thursday November 4th.

You are forewarned. We did tell you so. We have been involved in a global economic crisis for several years. It isn’t getting any better. If appropriate action was not taken and you are sitting on significant financial losses, I can only guess it’s because you haven’t been reading what I’ve been writing.

It simply isn’t necessary to endure the losses ahead. You have the tools and the strategies in your hands to create a legacy. Set it down, or ignore it, and your course is set. You cannot replace a lifetime of effort. What you have saved and earned by the sweat of your brow can be erased in 10 minutes. In May of 2010, with a 1000 point market drop, the DOW told you how frail the markets are today. Please tell me that you are not still passively along for the ride.

Your time is valuable. Yes we want to make a statement. Like being served papers – you have officially been notified. What you do with the information is up to you. We have an idea for you.

We suggest you help someone. Financial duress has set in. Unemployment continues to threaten both friends and family. Their savings are dwindling and their debts remain. There is a faint smell of fear in the air as you talk to others and they know that after temporary reprieve financial conditions remain on a knife edge. Now is the time to step out and help them.

In all sincerity you know the facts. You may not trust your instincts, but you should. We take no pleasure in reminding you that things are going to get worse before they get better. But you are not a victim of the system, not a victim of the markets, not a victim of anyone or anything – except yourself if you don’t act on what you know. An old sage taught that to flourish as a human, you must act. Don’t just consider the events of the day. Take it a step further, strategize and implement your plan. If you need assistance you know who to call. With 34 years of financial services experience we’ve helped clients devise and implement plans to protect and preserve their family resources.

Here’s what to do. First: stop and read this material thoroughly. Second: list those who would benefit from being empowered by the message or better yet forward this email and blind copy me at

p.s. The hour is late. Don’t delay. Simply read this material and forward it to everyone in your database and copy me at You have an opportunity to bless your family and dozens of others. Imagine for a moment placing just $100,000 and receiving $15,000 each month for the next few years without the roller-coaster ride of the markets? Will that help you sleep a little bit better tonight?

This is one of the most dependable Traders available:

Kindly email your bank statement not more than three business days old – all statement pages. I will introduce you to Jim P, Project Manager, for the Trade Principal.

Don’t Tell Me/Show Me

I will give you exactly what you give me.

Jim will educate you.

I have personally known the Project Manager of this program for three years. Recently, Jeff, an Illinois Fund Manager client of ours, was introduced. He is being vetted now. Jeff told me that for two and a half years years he tried with several broker groups and got nowhere. He has an entire file drawer of correspondence

When it comes to trading too many times we get caught up in the old Joker Broker World of total fakes, scams and frauds. I have never understood why anyone would spin their wheels, trying to put down a trade, that will never pay, let alone ever get traded (Dream Brokers).When you are ready to enter into a real trade with realistic profits posted then give us a call and find out more.

If you’ve been looking for a Real Opportunity to participate in a proven program this may be the answer for you.

With a trial trade of $50,000 to $100,000 your monthly yield is 15% which is several times the annual interest rate of most U.S.A. CD programs. That’s right, you can earn a yield in one month that doubles the annual rate of return of most CD’s.

Each of you should place money in the monthly program to “crack your nut” personally and “cover the burn” for your business. Trust me, you’ll sleep much better at night.

CDs Overnight Averages

Product Yield +/- Last week
6 Mo CD 0.87% 0.80%
1 Yr CD 1.29% 1.29%
5 Yr CD 2.60% 2.63%
1 Yr Jumbo CD 1.16% 1.14%

Dale and I were out walking last night. We’ve been friends for more than 33 years. We walk a few miles every night and talk. We’ve been doing that for a few years to stay fit and to share time. I told Dale that this may be the best tool that we have in our “toolboxes” to help people self-liquidate loans in a fraction of the time. It’s also a great tool to use for providing for loved ones, to make a charitable foundation “evergreen,” to fund a college education, to fuel a start-up, and the list goes on.

I taught insurance for 19 years. I was chairman of education for the local life underwriter’s association for 13 years and ran hundreds of agent through classes annually. Our 22-year old daughter, jenny, asked me about life insurance for she and our son-in-law over the weekend. I told her about Banker’s  Life & Casualty’s insurance founder – billionaire, John D. McArthur’s famous quote, “We sell insurance, we don’t buy it.”

Did you know that if you place just $100,000 in this small cap trade and allow it to grow for three years that you will have in excess of $20m ($21,600,000) assuming that the trade continues and that you re-invest on an annual basis? That will fund anything you can dream.

Imagine if you started with $1,000,000…

This went out Wednesday October 20th:

Great News Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. Friends!

I had a 60-minute meeting yesterday directly with a stateside trade group: the actual trader. I was amazed.

They have offered Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. two programs directly with them without any intermediary intervention. This is fantastic!

The two programs are as follows:

Option 1a.   $50,000 minimum from 90 days to a 5 year or best efforts contract.

A return of 15% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Option 1b.   $500,000. or more will return 20% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Principal monies will be returned at the end of your chosen contract.

Option II   $100,000. or more compounded for 1 year will bring a return of 500% at the end of the 1 year contract plus return of initial principal.

We began accepting contacts and funds for this once in a lifetime joint venture October 25th. Several have already joined.

We have a bullet trade with this Firm $5m becomes $15m , $10m becomes $30m etc. in 30 days. The minimum trade is $500,000 and gains 50%

I was wondering if with this program if the returns are guaranteed and if the principle is protected?

All investments have risk. No investments are guaranteed.

All I need is a bank statement showing they have $50k dated not more than three business days old.


The money moves to the trader’s account. That’s how all real trades work, John.

If the client must have an escrow account we have another program: the yield is 6% monthly at $50k, 10% at $100k to $1m, and 12% from $1.1m to $3m.. I have written about that program many times.

I’m available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific.

Thanks for contacting me.


This is a note between a Principal and Trader:


I have a couple of questions/issues with the contract.  The bolded areas are sections in the contract.  Please review and provide some insight.  Thanks.

  1. Management

    • Is it common that the Private Placement offering company isn’t a registered financial firm?

Companies that are required to be registered are companies who trade securities etc, FOREX, is not one of those markets that require registration.

  1. Payout Distribution

    • Why doesn’t the contract state the anticipated returns (i.e. 50%)? All of our contracts are left available to edit based off of the specific program that the client is taking advantage of at that time. I believe they sent this contract to you for Brad, more so for him to have the opportunity to review it and ask any questions he may have. When he is ready to move forward, the return can be entered in by hand, or I will personally send through the contract with all points filled in, in regards to returns etc.

    • What goes in the Historical Half Unit Dist. USD box? N/A

  2. Terms of Joint Venture

    • Why doesn’t the terms state I’m going into the the one month bullet for $50,000 with 50% return for a total return of $75,000 in 30 days? See question 1 above, will be in the final contract for signing, or can be entered in by Brad himself when ready to sign off on. I will gladly handle these details if need be, please advise as to his wishes.

    • I like that fact that the contract states, “DEPOSITOR(S) principle is guaranteed from loss.I’m assuming this means the prinicpal (i.e. $50,000) is protected? Exactly, the $50,000 investment will be guaranteed from loss.

  3. Construction

    • The above questions are considered part of the Construction section

How well did you vet FMC given the short turnaround in getting this done?  I couldn’t find much information on the Traders.  I find it hard to believe that Shawon is the actual trader given he just graduated from Indiana University (BA 2005-2009). I am NOT the trader on behalf of FMC, our platform is fully automated. I am co-owner of the FMC and the software that we developed and “own” outright. We have been an automated trading group since the start, and have only improved our system from the start. Bryan  seems like a trader as he designs and programs high-frequency trading algorithms. He nailed it on the head, Bryan used to work for a hedge fund that traded currency…Bryan has also taught myself how to do manual trading so I would have a great understanding of how our platform works inside and out. So while I do manual trading of client funds personally, I have the background needed to run a platform of this nature and be in the position we are currently in to offer this out to clients of interest. Any insights you could provide would be greatly appreciated.  I anticipate having the document back to you first thing in the morning once the questions are answered.  This is my first Private Placement and I don’t want to be involved in a horror story where one gets ripped off.  Thanks for your understanding. In regards to the last statement, I completely understand it and know exactly where he is coming from. These are all questions that should rightfully so should be asked, and I have no problem answering any of them. We ensure that this will be a great first experience for Brad, and look forward to managing his funds for a long time.

If there are any further questions please let me know and I will reply accordingly. I look forward to finalizing the contract with Brad tomorrow, and moving forward to a bright and prosperous future for everyone involved.

The client above is about to be cashed out on his first contract. He is executing a new contract, investment and wants to be a “Client for Life.” here’s what he sent Saturday November 20th:


After speaking with you this morning I understand the 10-day trade starts at $500k.  However, I would like you to ask FMC if they would consider $100k since I’m already a client and I intend on being a client for a long time. What I would like to do is take the original $50k from the 30-day trade plus the $25k profit from that trade and add another $25k to the account for a total $100k and put that into the 10-day trade.  I understand there is a settlement period and I assume that’s for administrative type tasks (i.e. closing the trade, wiring the funds, etc); however, I’m don’t want the funds to be wired back as I want to roll them into another trade.  Once the 10-day trade is complete, I would like to take the $100k and roll that into the monthly program for however long the trade intends to exist.  If everything is still going smoothly, I’ll probably add another $100k, at the minimum, by mid 2011.  Please check with the Trader and see if they’ll make an exception.  Thanks.


This went out Saturday October 30th:

Some have asked questions about this program. It is NOT for everyone.

There are two things that I have always encouraged investors to do since I began selling investments in 1979:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2. Always take the profits until you get your original investment back

It’s amazing the FDIC paid out $58b more than it had in reserves so far in 2010.–2010_bank_failures_in_the_United_States

Here’s a program where the principal is guaranteed.

If you are interested send Proof of Funds $50,000 or more to and call me at 925-352-6000

A client received his contract today on the Any Money Trade. He particularly liked this:

Here is the language in the contract that another client accepted today:

Term of Joint Venture

7 The term of this joint venture shall commence on execution of this Agreement and continue until all payments to be paid to this joint venture per the terms and conditions of the aforementioned distribution have been paid. DEPOSITOR(S) principle is guaranteed from loss.

Is that strong enough language?

The $500,000+ trade will go fast. The subscription cut-off date is Thursday December 2, 2010 at the close of business.

We need a CIS, a copy of your passport and Proof of Funds not more than three business days old.

The $500k+ bullets appear monthly. This is a 10-Day Trade Holiday Special. It will begin trading Monday December 6th , trade 10 days, and settle by December 21,2010. Not a bad Christmas present?

If you have $500,000+ that you can place into trade this will be an introduction to this Trader.

Bullet Trade $500,000 Minimum 35% Return 10 Days Principal and Interest Return

Place $500,000 and receive $175,000 for a total of $675,000 in just 10 days.

Place $1,000,000 and receive $350,000 for a total of $1,350,000 in just 10 days.

Place $2,000,000 and receive $700,000 for a total of $2,700,000 in just 10 days.

Place $4,000,000 and receive $1,400,000 for a total of $5,400,000 in just 10 days.

Place $6,000,000 and receive $2,100,000 for a total of $8,100,000 in just 10 days.

Place $8,000,000 and receive $2,800,000 for a total of $10,800,000 in just 10 days.

Place $10,000,000 and receive $3,500,000 for a total of $13,500,000 in just 10 days.

The smallest anyone has applied for was $50,000 and the largest $30,000,000

The next 30-Day Bullet Trade will begin January 3, 2011:

Bullet Trade $500,000 Minimum 50% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return. (Trade Size $500,000 to $4,999,999)

Place $500,000 and receive $250,000 for a total of $750,000 in just 30 days

Place $1,000,000 and receive $500,000 for a total of $1,500,000 in just 30 days.

Place $2,000,000 and receive $1,000,000 for a total of $3,000,000 in just 30 days.

Place $3,000,000 and receive $1,500,000 for a total of $4,500,000 in just 30 days.

Place $4,000,000 and receive $2,000,000 for a total of $6,000,000 in just 30 days.

Bullet Trade $5,000,000 Minimum 100% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return (Trade Size $5,000,000 to $9,999,999)

Place $5,000,000 and receive $5,0000,000 for a total of $10,000,000 in just 30 days.

Place $9,000,000 and receive $9,000,000 for a total of $18,000,000 in just 30 days.

Bullet Trade $10,000,000 Minimum 150% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return (Trade Size $10,000,000 to $19,999,999)

Place $10,000,000 and receive $15,000,000 for a total of $25,000,000 in just 30 days.

Place $19,000,000 and receive $9,500,000 for a total of $28,500,000 in just 30 days.

Bullet Trade $20,000,000 Minimum 200% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return (Trade Size $20,000,000 to $99,999,999)

Place $20,000,000 and receive $40,000,000 for a total of $60,000,000 in just 30 days.

This came in Friday November 12, 2010:

Dear Joe, Pursuant to our conversation earlier today, this letter will serve to certify that the losses I suffered while a client of Logical Powered Capital & Commodities (LPCC ) was $109,067 .43. I placed $150,000 with LPCC on August 25,2010. By September 20 copy of my statement for the period September1, 2010 through September 17, 2010 as well as the account closing document provided to Deutsche Bank following the termination of the relation between LPCC and Deutsche. The offer to attempt to recoup the losses suffered by the clients of LPCC is extremely generous and greatly appreciated. the the account balance was $40,932.57. Attached , please find a , r;’RLL-

Garry Hesselbacher

Garry is now in the 30-day bullet trade that closed recently.

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Irina Stanislav
Date: Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 5:47 PM
Subject: Re: BofA

Thank you. I just had a good conversation WITH my friend a Bank Manager at My bank and it is funny this is exactely what she told me
Thank you and have Happy Thanksgiving

On Nov 24, 2010 5:30 PM, “Joe Tufo” <> wrote:
> This came in from my friend Greg today:
> No one can do anything with BOA
> The best thing you can do for her is to tell her to open an account at
> another bank –WF/CITI/DB
> She should get her funds out of that bank and into another. If the $ keeps
> on going the way it is and the G4’s keep it up. BOA will keep her $.
> How can she have that much money and not be aware of the banking world?
> BOA is owned by the CIA- she will lose her $-PERIOD

This is from a different Trade Group:

Here areclients approved for a trade with one that doesn’t speak good English:



MT 760 Bank Instruments

The SWIFT MT 760 format is a viable option – one utilized frequently in a wide range of financial transactions, not simply private placement programs.  Nature of SWIFT A SWIFT MT 760 is a bank-responsible guarantee issued by the sender bank, upon instructions of its account holder, in favor of a particular transaction or counter-party. Since banks never put their own money at risk, the clients funds are “blocked” by the bank, and held by the bank as security (collateral) for the issuance of the SWIFT.

MT799 is a simple text message, sent bank to bank. This is used for a bank to bank proof of funds, only. The MT799 is not a form of payment and it is not a bank undertaking or promise to pay. It is simply a bank to bank confirmation of the funds on deposit, nothing more.


All who place $100,000 or more will be visited by me within six months of doing business. All who place $1,000,000 or more will be visited by me within one month of doing business.


If you are looking for ideas on how to self-liquidate or self-fund Jim P’s program above or the new program work well. .

It’s possible to self-fund with as little as 10% to 15% of your project value and raise the money in two years.

A gentleman contacted me from Niagra Falls NY today. He’s building a $10m Radisson Hotel. He owns the land outright valued at $2m but has only $100k in cash.

I suggested a hard money loan on the property would net approx. $350k. If he placed that in the new one-year compound program it will yield approx. $1,750,000 after one year, returning $2,100,000 with the original investment. He can take $100k of the gain, place $2,000,000 in a one-year compound program and yield approx. $10,000,000 returning $12,000,000, more than enough to pay off the loan on the land, the new hotel, and have money to start on a whole chain of hotels.


This is shocking!

This is a prospective client that chose to do business elsewhere:

I had a long talk with Garen tonight. Garen was compliance and client manager. Garen is a nice young 30-year old eager to start his own hedge fund.

Garen was first introduced to Kyle in February 2010 and began working with him in April 2010. He left Kyle September 24, 2010 when Deutsche bank terminated Kyle’s Company trading agreement

Kyle refuses to accept responsibility for what occurred. Kyle was the Trader. Apparently he had little to no client contact and delegated that to Garen. Garen’s opinion was that Kyle was reckless. Kyle lost millions through trading losses.

Incidentally, Garen was on a scheduled vacation to the Dominican Republic not the Cayman Islands. Kyle is on vacation in Japan and is due to return November 2nd.

It’s clear that the trading did not work out to Elmer’s benefit. It’s also clear that neither you nor Elmer understood what the trading system was that Elmer signed on for.

Dale and I wrote a book on FOREX visit

According to Garen, Elmer signed several documents that clearly stated that it was a HIGH RISK investment. Elmer also signed a Limited Power of Attorney that clearly stated the clients responsibility to monitor the account and to conduct proper due diligence.

Elmer placed $750,000 July 8, 2010 44 days after speaking with me. He sustained a loss of $444 on the first trading day July 12th. Elmer had 24/7 access to his account and apparently did not monitor the account at all because he would have seen an alarming  erosion of capital from $750,000.00 July 8th to $150,325.52 September 24th.

Instead of a gain of the indicated 30% a month Elmer managed to lose $599,674.48 or 79.96% of his principal in only 78 calendar days. Conversely he would have earned $390,000 pro-rata with Jim P., a huge difference wouldn’t you say?

My advice stands. Close the account with Deutsche and wire the money back to the originating bank.

Place a portion of the money ($100,000 or more) with Jim P and yield 15% a month and withdraw the 15% monthly gain to prove the program works and place $500,000 in a couple of 30-day bullets to generate the $600,000 that you lost with Kyle.

Save your money on hiring the attorney.

I invested the past four hours on your behalf, a value of $4,000.00 based on my normal fee: so that I could better understand what transpired.

I sincerely hope that you will honor me by remunerating me for my time and that you place funds with me now.


.This came in Friday November 5th:

Joe, thanks for the information. I appreciate the introduction to Jim along with the CIS. Based on our conversation Chris and I feel comfortable with Jim’s offering.

We have not received POF yet therefore I will complete the CIS when we receive it.

I look forward to speaking to you soon.


Jeff placed money in the last 30-day trade and will settle before Christmas 2010.

This came in Wednesday November 10, 2010:

Hello Joe,

I want you to know how much I appreciate your time and the guidance you’ve so willingly shared.  That you have offered it so graciously and willingly (and free) is not to say that it is somehow worth less.  It certainly is not.  On the contrary, it gives me a much greater appreciation of what you do and the value of your service.  I am looking forward to when we can spend some face to face time together and actually pay you for your time.  We have had a series of financial setbacks this past two years but we will pull out of it – our faith is strong.

I know that, like us, your intentions are more noble than the act(s) of simply generating a profit for profit’s sake and so I look forward to working together on great things and realizing the real inherent “profit” that this relationship will generate.

Thanks again for all you do.

All the best,


This came in Wednesday, November 10, 2010:


The Three programs are as follows:

Option 1a. $50,000 minimum from 90 days to a 5 year or best efforts contract.

A return of 15% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Option 1b. $500,000. or more will return 20% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Principal monies will be returned at the end of your chosen contract.

Option II $100,000. or more compounded for 1 year will bring a return of 500% at the end of the 1 year contract plus return of initial principal.

Option III   30 day Bullet Trades

500K Minimum 50% return-30 days

5M    Minimum  100% return-30 days

10M   Minimum  150% return-30 days

20M and up       200% return-30 days

Special Bullet trades from time to time. Any money amount. 50% return-30 days

100m PPP- case by case basis



This is an excerpt from an article that I posted November 20, 2010:

It was good to talk to  you yesterday also.  Hopefully Anthony and his associate will send me the instrument I requested and explained and I then my lender will have no problem I hope as I can never guarantee will be able to monetize it.  I do not for see a problem as long as they follow what I have said.

As far as what these lenders do, the can monetize an instrument, BG, MTN, CD, SBLC, T Bills and Bonds on a 90 day, non-recourse loan that is forgiven after 90 days after receipt of the first loan payment.  The smallest instrument that is not a T or BG that they will monetize is 100 Mil USD.  T’s and BG’s they usually will not touch if it is under 500 Mil USD.  All instruments must be cash backed.  That is their basic business.  I do have a lender who will monetize LTN’s, CMO and Bonds backed by Viaticals, however this is a longer process and I can not give you an idea of a LTV as the trustees must see a screen shot for their determination.

The process is very simple.  To get a LTV and monetization schedule, the lender will need to see a screen shot, Title page and an  account statement.   Once I have these 3 items, I will get the LTV and monetizing schedule.  If the instrument owner agrees and the  instrument is either on DTC or Euro clear, the lender will do a  Screen/Block /Pay.  If the instrument is in one of the banks the lender has a security account in then the instrument can be sent ledger to ledger. Once in a while, depending on the instrument, the lender may be able to accept a MT760, however if they do, then they payout schedule will be longer as the MT 760 takes 3-4 days to post and clear. 90 days after the client receives the first of his ionization payments, the client can either roll the instrument over and do this again or he can have his instrument sent back or the Block released.

I have attached a sanitized contract for your review.  This contract discusses Free Delivery DTC/Euro clear, however it is extremely rare that this is accepted any longer as we discussed.  But the balance of the contract is the same.

As an idea of the LTV MTN’s are usually about a 95% gross/85% net.  T’s are the same and can be higher.  The lender accepts instrument from the Top 25 Western European Banks, some Canadian banks, the major US banks and at time some Asian banks, but only if they can issue a Screen/Block/Pay.

Also, it is very important that the instrument not be in the Euro clear interbank screen.  The lender can not do the Screen/Block/Pay.  The instrument must be on the public screen or the client needs to move it to the public screen prior to a contract being issued.

Please understand that when the lender issues a contract, they have put into place whatever they need to do to not only make sure they pay according to the Monetization schedule, they also put into place what they need to do to make sure that the will make sure the instrument is free and clear to be returned in 90 days.  SO before a contract is issued or before I request a contract I need to feel confident that the clients going to do as promised.

As for leased instrument, that can be  a difficult one.  There are 2 options:

1. The actual owner has to sign the contract and supply the banking information for the screen/block/pay or to issue the ledger to ledger transfer and then in the contract the owner designate where/to whose account the loan is sent to.

2. The owner has to give the lender a Board Resolution and the proper paperwork that allows the Beneficiary owner to have the right to work directly with the banker  and issue the access codes required or to instruct the bank officer to send the instrument ledger to ledger.

Best Wishes,

I am here 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer. Preferred Priority clients have additional access.

Joseph P. Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $5,000 to $50,000,000+, Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $14,800,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to $2 Billion, SBA Loans, Commercial Loans, Private & Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Distressed Debt Opportunities:

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Bank Instruments Collateral Instruments In The News Large Projects Preparation Private Placement Programs Testimonials Trade Programs

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $50k to $100m+, How To Fund Viable Projects Today, Asset Monetization, Testimonials and More 20101120

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $50k to $100m+, How To Fund Viable Projects Today, Asset Monetization, Testimonials and More 20101120

Call or write for a FREE Copy of Call When The Bank Says No!

Each of you should place

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Articles for Publication Asset Monetization Business Lines Of Credit In The News Large Projects Money Available Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Testimonials Trade Programs

Right From The Heart: Trade Programs $25,000 to $100,000,000+, How To Fund Your Viable Project $10m to $2B, and More 20101110

Right From The Heart: Trade Programs $25,000 to $100,000,000+, How To Fund Your Viable Project $10m to $2B, and More 20101110

Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where temperatures are in the mid 60’s, and overnight temperatures are in the mid-40’s.

Thanks to each of you we now have 5,345 double opt-in subscribers.


We’re running a Special Promotion until December 31, 2010:

We’ve had good success in funding several in these difficult times.

We’ve found that those whom we meet with face-to-face for a couple of hours, that really get plugged into our websites, newsletters, articles, and webinars have a much higher funding success rate than those who try to “go on the cheap” skip the process. don’t read the newsletters and, in general, try to do things their way.

If you’re serious about getting funded you’ll come to Concord CA and spend two hours with me.

For only $2,500 you’ll receive two hours of coaching for you and your team here in Concord CA on how to properly fund your viable project or idea, a thorough review and written critique of your Executive Summary, Bio’s, Detailed Use of Funds, 5-Year Pro-Forma, and Exit Strategy, and a one-year prepaid subscription to our 4,000+ page and growing private subscription website which archives our newsletters. This is a $4,664 value if you buy the services separately.

In addition, if you choose to become a Priority Client we’ll credit your entire $2,500 investment plus the costs of your travel to Concord CA towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

We’ve been successful in funding dozens of business people who struck out using mainstream funding sources. Block a couple of days; fly or drive to the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, bring a cashier’s check or wire funds direct to our Bank of America corporate account.

If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

If you need me to come to you for two hours you’ll need to add $10,000 for travel expenses and time away from Concord CA. If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.

On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 9:58 PM, Victor B wrote:

Thanks Joe. You are my kind of guy, and I plan to meet with you for a couple of hours within the next couple of weeks; but I have to go to Portland next week and I’ll study your websites before I try to confirm the appointment. I’ll bring a Cashier’s check with me to San Francisco.

Just for your info: I invented plastics recycling in 1987, raised $0.75 mil. in venture capital by Jan. ’89 single-handedly and bought them out by 1991, borrowed millions between 1988-92 and prepaid a $0.5 mil. SBA-guaranteed loan in 1991. However, I have been working very patiently on this phase of my recycling business since the late 1990s; because the big guys wanted to kill recycling in the 1990s. Vic

Vic drove down from Portland Oregon and met with me for two hours at Armadillo Willy’s my favorite barbecue restaurant in Dublin CA Thursday November 4th.


We’re pretty good at what we do but we’re far from perfect. You’ll learn that our clients and funding providers are far from perfect too. Hopefully we’ll all learn some lessons on how to do business better.

We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 33+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Please remember that we work on a Priority-Expedited basis and a Non-Priority- Get To You When We Can basis. Not everyone understands our business model and that’s okay. After 33+ years in financial services we can’t please everyone – We do the best that we can for committed paying clients because they’re the ones who keep us in business.


I’ve sat through tens of thousands of presentations since we started in business July 1,1999. Most are made by shrewed entrepreneurs in search of funding for their new business concepts.

I am continually shocked by the failure of most of these presentations to communicate effectively and persuasively.

The problem is that nobody knows how to tell a story. And what’s worse, nobody knows that they don’t know how to tell a story.

The overwhelming majority of business presentations merely serve to convey data, not to persuade.

You need to be able to master the art of telling a story in a clear, convincing manner.

Investors have been burned badly in the past several years. There’s nothing worse than receiving a 250-page “novel” with the funding request buried on page 57. We don’t have time to sift and sort through hundreds of pages of data and to give dozens of hours of our precious time away.

If you’d like to be “coached” on how to present powerfully and effectively you should retain Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. as a Priority – Expedited Client.

We’ve helped hundreds obtain funding, are you next?

This is part of an email that I sent to an “oil man” who has been shopping for a loan for at least two years:

We went down the “free road” (Non-Priority) with you about two years ago, Walter.

I paid my assistants a small fortune and all the while you kept “shopping.” I absolutely refuse to do that again.

Doing upfront work to gain leverage with a potential client is a risky proposition. With so much staff time and so many resources needed we could end up spending all our revenue and profit from several closed transactions to compensate for the costs we’d incur with you.

We don’t want to be in a business where clients want free work. Providing so much upfront work and slashing  success fees is not a sustainable way to operate. Too much upfront free work squanders our resources and time.

Here’s Walter’s reply:

On Sat, Oct 9, 2010 at 1:21 PM, Walter O B wrote:


Fine Thank you, We have several funding resources available to us that have already sent us LOI Letters anyway!!

Again Thank you anyway,

Walter O. Breeding

This is what I’m talking about. It takes 40 to 150+ hours to read all the materials, make the conference calls to review, prepare the loan package, contact funding source(s) to present, review with clients. Here Walter was still shopping after he received several LOI’s.


It would be great if on all submission for loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds I receive a fully completed and executed 1-Procedure Sheet, 1-KYC and 3-Copy of Instruments

And for submission of loans against Stocks, Bonds, US Treasuries and MTN I receive 1-all screen shots to include title page, 2-KYC and 3-Monthly account statement.

This makes our SIMPLE process go so much easier.

Thanks, will talk to you soon.



Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

And Joe Tufo

International Project Financing And Investment


Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. provides expert financial services for procurement of private placement investment, direct investment, international project financing, venture capital funding, capital loans or credit lines. We work directly with capital funding, financing and investment sources, to procure the most competitive and profitable terms for our clients.

  • International Project Financing from $10.0 Million – $2.0 Billion
  • Investment Capital for New Companies or Corporate Expansion
  • All Countries and All Industries Can Be Financed
  • Low Interest Credit and Loans From 1.0% – 7.0% Interest
  • No Collateral From Client – We Procure Collateral From Third Party Investor

For projects without collateral from the client, Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. has well-developed and proven methods for organizing and structuring capital financing loans, including collateral instruments and insurance bonds from our investors, cooperating banks and international financial institutions, for procurement of full capital funds with favorable terms and rates.

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. itself is not a fund, and does not give investment capital from its own funds. We are an international firm that performs expert preparation of investment projects, on the basis of direct expert knowledge of the rules, requirements and criteria of numerous financing sources. The client must pay for the preliminary expenses of this work. After preparation, Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. conducts full management and active work on procurement of capital funds,100% on commission.

Structured Capital Financing Loans

For businesses that can not provide sufficient collateral to secure a commercial loan, a complex and multi-level approach to structuring the transaction makes it possible to successfully receive venture capital funding, without any collateral from the client. This category of capital procurement requires extensive inside financial industry knowledge, legal and negotiating expertise, and direct, active professional support.

Working with financiers to structure conditional purchase of discounted collateral and other guarantee instruments, Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. can reliably obtain full, once-source funding from venture capital lending banks. The core of this mechanism is third parties, usually other banks, financial institutions or insurance companies. These collateral providers either partially or fully back the loan from the source, with little or no risk to the receiving company.

Fairness and Non-Discrimination Policies
Each structured funding package organized by Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.  includes risk management and collateral procurement mechanisms built into the process. This approach both serves to keep interest rates lower, and also results in increased fairness and more favorable consideration of proposed businesses in developing countries. Ratings for countries such as Standard & Poor’s or Moody’s are considered irrelevant, since it is widely recognized that very successful and profitable businesses can be established even under highly adverse or unstable conditions.

Funding sources and their representatives who work closely with Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.  have repeatedly verified and confirmed that the investment banks in Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. network do not discriminate against any country, unless it is un-insurable, or on governmental terrorism lists. Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. European and American funding sources have firmly established rules that all projects must be assessed for risk only on the basis of the merits of each proposed project. Similarly, the interest rate for approved capital financing loans is based exclusively upon the risk factors of the business strategies for each individual project, and no “country risk” factors are used.

Reliable Results for Investment and Project Financing

The reliable procurement of capital funds is not a myth, but an unavoidable reality. The mission of funding sources is in fact to give working capital, not to withhold it. They are under significant pressure from contractual obligations with constituent investors, pension funds, trusts or even government agencies to make active use of funds to realize gains. Underperformance or inactivity results in damage to the source’s reputation, and even loss of rights to manage the entrusted funds.

Applying extensive professional resources, intellectual property, and effective strategies, it is only a matter of time before a professional services firm obtains an approval and offer from a source on favorable terms.

During over 6 years of professional practice, the Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. success rate for obtaining approval of client projects and offers from collateral providers and capital funding sources is more than 50%.

Although not every collateral provider and every source accept or approve each particular project, the resources, methods and persistent work of Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. allow us to maintain and repeat this record of reliability.

How to Start the Investment Process

Whether you are looking to finance one commercial project, a joint venture, or your whole company, the best way to start is by talking to a Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. project manager for a free consultation.

We will work with you to identify your goals, assess the best category of venture capital sources for your business, determine a target strategy, and help you pick the professional services that will be most cost-effective and work best for you.

In Ecclesiastes 11:2 Solomon writes, “ Divide your portion to seven or eight for you know not what evil may happen on earth.” That’s great advice!



If you have a project you want to fund call to discuss Self-Funding ideas. Using our programs may allow you to fund your projects in a few years and never be in debt!

This came in Wednesday November 10, 2010:

The Three programs are as follows:

Option 1a. $50,000 minimum from 90 days to a 5 year or best efforts contract.

A return of 15% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Option 1b. $500,000. or more will return 20% paid monthly directly to your bank account.

Principal monies will be returned at the end of your chosen contract.

Option II $100,000. or more compounded for 1 year will bring a return of 500% at the end of the 1 year contract plus return of initial principal.

Option III 30 day Bullet Trades

500K Minimum 50% return-30 days

5M    Minimum  100% return-30 days

10M   Minimum  150% return-30 days

20M and up       200% return-30 days

Special Bullet trades from time to time. Any money amount. 50% return-30 days

News Update from Trader, just in.




p.s. 100m+ PPP- case by case basis


I was wondering if with this program if the returns are guaranteed and if the principle is protected?

All investments have risk. No investments are guaranteed.

All I need is a bank statement showing they have $50k dated not more than three business days old.


The money moves to the trader’s account. That’s how all real trades work, John.

If the client must have an escrow account we have another program: the yield is 6% monthly at $50k, 10% at $100k to $1m, and 12% from $1.1m to $3m.. I have written about that program many times.


This is a note between a Principal and Trader:


I have a couple of questions/issues with the contract.  The bolded areas are sections in the contract.  Please review and provide some insight.  Thanks.

  1. Management

    • Is it common that the Private Placement offering company isn’t a registered financial firm?

Companies that are required to be registered are companies who trade securities etc, FOREX, is not one of those markets that require registration.

  1. Payout Distribution

    • Why doesn’t the contract state the anticipated returns (i.e. 50%)? All of our contracts are left available to edit based off of the specific program that the client is taking advantage of at that time. I believe they sent this contract to you for Brad, more so for him to have the opportunity to review it and ask any questions he may have. When he is ready to move forward, the return can be entered in by hand, or I will personally send through the contract with all points filled in, in regards to returns etc.

    • What goes in the Historical Half Unit Dist. USD box? N/A

  2. Terms of Joint Venture

    • Why doesn’t the terms state I’m going into the the one month bullet for $50,000 with 50% return for a total return of $75,000 in 30 days? See question 1 above, will be in the final contract for signing, or can be entered in by Brad himself when ready to sign off on. I will gladly handle these details if need be, please advise as to his wishes.

    • I like that fact that the contract states, “DEPOSITOR(S) principle is guaranteed from loss.I’m assuming this means the prinicpal (i.e. $50,000) is protected? Exactly, the $50,000 investment will be guaranteed from loss.

  3. Construction

    • The above questions are considered part of the Construction section

How well did you vet FMC given the short turnaround in getting this done?  I couldn’t find much information on the Traders.  I find it hard to believe that Shawon is the actual trader given he just graduated from Indiana University (BA 2005-2009). I am NOT the trader on behalf of FMC, our platform is fully automated. I am co-owner of the FMC and the software that we developed and “own” outright. We have been an automated trading group since the start, and have only improved our system from the start. Bryan  seems like a trader as he designs and programs high-frequency trading algorithms. He nailed it on the head, Bryan used to work for a hedge fund that traded currency…Bryan has also taught myself how to do manual trading so I would have a great understanding of how our platform works inside and out. So while I do manual trading of client funds personally, I have the background needed to run a platform of this nature and be in the position we are currently in to offer this out to clients of interest. Any insights you could provide would be greatly appreciated.  I anticipate having the document back to you first thing in the morning once the questions are answered.  This is my first Private Placement and I don’t want to be involved in a horror story where one gets ripped off.  Thanks for your understanding. In regards to the last statement, I completely understand it and know exactly where he is coming from. These are all questions that should rightfully so should be asked, and I have no problem answering any of them. We ensure that this will be a great first experience for Brad, and look forward to managing his funds for a long time.

If there are any further questions please let me know and I will reply accordingly. I look forward to finalizing the contract with Brad tomorrow, and moving forward to a bright and prosperous future for everyone involved.

Brad placed $50,000 in a 30-day bullet trade after getting his questions answered. The yield is 50% or $25,000, not a bad Christmas present. Banks are paying peanuts. Why not take some of your uninsured money above the $250,000 insured amount and place it with us?

This went out Saturday October 30th:

Some have asked questions about this program. It is NOT for everyone.

There are two things that I have always encouraged investors to do since I began selling investments in 1979:

1. Never invest with money you cannot afford to lose.

2. Always take the profits until you get your original investment back

It’s amazing the FDIC paid out $58b more than it had in reserves so far in 2010.–2010_bank_failures_in_the_United_States

Here’s a program where the principal is guaranteed. I edited the company name.

If you are interested send Proof of Funds $50,000 or more to and call me at 925-352-6000

A client received his contract today on the Any Money Trade. He particularly liked this:

Here is the language in the contract that another client accepted today:

Term of Joint Venture

7 The term of this joint venture shall commence on execution of this Agreement and continue until all payments to be paid to this joint venture per the terms and conditions of the aforementioned distribution have been paid. DEPOSITOR(S) principle is guaranteed from loss.

Is that strong enough language?

The ANY AMOUNT trade will go fast. This will close November 12, 2010 and begin trading November 15, 2010. We have one more Special that will close out in late November 2010. Then they will be a Holiday break and the next 30-day trade will be available January 3, 2011.

I need a CIS, a copy of your passport and Proof of Funds not more than three business days old.

The $500,000+ bullets appear monthly.

If you have ANY AMOUNT that you can place into trade this will be an introduction to this Trader.

Bullet Trade No Minimum 50% Return 30 Days Principal and Interest Return

Place $50,000 and receive $25,000 for a total of $75,000 in just 30 days.

Place $100,000 and receive $50,000 for a total of $150,000 in just 30 days.

Place $200,000 and receive $100,000 for a total of $300,000 in just 30 days.

Place $400,000 and receive $200,000 for a total of $600,000 in just 30 days.

Place $600,000 and receive $300,000 for a total of $900,000 in just 30 days.

Place $800,000 and receive $400,000 for a total of $1,200,000 in just 30 days.

If you call and get voice mail leave a message and I will call you back.


This came in from Jeff Monday September 13, 2010:

We have Capital for Qualified Borrowers.  Please read through the attachments and the details below.  You will be pleased with our capabilities, service, and delivery.

Targeting Bridge, Construction, Permanent, and Unique Financing Programs.

We are closing deals for qualified borrowers, in good locations, for good products.

Financing Programs and Platform:

(1)  New Bridge Funds Available for Immediate Closings – As well as for valued added and opportunistic deals the banks are just not funding – includes bridge loans, interim financing, mezzanine financing, equity, preferred equity, subordinated debt, distressed situations, note discounts.

(2)  Construction Financing Program: ACI has new funds available for Construction Financing with Loan to cost to 75%; with rates at 5.50%, for most property types, for good net worth seasoned borrowers, including:

1.    Office

2.    Student Housing

3.    Healthcare Properties

4.    Hotels

5.    Multifamily

6.    Retail

7.    Industrial

(3) Standard 2010 Financing Programs are Attached

(4) Platform Includes:

1.    Commercial Real Estate Debt; Equity; and Mezzanine Capital

2.    Private Equity for Commercial Real Estate and Business Financing

3.    Joint Ventures for Commercial Real Estate and Business Financing

4.    Venture Capital for Business Financing

5.    Alternate Investments

6.    Advisory Services

7.    Difficult and Sensitive Financing

8.    Infrastructure Financing

9.    Conventional Financing

10. Bridge Financing

11. Transitional Financing

12. Distressed Financing

13. Note Purchases

14. Middle Market Financing

15. REIT Financing

16. Acquisitions and Dispositions

17. Marketing Services

18. Variable and Fixed Rate Demand and Other Bond Programs (Cheaper Rates, 1-3 points cheaper)

19. Developer Financing Programs

20. Hospitality Financing

21. Regional Proprietary Financing Programs

22. Industry Proprietary Financing Programs

23. Property Type Proprietary Financing Programs

5) Investors

Some of our investors (private and public), affiliations, investment banks, and correspondent relationships include:

Private high net worth investors

Public company commercial real estate investors

Investment banks

Merchant Banks

Private equity


Mezzanine capital

Construction funds

Canadian Banks that invest in and lend in the US with a major US presence with hundreds of billions is assets

Private Banking Relationships

Correspondent relationships with large, national, regional, and local US banks

Institutional funds

Equity Capital

Pension Funds

Members of our group are approved agency investors and lenders

Hedge funds

Bridge funds

Government programs

Developer funds

Retail, Multifamily, Industrial, Student Housing, Healthcare, Office Platforms

Large concentration of healthcare investors

Venture capital

Acquisitions and Dispositions Platform

Residential development funds

Large concentration of Hospitality investors

Foreign Worldwide Sovereign Banks and Investors With significant US presence

World banks

We are engaged in the business of commercial real estate investment banking in order for the borrower to secure financing, where financing and investors is defined as, and to include, equity investment, joint venture,  correspondent loan, loan, bank loan, refinancing, credit facility, loan guarantee, investors pledged collateral for investment, merger, reverse takeover, mezzanine placement, subordinated financing, or corporate amalgamation, value of repurchase option or share-buyback agreement, value of any leaseback or royalty or residual payment program offered as part of  the financing, and convertible debt or share issue and or any transaction that may be considered the “sale of the shares or assets of the Borrower(s) and Guarantor(s).

Make note, and we want this to be clearly understood, that the borrower acknowledges that we are a commercial real estate investment banker.  We do verify that our investors include private and public commercial real estate investors (as defined herein) with combined resources in many billions of dollars that are very active in financing commercial real estate properties.

Feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

Jeff Morris

We have two small loans closing and funding next week. They took a while but the clients will cross the finish line and that’s always good news!

Hi Joe,

You work harder than anyone I know.

I hope everything is going good for you! Things have turned around for us personally.

Kindest regards as always,


This came in from Gary M Tuesday November 2nd:

Thanks for remembering me Joe, that meant a lot to me.  Joe, honestly your skills have always been amazing, and I know God has put greatness in you Joe to bring value to you and your family and others you can mentor.  You are a great teacher and mentor.

I sent this to a prospective client November 2nd:


We have your best interest in mind.

Your bank accounts are insured to $250,000. That means everything above is at risk of loss.

By the way, I have a gold program with an international attorney in Ottawa. Under $1m they pay 12.5% a month. Above $1m they pay 25% a month. The attorney has $10m in insurance per account. He will accept any reasonable amount under $1m. This is a gold-backed account. He called me yesterday. This has nothing to do with Greg.

They have been in business for several years. They have “feet on the street” all over the world. They have a good management team. They control every step of the process and have their eyes on the gold from the mine to the refinery. They also trade in diamonds.

Three great programs:

1. MTN Trade with Chris in New Zealand. You earn 36% per quarter on $1.1m+.

2. FMC Trade in Colorado. You earn 50% 30-day trade.  You can also earn 15% a month to $500k and 20% a month above $500k or you can allow the funds to compound and earn 500% for the calendar year.

Funds are wired to Chase and are placed in a blocked account triggering the Traders credit line. Chase sends a letter to that effect to the owner of the funds.

3. Gold Backed Trade 12.5% a month to $1m and 25% above $1m.

Charles also has a T-Strip program that may be of interest to you.


Time is more value than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.”
– Jim Rohn

This came in Tuesday November 2, 2010 from Victor G. who runs a large project funding company in Singapore:

He who tries something and

fails is infinitely greater

than he who tries nothing

and succeeds.

– Confucius

Luke 6:38 (New International Version)

38Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”


As always we’re available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Our websites are at:
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Joseph P. Tufo, President

Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Private Client Services $5,000 to $50,000,000+, Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $14,800,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to $2 Billion, SBA Loans, Commercial Loans, Private & Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Distressed Debt Opportunities:

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Articles for Publication Business Lines Of Credit In The News Large Projects Money Available Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Real Estate Projects Referral Partners Testimonials Trade Programs

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $5k to $50m, Lines and Credit and More 20101002

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $5k to $50m, Lines and Credit and More 20101002

Call or write for a FREE Copy of Call When The Bank Says No!


This is a compilation of everything that occurred in our office for the week. It’s an opportunity for you to see what we learned.

We’re pretty good at what we do but we’re far from perfect. You’ll learn that our clients and funding providers are far from perfect too. Hopefully we’ll all learn some lessons on how to do business better.

We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 33+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Please remember that we work on a Priority-Expedited basis and a Non-Priority- Get To You When We Can basis. Not everyone understands our business model and that’s okay. After 33+ years in financial services we can’t please everyone – We do the best that we can for committed paying clients because they’re the ones who keep us in business.

In The News Money Available Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Proof of Funds Testimonials Trade Programs

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly;Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $5k to $50m, Lines and Credit and More 20100911

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly;Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $5k to $50m, Lines and Credit and More 20100911

This is a compilation of everything that occurred in our office for the week. It’s an opportunity for you to see what we learned.

We’re pretty good at what we do but we’re far from perfect. You’ll learn that our clients and funding providers are far from perfect too. Hopefully we’ll all learn some lessons on how to do business better.

We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 33+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Please remember that we work on a Priority-Expedited basis and a Non-Priority- Get To You When We Can basis. Not everyone understands our business model and that’s okay. After 33+ years in financial services we can’t please everyone – We do the best that we can for committed paying clients because they’re the ones who keep us in business.


I’ve sat through tens of thousands of presentations since we started in business July 1,1999. Most are made by shrewed entrepreneurs in search of funding for their new business concepts.

I am continually shocked by the failure of most of these presentations to communicate effectively and persuasively.

The problem is that nobody knows how to tell a story. And what’s worse, nobodyknows that they don’t know how to tell a story.

The overwhelming majority of business presentations merely serve to convey data, not to persuade.

You need to be able to master the art of telling a story in a clear, convincing manner.

Investors have been burned badly in the past several years. There’s nothing worse than receiving a 250-page “novel” with the funding request buried on page 57. We don’t have time to sift and sort through hundreds of pages of data and to give dozens of hours of our precious time away.

If you’d like to be “coached” on how to present powerfully and effectively you should retain Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. as a Priority – Expedited Client.

We’ve helped hundreds obtain funding, are you next?


This is one of the most dependable Traders available:

Here you find all trade programs we offer of the 2010 season; with each program listed, there is a brief description of its intended use and the type of investor that should be participating in each level of trade.


(Trade Cap Amounts)

TRIAL / TRADE Approved Trades Platform owned by MGB
Amount of Trade Term Cycles Rolls Profits Pay Outs
$ 5K to $ 25K 6 Mo 90 day None 4% P /Mo. 2 total
Trade Structure and Terms:

Trial Trades are for 6 months or 2 /90 day trade cycles in term.  Trial Trades payout once every 90 days for a total of 2 payouts before they end. Trial trades can not be rolled to another 6 month cycle; they must terminate at the end of the 6 months term. They can however, reapply the next trade  season 2011

Trial Trade; are for Investors that are:

·         Skeptical, not sure they wish to commit a larger sum of funds; without seeing how it all works.

·         Investor that has been given so many different program offers, and never had one deliver in the end.

·         Investor that just does not believe, these are not real and that they are all scams.

We understand these concerns and thoughts, so this is your opportunity to prove it out.

Kick the tires to sort of speak.

INTERMEDIATE / TRADES Approved Trades Platform owned by MGB
Amount of Trade Term Cycles Rolls Profits Pay Outs
$ 30K to $ 75K 9 Mo 90 day None 6% P/M 3 total
Trade Structure and Terms:

Intermediate Trades are for 9 months or 12 months; depending upon the investment amount, (see above).  3 /90 day trade cycles in term and 4 /90 day trade cycles in term.  Intermediate Trades payout once every 90 days for a total of 3 payouts and/or 4 payouts, before they end. Trail trades can not be rolled over to another cycle; they must terminate at the end of the 9 or 12, months term. They can however, reapply the next trade  season 2011

SMALL CAP TRADES Approved Trades Platform owned by MGB
Amount of Trade Term Cycles Roll Over Profit Pay Outs
$ 100 K to $ 500K 12 mo 90 day 4 years 10% P/M 4 Total P/Y
$ 500 K to $ 1 M 12 mo 90 day 4 years 10% P/M 4 Total P/Y
$ 1 M to $ 3 M 12mo 90 day 4 years 12% P/M 4 Total P/Y
$ 3 M to $ 5 M 12mo 90 day 4 years

TBD 4 Total P/Y
$ 5 M to $ 10 M 12mo 90 day 4 years

TBD 4 Total P/Y
Trade Structure and Terms:

Small Cap Trades are for 12 months; 4 /90 day trade cycles in term. Trade payouts, once every 90 days for a total of 4 payouts, before they end for that season and automatically roll to the next season. The roll over life is 4 years completing a 5 total years of trading.  The Investor can then re apply for another trade term of, 5 total years trading, by filing a new compliance package and applying it to a new trade term of 5 years.

Large Cap Trades Trades above 20M are by Special Contact Trades only
Amount of Trade Term Cycles Rolls Profits Pay Outs
$ 10 M to $ 20 M 12 mo 90 day 10 years Open 4 Total P/Y
$ 20 M to $ 50 M 12 mo 90 day 10 years Open 4 Total P/Y
Trade Structure and Terms:

Large Cap Trades are for 12 months; 4 /90 day trade cycles in term Trade payouts, once every 90 days for a total of 4 payouts per year, before they end for that season and automatically roll to the next season. The roll over life is a total of (Bank contracted years), trading under this trade.  (normal is 5/10 years)
Large Cap Trades; are for Investors that are:

·         Investors who are comfortable with the trade terms.

·          Investors wanting long term roll over’s and extensions

·         Investors that are sophisticated  and seasoned with the trade industry

·         Investors who have established a history of trade and  have funds to enter at this level of trade

All trade documentation will be review and approved by Regulated Compliance Officers. Programming and Guidelines are proprietary to MGB Ltd.: MGB PCPT /LLC: MGB LLC ©®™¹86312MGB1985/2010,(All rights reserved MGB- 1985 – 2010) All trade is cash only transactions wherein funds move to the bank of trade, no instruments.  All trades are conducted in New Zealand and are under New Zealand corporate regulatory statues. Profits posted are done so in considerations of the up to full amount posted.

This came in Thursday, September 9th:


Are you tired of all the trade offers produced by Brokers who make claim that they are the trader and that they are direct to the Trade Platform?

If your answers was yes, then please read on. This is the season for all the bogus traders and the instruments to come to the surface and make attempts to enter into a trade agreement, normally without a contract.   This has been going on for years and it will continue to go on for years to come.

This industry is one that allows for any Johnny come lately, to claim what ever title that they want, in order to conduct the business that we are engaged in and have been for well over 20 years now.  Before you get involved with any entity claiming to be in control of his / her offer to trade, you should ask the following questions.

  1. Are you the trader, do you execute each and every trade yourself?
  2. Where are you located, exactly?
  3. Where do you trade from: what country?
  4. Will you issue a copy of the so called Traders Passport and a second ID (like a Drivers Lic.)?
  5. What is your business License,. Number, and your country and state or Province of issue?
  6. Describe exactly what your role is in this trade offer and its execution: are you the decision maker or are you not?
  7. Do you issue a contract for the trade that clearly describes the amount of the trade, the profit position and the pay distribution of the Investor and any other party involved?
  8. What are my sources of contact and by what means can they be used if I need to speak with someone ASAP?
  9. Are you in any way connected to any trade activity that is conducted in South America, Switzerland or that requires Euro Clear?
  10. Do you represent any funds stay in account trades that only require a Bank Block and Reserve or SWIFT MT 700 series transmission to conduct the trade?

If you receive a positive yes answer to numbers 9 and 10, you are engaged in a bogus trade and need to run from it.

Know who you are dealing with and know what their position is – exactly.  Do not get involved in the old “You are dealing with a very select group of people.” This may be true in some circles, but they are far beyond your limit line of business. If they were not then you would not be reading this email to start with. You would have no need to do so because you’d already have more money than you could ever spend.

Chris P (above) is a small cap trader not “a pie in the sky deal maker.” He works for your money every single day: one trade at a time.

When you are speaking to Chris P. you are speaking to the person who pushes the button and executes your trade: one client at a time, personally.

So when you have reached your limit line of JOKER BROKER DEALS and require some reality with realistic profits, then get in contact with us: 925-352-6000 Cell, 925-691-8200 Direct to Desk.


This came in Tuesday September 7th :


Thank you for a really thought out response. I have posted it on the website under the main story about there are no new sales ideas. If you ever want to contribute to the publication, please let me know.

Have a great day.



Senior Market Advisor

Summit Business Media

My response:

I’ve written thousands of articles over the past 33 years. Our two primary websites house hundreds of articles alone. We have Total subscribers: 5330.

I owned an insurance agency for 22 years and was simultaneously securities licensed for 19 years. I do funding and advanced investment programs.

I ran three companies: two as national sales manager. I trained 162 agents in one company and 1146 in the other. After that I was president of a funding company with 3993 agents. I speak from experience.

From Daniel:

that is great news. Just say the word and I am glad to share any of your stories on our website and link back to your site.


This is the article I commented on:

The sales tip no guru wants to talk about

Published 9/7/2010


You know the old saying, there’s an elephant in the room? It refers to something – an object, an idea, an issue – so large or obvious it’s impossible to miss.

If you’ll pardon me mixing my metaphors, in the sales world, there’s an “800-pound” elephant in the room that every sales and marketing guru worth his or her salt is aware of, but very few of them are willing to admit.

I found one expert who would own up to this sales secret: Hal Becker. According to Becker, “There is nothing new in sales. If someone says they have a new idea in sales, they’re lying. Everything you need to know and apply is in the classics like How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

Becker says everything under the sun has already been written down, talked about or broadcast about sales. Most of it, you have already heard or read, but are you applying it to your practice, to your daily life?

To truly reach your peak, Becker says there are certain techniques or strategies you need to implement. He believes in these universal truths so much he has them printed on the back of his business card.

1) Be organized. Use your daily planners and always keep in touch with clients and prospects.

2)      Be aggressive. Small numbers multiply rapidly. Consistently make new sales calls every day.

3) Be honest. All you have is your reputation. Let other people sell for you. And, remember, selling is asking, not telling; listening not talking. “People buy from people.”

    • 9/7/2010 4:09:22 PM
    • Joe Tufo
    • The sales tip no guru wants to talk about
    • Solomon, arguably the wisest man to have ever lived, said “there is nothing new under the sun” in Ecclesiastes: (Ecclesiastes 1:9-14 NIV) What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun. {10} Is there anything of which one can say, “Look! This is something new”? It was here already, long ago; it was here before our time. Solomon points out that a lot of the inventions and achievements that we may come up with are soon forgotten by those who follow. many things, are invented numerous times and soon forgotten. Books are written pointing out a certain truth and the knowledge is enthusiastically received for a short while but soon it is lost too. There is much in the past that can help us today but it is buried there and ignored by a generation in love with the latest fads. And we in our turn will be forgotten by those that follow. This gives us a healthy perspective on our careers. They are not all important. The world does not hinge on them. Its who we become as a result of them and how we bless others through them that will last. Mr. Becker is spot on.


This came in Saturday September 4th: Hi Joe,

I am cleaning up my inbox.  I receive collectively about 400 emails and I’m really cutting back especially now that I work in a very small inner circle and am principal in 2 private trade programs one with desk buy of US Treasuries with my institutional window buyer and 2 broker dealers at Wells Security in New York.   And the 2nd trade a Gold buy/sell situation offshore in Zurich, where I travel 2 to 4 times per year and work as their director for Swiss custodial financial institution.

We are principal to or partnered in 17 platforms now with 7 worldwide banks and 3 custodial private Swiss and London based banks.   We utilize our own money, offer our own credit lines and allow our $100m and up cash and instrument holding clients to keep funds at their own bank in most cases.

My international attorney and banker owns 2 large private banks and works our Sovereign program and has one of the platforms for instruments.  We even successfully placed CMO’s with very happy clients last year or so, no taking their cash distributions back to us for private trade on their earnings.

If you wish to introduce or refer a situation, whether you’ve partnered with the client for participation or not you can feel free to show my any relevant situation for an inquiry.  My Foundation is paid by the bank and as Director my company is paid by the bank or is in partnership with the client so I only ask that your work out your fee arrangement prior to presenting, otherwise I can protect you for a referral fee via an MOU with my company.

Laura What is the yield? I work under Swiss banking rules. can discuss with client only who is engaged with us or contracted with us or at minimum has had an initial compliance discussion with me.   There is a min. return best efforts presented on each contract and full disclosure provided and/or historicals where appropriate attorney to attorney or principal to principal. This is how you must discuss with the client being referred.

Term?  I have open ended terminate with written notice immediately to 30-40 year Evergreen programs

How frequently is the client paid?    weekly, bi weekly, monthly, depends on the program and bank and asset manager

Do you have a compliance package that I can review?  i have a standard 9 page package, if you already use one or your client uses their own, I can accept their package.   otherwise, to get started, I only need CIS and LOI  at a minimum I need CIS, then I work through the remaining compliance.

How long is the vetting process?                      both parties may vet as long as necessary we can complete our first pass due diligence in 24 hours or less, only if there are missing documents or questions during compliance does my side take longer than 24 hours. Typically it is in collecting the corporate ownership documents and bank required identification of authorized corporate parties that can cause a delay.  Secondly, proving the funds and awaiting bank SWIFTS are the second area of delays.

Can the client meet the trader(s)?  I request that clients fly to meet and we prefer it that way and always offer it.

Do the investors need to be accredited?   YES  and min. age 18, however with some of the private investments there is no formal accredited SEC form necessarily to be completed.

What is fair compensation for me?   Each and every transaction is different.   For a standard $100m situation or any situation you can run your business as you see fit.   You can present your Introducer fee agreement and or profit participation agreement that you may have engaged with your client when referring the client.   It will then be protected. Standard introduction fees usually are 1% to 5%.    If you have very long term documented relationship of servicing your client and they agree to pay more you may present your profit sharing fee requirement for more, that is entirely up to you.     If you are unable to or don’t feel the need to require a signed fee agreement prior to introduction.   I can protect you with an MOU between my company and your company for an agreed percentage.   As a whole we never ask clients more than 2% per annum management/admin fee and 20% bonus participation.   So it would be unreasonable to ask for more than 10% under an MOU.

Are you still living in Danville?  Yes


1.  Correct.  I can work with $250,000min from an IRA as long as the IRA holder has an approved IRA custodian here in the USA who allows for investments in foreign tax deferred annuities.  Most do, but there is about 1% as custodians who cannot allow foreign.  I don’t provide my insurer except to the IRA holder.  I will consult and provide full disclosure on strategy  with written examples and historicals.

2. As per the earlier email for trade programs, I can work with $1m and up.   $1m to 49m my preference would be to bring them into my Foundation JV for profit sharing on US tresury strip with exits in place  .  spread profit in JV

3.  For $50m and up with leverage can get to $100m and provide our LLoyds TSB contracts for fixed income or our SG or Commerz bank fixed income matched trade, buy/sell.


This came in Wednesday September 8, 2010 from a “Joker-Broker.”


Historically, Buy/Sell programs have paid a high yield of up to 50%-100% per week/month.

You’re involvement is exclusive!  You’ll be doing business directly with the buy-sell
trader performing the transaction on your behalf, using any of the following “clear”
instruments with a minimum of $500M and no maximum: CASH, BGS, SBLCS, CDS,

The investor does not have to do any of the following:
No upfront fees – No movement of the Asset – No purchasing of instruments

The asset remains in your control and under no circumstance can the asset be lost!
This is the real type of PPO’s! The asset stays where it is and basically is blocked
as collateral via Swift MT760 bank to bank.  The asset (the credit line) doesn’t have
to be used, but it must still be there available to back up each and every buy-sell
transaction.  You must be in full control of the asset (No lease instruments).

Investors, or their Intermediaries and/or Brokers are “welcome” to start receiving
High Yield returns within 7-10 business days.   Contact us for a confidential
introduction with the trader.

Reply from a Trade Principal:

Mr. Tufo,

The e-mail you receive is very inconsistent with reality. To begin, no legitimate offer will contain promise of any specific performance.  Secondly, instruments cannot be used to clear and execute trading; cash or margin is required.  The only assets in the e-mail which are usable to secure margin would be US Treasuries and US Bonds. Ask the purveyor of this product to document performance, sadly they will be unable to do so.

Should you have further questions, I will be available to discuss.




Need a Corporation?


  • Articles of Incorporation, corporate binder and seal
  • Document of company transfer and credit report transfer
  • Lender compliant Minutes of meetings
  • A corporate kit (Corporate Compliance record book)
  • Stock certificates
  • A corporate seal (For Official Company Documents)
  • Corporate Bylaws
  • Up to 1 yr Registered agent service
  • Federal Tax ID Number
  • Federal & State Licensing


  • D&B compliant website featuring the company’s line of business and services reflecting the new name of the corporation and new line of business

  • Each company will be registered by D&B trust dunsright records as a trusted D&B business with a registered D&B logo directly on the website and attached to the corporation. Authorized by D&B

  • 1 yr of Dunsright registration and compliance certificate only available through us (renewable)

  • 1 yr of Dun and Bradstreet credit monitoring

  • 3 months of D&B consultation services with former D&B employees

  • Trade verification and self application forms

  • Paydex score of 80

  • 100k in vendor trade lines when corporation is transferred (5-10 days)

  • Additional trades added 3 – 6 months later. (Additional 1k cost for every 10k reporting)

  • Business analysis report as provided by D&B

Cost of this corporation is $35,000


  • Articles of Incorporation, corporate binder and seal
  • Document of company transfer and credit report transfer
  • Lender compliant Minutes of meetings
  • A corporate kit (Corporate Compliance record book)
  • Stock certificates
  • A corporate seal (For Official Company Documents)
  • Corporate Bylaws
  • Up to 1 yr Registered agent service
  • Federal Tax ID Number
  • Federal & State Licensing


  • D&B compliant website featuring the company’s line of business and services reflecting the new name of the corporation and new line of business

  • 1 yr of Dun and Bradstreet credit monitoring

  • 3 months of D&B consultation services with former D&B employees

  • Trade verification and self application forms

  • Paydex score of 80

  • 100k in vendor trade lines when corporation is transferred (5-10 days)

Cost of this corporation is $22,000

This came in Thursday September 9, 2010:


Here is some information about our ABL product.

Some key points:

– Base solely on Accounts Receivable

– Non notification, however if one customer concentration higher than 25% we give the Client the option to let us notify so we can fund more on that one customer.

– Client must commit to a 1, 2, or 3 year contract. Committing to a longer contract helps the rate.

– Pricing:

Prime + 2

Collateral Mgmt fee is between .35% – 1% depending on the deal itself.

Closing fee: 1-1.5% based on amount of line

Deposit @ $2500.00

I will keep in touch.



I’ve done business with Jan for more than eight years.

Asset Based Lending

One of our most popular financing programs is Asset Based Lending product, commonly referred to as “ABL”.  Ideal for growth companies, asset-based revolving lines of credit combine the ease and convenience of a bank line of credit governed by a “borrowing base” with the flexibility and increased availability of asset-based lending.

If your company’s bank line of credit isn’t large enough to accommodate your growth and working capital needs, “ABL” – line of credit may be a good option for you.

The ABL revolving line of credit can provide you with immediate access to crucial working capital to grow and sustain your business.  In addition, you’ll get Jan’s 25+ years of experience managing accounts receivable to work for you, allowing you to focus on doing what you do best…managing the operations and growth of your business.

Asset Based Revolving Lines of Credit are available for credit line sizes from $500,000 to $10,000,000.

When is Asset-Based Lending a Good Choice?

Expand Your Business While Increasing Profits

Are you turning down new sales because you lack the cash flow to purchase raw materials or pay your employees?  ABL revolving lines of credit may provide you with the additional working capital you need to fuel your sales growth.

Manage Customer Credit

Do you know the tell-tale signs of a company about to file bankruptcy?  How well do you really know the customers you are selling to?  For that matter, how well do you know the prospects you are seeking to sell to?  But monitoring customer credit risk requires expertise…and money.  Subscriptions to the major credit reporting agencies can cost you well in excess of $100,000 a year.  And a single credit manager employee can cost you an additional $75,000+ a year in wages, taxes and benefits.

As an ABL customer you’ll have access to over 25 years of unmatched credit expertise — at no cost to you.  We’ll investigate the creditworthiness of your customers and prospects.  And we’ll monitor that credit, track pay trends, and maintain individual credit limits for all of your important customers.  So sleep well at night knowing your credit exposures are being continuously monitored.

Collection Assistance

Ever heard the collection industry phrase “The squeaky wheel gets the grease”?  Experts agree that performing collection calls on your accounts receivable speeds up your receivable turnover and improves your cash flow.  But hiring a staff to handle your collections is no easy task.  A single collection employee can cost you in excess of $50,000 a year in wages, taxes and benefits.  As an asset-based lending client, you’ll have unlimited access to a full staff of courteous and professional collection experts — all at no cost to you.  And staying on top of your past due accounts receivable (“A/R”) ensures that your customers understand how serious you take your business.  Studies prove that consistent and properly managed customer contact reduces your A/R days outstanding, improves customer satisfaction, and increases repeat business.

Rebalance Working Capital — Tie Short-Term Assets to Short-Term Debt

Just ask your accountant — borrowing long term to finance your short-term working capital needs is a bad idea.  Longer term debt, like fully-amortizing term loans, is designed to finance longer term assets such as real estate and equipment.  Shorter term assets, such as accounts receivable, require short term financing — like revolving lines of credit.  So if you’re financing your short term working capital needs with a long term loan, an asset-based revolver can help you get things back in balance.  It may even mean retiring some of the your long term debt to reduce your monthly payment burden.

Avoid Use of Personal Assets (Estate Protection)

Any investment expert will tell you that a business needs to “stand on its own” in order to be worthy of investment.  But if you’re continually supporting your business with personal assets and funding, you’ll never achieve this.  An asset-based revolving line of credit allows you to obtain financial support for your business on its own merit, using your accounts receivable as the principle source of repayment.  But unlike traditional loans that are based on the creditworthiness of the borrower, asset-based revolving credit lines are based on the creditworthiness of your customers.

Qualification Parameters

In general, companies turn to asset-based lending when a bank won’t approve a requested traditional line of credit.  But that doesn’t mean ABL is the province of distressed firms.  Quite the contrary, ABL lines of credit are generally for fast-growing, profitable companies.  The ABL line is designed to allow a growing company to maintain higher debt-to-worth ratios (“financial leverage”) which are typically necessary during high-growth periods.  The credit line size approved for a traditional bank line of credit is typically determined based on looking at sales and profitability for the last 2 to 3 years.  But for a growing company, last year’s financing needs aren’t a good indicator of what a company needs this year.  For these companies, ABL is hugely attractive.  And, during a recession or periods of tight credit, when banks won’t lend to anyone, ABL lines of credit often become the financing of choice even for companies with stable sales and low financial leverage.

Qualification for the ABL revolving line of credit is fairly straightforward.  The three most important factors are:

  1. You must have high-quality accounts receivable.  Credit worthy customers are important, but so is diversification of accounts and invoice documentation.
  2. You must be able to produce monthly financial statements within 30 days of month-end.  This is a crucial element of approval and imparts a level of reporting discipline on the customer.
  3. You must have a good management team in place.  Startup businesses are fine, but there is always a premium placed on experience.

If these attributes describe your business, you have a good chance at obtaining approval for an asset-based revolving line of credit.

Ideal candidates for the ABL product include manufacturers, distributors and wholesalers, service-based businesses like staffing, transportation and printing companies.  ABL lines are not available to consumer-based retailers, construction companies or health care providers.

The ABL line of credit is custom designed to meet the need of individual organizations, offering maximum flexibility and availability of funds.


This came in Thursday, September 9, 2010:

Thank you for your time and advice!!!  I will follow it and then get back to you shortly.



Joseph P. Tufo, President

Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
Let Us Help You Get Funded:

Networking/Chat Contacts:
LinkedIn: jptufo
Skype:  jptufo
Google Talk:
Google Profile:

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Private Client Services $5,000 to $50,000,000+, Business and Personal Lines of Credit $500,000 to $14,800,000, Large Project Funding $20,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, Hard Money Loans, Asset Monetization, Proof Of Funds and More.

We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Bank Instruments Business Lines Of Credit Collateral Instruments In The News Money Available Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Testimonials Trade Programs

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly; Truth About Trade Programs, No Up Front Fee Lines of Credit, 20100904

Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly; Truth About Trade Programs, No Up Front Fee Lines of Credit, 20100904

This is a compilation of everything that occurred in our office for the week. It’s an opportunity for you to see what we learned.

We’re pretty good at what we do but we’re far from perfect. You’ll learn that our clients and funding providers are far from perfect too. Hopefully we’ll all learn some lessons on how to do business better.

We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 33+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Please remember that we work on a Priority-Expedited basis and a Non-Priority- Get To You When We Can basis. Not everyone understands our business model and that’s okay. After 33+ years in financial services we can’t please everyone – We do the best that we can for committed paying clients because they’re the ones who keep us in business.


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Asset Monetization Bank Instruments Collateral Instruments Credit Enhancement Hard Money In The News Large Projects Money Available Newsletters Private Placement Programs Proof of Funds Real Estate Projects Testimonials Trade Programs

Right From The Heart: New Publishing Schedule, New Gold Trade, New Gold Provider For Metal, Two New Large Project Funding Sources, Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, Proof of Funds, Hard Money, Get Ready Questions and Lots More 20100526

Right From The Heart: New Publishing Schedule, New Gold Trade, New Gold Provider For Metal, Two New Large Project Funding Sources, Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, Proof of Funds, Hard Money, Get Ready Questions and Lots More 20100526


Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where temperatures are in the mid-60’s: the sky is overcast and rainfall has exceeded normal for the first time in years, Praise God!


We’re changing the way that we Market and promote our websites. If you’d like to learn more about what we’re doing visit:
This new marketing tool will help you build your business too!


We’ve gone to a publishing schedule for the first time in 10+ years:

Monday: Monster Corporations, Business Lines of Credit $100,000 to $14,800,000

Tuesday: International Hard Money Conference and Access to Hard Money Funding $500,000 to $100,000,000

Wednesday: Newsletter

Thursday: Proof of Funds, SBLC, BG, Bank Instruments and More

Friday: Large Project Funding $20m+, 100% True JV, Trade Programs

Saturday: What We Learned For The Week: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

Sunday: Credit Restoration, Derogatory Removal, Inquiry Removal, Business Credit Enhancement


Dale and I are looking for “Don’t Wanter” Real Estate. If you know of properties kindly refer them to me We pay referral fees.







Programs Starting from $1MM +


Rolls and Extensions on Contracts


This is a Commodities Contract– Project is not necessary.

Safe-Secure-Fast- High Returns

$1,000,000 PROGRAM (Historical Returns)


(We can do an Internal Admin Hold BANK to BANK)




CIS form; Need Color Copy of Passport Enlarged 140%.


PROOF OF FUNDS- Proof-Of-Funds (POF) can be a Sanitized recent Bank Statement or Tear Sheet as an introduction.

(White-out or Black-out account numbers)

Or Standard, 2 Banker-Signed, SKR Letter from the depository bank works best: not a free form swift.

Funds Stay In Account. FUNDS are Not Moved, Pledged, Liened, Encumbered, Blocked, or Hypothecated and No Other Signature is Added.


Please feel free contact to us to proceed


(925) 3526000








This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information.  It is intended solely for the use of the addressee.  If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, or using any of this information.  This email is not a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering.  If you received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy.  This communication may contain nonpublic personal information about consumers subject to the restrictions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.  You may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose such information for any purpose other than to provide the services for which you are receiving the information NCC is not a Certified Financial Advisor, Securities Broker and/or a Stock Broker.  We are a Banking, Financial, Business consultant who provides advice to private individuals on or about business matters.  If you have received this email in error, please notify us by return email and delete record from your computers.  The information presented is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds and is intended only as general knowledge.  Understand that the contemplated transaction is strictly private and in no way relates to the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the “Act”)or related regulations and does not involve the sale of registered securities.  This transaction is private and exempt from the Act.  If you are not the intended recipient, please be aware that any disclosure, photocopying, distribution, or use of the contents of this information is prohibited.  Thank you

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This electronic communication is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, Codified at 18 U.S.C 1367,2510-2521, 2701-2710, 3121-3126.
Also see: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 15 USC, Subchapter1, Sec. 6801-6809

I received this Saturday May 15, 2010. It shows our commission for those who want to know what we earn:

We are a family owned, second generation, gold mining and exporting company.

We have all the requisite licenses to mine and export.

We ship CIF to known customers and we have proven records of previous shipments.

We also have assay report and SKR receipts of 200kg stored in a secured vault / Bank.

We are preparing a shipment of 50kg of 22+ Carat gold to China over the week.

Please let me know if you have a buyer in China or if you are capable of proceeding to China to receive the gold.

We are among the few Gold mining and exporting Companies in Ghana that are capable of shipping CIF with the issuance of Standby Letter of Credit.

As a matter of company policy, we do not request or accept any up front payment under any guise, but buyer will be expected to issue a “Standby Letter Of Credit” to cover the value of transaction. Whereby the buyer prefers not or unable to issue the SBLC, buyer will be expected to personally present a “Comfort Letter” or “Bank Guarantee” to our Bank In Accra, Ghana.

In this extraordinary investment environment, wealth preservation should be your top priority.  Before you make your next financial decision, consider the following: since 2001, when the U.S. dollar began its secular decline and lost over 30% outperforming all major asset classes.

Precious metals have stood the test of time as a wealth protector in times of economic strife and uncertainty. While most investment portfolios lost 30-70% in 2008, Gold yielded up to 45% returns in value appreciation in the global markets.

Many top analysts are predicting further upward movement and have set price targets above $1500 per ounce by years end, and as high as $3000 within the next few years.

Traders and investment managers that previously never invested in precious metals, have shifted focus as solid fundamentals and positive technical analysis in the sector are undeniable.

It will interest you to know that we pay 3.5% after tax for each and every successful deal you initiated.

Please, talk to your investor clients and let’s close a deal.

We are looking forward to having a successful and profitable business relationship with you.


David D


I have followed Martin Weiss for about 25 years. Here is your access to the Strongest and Weakest Banks in the USA.

With 73 bank failures to date this year we’re at double the pace of last year:


My good friend, John Adams, called this morning, May 26th and shared this website;

If you’re a patriot you can help us take back the House of Representatives and jump-start the economy. We have 80,000 members and at 500,000 members our plan of action will be put into place. If you have questions please call me and I’ll personally introduce you to John.


We have two new large project funding sources $50 million and above. They require 1% as a good faith deposit. Merrill Lynch handles escrow from their New York office.

The first takes 30% of net profit. They distribute proceeds incrementally so if you need $100m the first month this is not the program for you.

I sent this to Indi in China who needs $950m to fund his project. Indi was referred by Vasko:

I may have a funding source for your project. They require a 1% good faith deposit that is refundable. They take 30% of net profits. A buy-out is possible after three to five years. They are affiliated with Merrill Lynch. They are based in New York. They take 75 to 105 calendar days to fund.

This is what I received: I am direct to a 100% Project Funding Profit Sharing Program that just closed $500M last week (first monthly draw is next week). Minimum project size is $50M up to $5B. They do require up to a 1% Good Faith Deposit (GFD), but only AFTER you have read, understood, agreed to, and signed a Terms & Conditions Agreement, Profit Sharing Agreement, Escrow Agreement, and Draw Schedule. SO, you know all the players involved & the terms before any money is due. Also, they allow attorney-to-attorney calls to validate references and verify capacity to perform BEFORE the GFD is required. They use a well known 3rd party for their due diligence. Funder adds fees to net amount required by client and funds total gross amount. Fees don’t come into play at all unless client buys out the lender down the road..which is optional.

I have two projects (a $500M mixed use/entertainment project in Texas and an $82M resort project in the Bahamas) that just received their offers from this lender. Closing can be as soon as June 30, depending on when they get their GFD in (for example, if they have GFD in by May 14, they will close June 30, pending no major issues during due diligence/background screening).

BTW, Joe, I agree with your comment about integrity and ethics. For the record, I am a U.S. Air Force Academy graduate. The Honor Code I lived by as a cadet is still important to me today (I named my company after the mascot at USAFA…the Falcon). My reputation and integrity are MORE important to me than closing any deal that hints of unethical or immoral behavior. I look forward to hearing from direct clients seeking funds for their $50M+ commercial projects.


I had a long talk with Tod. Tod has a way of monetizing bank instruments.

Here’s what he sent me:


We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

How does it work?

Provide a KYC, RWA and copy of instruments (Call me at 925-352-6000 cell or email me at and I’ll send the paperwork – a sample is integrated in this mailing.)

On “AA” rated instruments we make loans at 90% of face, 2 pts to lender and 2 pts to intermediaries.  No daisy chains.

On a 1-year term, at the end of the the term you pay back the 90% and get your instruments back.

Lesser rated, “B” and “C” discounted more.


1-Provide a KYC, RWA and copy of instrument.

2-We verify in 24-48 hours, conference call with lender and client,  then issue out Loan Agreements.

3-Upon receiving the executed Loan Agreement back we fund in a matter of days.

All intermediaries supply a CIS, Passport and wire instructions and are protected by a Master Fee Agreement.

Waiting your favorable reply and successful completion of a transaction.

Warmest Regards,



Date: __________________, 2010

Client Information

Client/Signatory Name  :

Nationality   :

Passport Number  :

Date of Issue   :

Expiration Date  :

Issued by   :

Date of Birth   :

Place of Birth   :

Home Information t;/span>

Street address   :

City/State/ZIP   :

Telephone   :

Facsimile   :

Business Information

Business Name  :

Street address   :

Registered Office  :

Registered Number  :

Telephone   :

Facsimile   :

Legal Advisor Name  :

Legal Advisor address  :

(Client Information Sheet, Page 2)

Mailing Address Information

Street address   :

City/State/ZIP   :

E-Mail Address  :

Bank Information

Name of Bank   :

Branch    :

Street address   :

City/State/ZIP   :

Telephone   :

Facsimile   :

S.W.I.F.T. Code  :

Bank Officer #1  :

‘; font-size: medium;”>Bank Officer #2  :

Account Name   :

Account Number  :

Account Signatory  :

Funds available  : US$/€_____________ (________________)

Origin of Funds:



Are these Funds free and clear?    ¨ Yes  ¨ No

Brief description of Corporate Activity:



(Client Information Sheet, Page 3)

I hereby swear under penalty of perjury, that I AM THE SIGNATORY of the account and that the funds/asset belongs to me. The information provided herein is accurate and true.

Client Name / Title


(Page One of Two)

Date: __________________, 2010

To: Private Lender

Re.: Participation in a Private Financial Opportunity

I, _____________________, as Account Holder and Signatory, do hereby confirm that I have requested of you and your organization, specific confidential information and documentation on behalf of myself regarding currently available Project funding to serve only my interest, education, and not for further distribution.

I hereby agree that all information received form you is in direct response to my request, and is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of any sort, or any type of offering, and for my general knowledge only. I hereby affirm under penalty of perjury, that I have requested this information from you and your organization of my choice and free will and further, and that you have not solicited me in any way.

I hereby represent that I am not an informant, nor am I associated with any government agency of the United States of America, or any other country, such as the Secret Service, Internal Revenue Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Securities and Exchange Commission, Banking Commission, nor any agency whose purpose is to gather information regarding such offerings.

I understand that the contemplated transaction is strictly one of private placement, and is in no way relying upon, or relating to, the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or related regulations, and does not involve the sale of securities.

Further, I hereby declare that you have disclosed that you are not a licensed Security trader, attorney, bank officer, certified public accountant or financial planner. Any information, work or service conducted hereunder is that of a private individual and that this is a project funding transaction that is exempt from the Securities Act and not intended for the general public but Private Use only.


(Page Two of Two)

The facsimile transmission of this document shall be considered a binding and enforceable instrument, treated as original copy.  Original may be obtained upon request.

Client Name / Title


(Name of Corporation)

(Page One of Two)

Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the ____ day of _____________, 2010

Articles of Incorporation of the Company.

A special meeting of the Board of Directors of __________________ (hereinafter referred to as “Corporation”) was duly held in accordance with the Articles of Association/By Laws of the Corporation.

Present at the meeting were the following Directors:

_____________________________________, Director and Chairman,

_____________________________________, acting as Secretary

The meeting of the Directors undertook the following Corporate Resolution, which has been recorded in the Minute of the Book of the Corporation.

It was unanimously resolved to utilize funds/assets in deposit at (name of the Bank) for an investment opportunity.

Additionally it was unanimously resolved, that ______________________________ Director of the Corporation since [date of appointment] and authorized signatory of the funds/assets on deposit, is authorized to use corporate bank accounts, to enter into instrument and fee agreements as necessary, to make selections as to which investment will suit best the placement of these funds/assets so as to assure the anticipated financial returns and to receive and distribute all profits from the investment.

The necessary authority and powers required to undertake these tasks and responsibilities are hereby granted to:

Name   :

Passport No.  :

Country of Origin :


(Name of Corporation)

(Page Two of Two)

It is therefore, unanimously resolved that the appointed officer and director shall have the authority to negotiate all details and sign the final contract with the officer representing the investment and bank officers.

There being no further business, the meeting was declared adjourned, and in witness thereof, the directors signed below on the date first written above.

Signed and sealed this _________ day of _________________, 2010

Client Name / Title


Date: __________________, 2010

To: Private Lender

Re.: Participation in a Private Financial Opportunity

Dear Sirs,

We, ______________________________________, authorized signatories and on behalf of ourselves, do hereby authorize the compliance department and or compliance bank, to check with our bank (name and address of the bank) on a bank-to-bank basis, the availability and authenticity of the funds/asset which we commit to place into the Private Financial Opportunity transaction with you.

Kindly find below the full coordinates of our bank and the funds/asset in deposit/custody with them:

  • Instrument Type  :
  • Instrument ISIN / CUSIP :
  • Bank Name  :
  • Address   :
  • SWIFT Code  :
  • Phone / Fax&nbs  p; :
  • Account No.  :
  • Account Holder  :
  • Amount / Value  : US$/€______________ (_______________)

This authorization shall remain in full force and effect after issuance for a period of thirty (30) banking days.

Client Name / Title

Sample MT-760















PIN       PIN


From my friend Jay:


We are excited to tell you that we are now offering SWIFT services!  please see attachment.

The #1 provider for POF, Swift, and Banking Instruments.



We are proud to announce our newest addition to our product and service offerings.  Due to our growing capacity and continued success, we are now able to offer SWIFT services to you and your clients. Below are some outlines of what can be done. Feel free to contact us for any of your questions.

  • Flexible verbiage. Include dollar amounts, contract numbers etc.
  • Save on costs; bank institutions typically charge large fees compared to us.
  • Send and receive swift, 24-72 hours at times.
  • We are able to provide the instrument if one is not provided.

We are proud to offer swift service now even for your own instruments.

  • POF
  • SBLC
  • BG
  • DLC
  • ETC

A any swift for your purpose. Most popular swifts include:

  • MT 799
  • MT 760
  • MT 103
  • MT 999
  • ETC


  1. Request letter:  Provider will need to contact principle for validation.
  2. SWIFT Agreement notarized
    1. Have receiving coordinates
    2. Verbiage of swift
  3. Supply instrument e.g.
    1. POF statement
    2. SBLC
    3. BG
    4. DLC
    5. ETC
  4. Color copy of passport
  5. Pricing is on a per case scenario. Contact for details.

I also received this:

We’d like to thank you for your continued business and look forward to more shared success!

Here is a list of our current products and services:

·         Bank Guarantees

·         Stand By Letters of Credit

·         Documentary Letters of Credit

·         Proof of Funds

·         SWIFT services –  our newest addition!  We can now provide SWIFT services for your instruments as well.

Great News: Our domestic Investment Brokerage account program is now licensed as a Hedge fund and can now do SWIFT MT760.



I met with Hector and Peter in Los Angeles with a couple who had flown from the Carolina’s and our referral partner, Robert. They are guaranteed $1,000,000 with a target of $1,500,000.

It takes a 740 minimum FICO score and $43,000 up front for $500,000 corporation and $75,000 up front for a $1,500,000 corporation ($1,000,000 guaranteed).

The process takes 90 to 120 calendar days. The back end success fee is 12%.


Jay can furnish Proof of Funds from $90,000 (I found that out yesterday when a prospect needed that amount) to $10 billion. I have the wholesale price sheets.

Jay offered to make us a “Tier One Broker” so we really need your help. In order to maintain that privilege we need to close three transactions a month for $150,000,000.

We also can provide Stand By Letters of Credit and Swifting with Jay.


I spoke with Greg this week.

It’s important to complete a CIS, furnish an enlarged copy of your passport and supply proof of funds.

Most questions are answered in the materials that we’ve supplied. When Greg receives the application he will arrange a conference call to become acquainted.

You can expect the process to take two to three weeks and receive payouts within a week or two afterwards. This may be the best way to fund a project today.

Greg also has a $20,000,000 minimum funding 100% true JV and an in-ground and out-of-ground asset program that I have written about. Visit our websites for details. 800+ pages newsletter archive and 2,000+ pages

I spoke with Chris this morning. Time is of the essence. He has a Sovereign trade that will accept bonds backed by oil, gold, or silver issued between 1800 to 1975:

This came in from Chris:

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Chris
Date: Fri, May 7, 2010 at 7:08 PM
To: Joe Tufo <>


You would need to drop what you are doing and get this in to me by Sunday in order to make the deadline…


Hi Team,

The UN Sovereign Trading Platform is THE ONLY ONE that can trade Bearer Bonds

975 SERIES C Mexican bonds, and Petrobras,..regardless of what is being said out there otherwise. That being said, they are offering to do this ONLY for the next 5 days in an effort of cleaning the world banking systems. They offer this:

1) The bonds will be taken into trade at their full face value + coupon value of the bonds*. *Any* bearer bond can be submitted to the platform, not just the Mexican bonds*.

2) The bonds will be leveraged 20 times, roll over 40 times and payable every 2 weeks for 10 years.

3) The profit will be paid to the bond holders at 20%, the UN keeps 80% for humanitarian projects and repatriate countries for loses incurred with these instruments.

4) The bond holder nets 15%, 1% commission is available 50/50 buy/sell sides.

This will be transparent via subfee agreements.

We need a few things:     Simple CIS…

1) Color passport copy of the bond holder or signatory

2) Color copies of the SKRs or Depository Receipts

3) Signed IMFPA by the bond holder or signatory


1800 TO 1963 ARE OK







We placed one client into this program. JPT.

Chris also has a $50k to $100m+ program.

“Most great people have

attained their greatest success

just one step beyond

their greatest failure.”

– Napoleon Hill

This communication may contain privileged and/or confidential information.  It is intended solely for the use of the addressee.  If you are not the intended recipient, you are strictly prohibited from disclosing, copying, distributing, or using any of this information.  This email is not a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering.  If you received this communication in error, please contact the sender immediately and destroy the material in its entirety, whether electronic or hard copy.  This communication may contain nonpublic personal information about consumers subject to the restrictions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.  You may not directly or indirectly reuse or redisclose such information for any purpose other than to provide the services for which you are receiving the information NCC is not a Certified Financial Advisor, Securities Broker and/or a Stock Broker.  We are a Banking, Financial, Business consultant who provides advice to private individuals on or about business matters.  If you have received this email in error, please notify us by return email and delete record from your computers.  The information presented is not in any way considered or intended to be a solicitation of funds and is intended only as general knowledge.  Understand that the contemplated transaction is strictly private and in no way relates to the United States Securities Act of 1933 (the “Act”)or related regulations and does not involve the sale of registered securities.  This transaction is private and exempt from the Act.  If you are not the intended recipient, please be aware that any disclosure, photocopying, distribution, or use of the contents of this information is prohibited.  Thank you.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This electronic communication is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986, Codified at 18 U.S.C 1367,2510-2521, 2701-2710, 3121-3126.
Also see: Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 15 USC, Subchapter1, Sec. 6801-6809


To Jay:

We have a prospect that needs a $5m POF for one year. He is in the construction business. He needs the POF to show financial substance. The loan is due to close June 15th. He needs to show POF in the next two weeks. He would prefer paying monthly if possible. What is the cost?

From Jay:

30 day $5m 1.5%, renewal 1.25% a month

60 day $5m 2.0%, renewal 1.75% 60 days


More from Tod:






We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

How does it work.  Provide a KYC, RWA and copy of instruments (attached).  On “AA” rated instruments we make loans at 90% of face, 2 pts to lender and 2 pts to intermediaries.  No daisy chains.  On a 1-year term, at the end of the the term you pay back the 90% and get your instruments back.  Lessor rated, “B” and “C” discounted more.


1-Provide a KYC, RWA and copy of instrument.

2-We verify in 24-48 hours, conference call with lender and client,  then issue out Loan Agreements.

3-Upon receiving the executed Loan Agreement back we fund in a matter of days.

All intermediaries supply a CIS, Passport and wire instructions and are protected by a Master Fee Agreement.



Waiting your favorable reply and successful completion of a transaction.

Warmest Regards,



I had several long talks with Jay, our Preferred Proof of Funds Provider this month. Friday, April 30th Jay stated that the largest POF they have personally closed was $10 billion. They can go higher. There is no upper end limit. As long as it is not something illegal they will furnish the POF.

Marty asked the fee for a $10b POF: Jay replied 1.5% looking for the client to proof up for the $150m. If the client proofed for $75m Jay would use the completed application and POF to negotiate a lower fee.


My friend, Jerome, is an expert on funding start-ups. He is an Angel Investor that funds $50,000 to $350,000. He takes 10% to 15% equity.Learn how to get your foot in the door.

Add Discount Code: Cashflow CA – jp04221010

They are not here to look at projects. He’s here to give an education.

Introduction To Venture Capital

Friday, June 25, 2010 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (ET)

White Plains, NY

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Sales End Price Fee Quantity
Introduction To Venture Capital: June 25, 2010 Seminar & Networking Event Jun 24, 2010 $300.00 $0.00

Enter Discount Code

If you have a discount code, enter it here: 

Event Details

Introduction To Venture Capital Process

Seminar & Networking Event

Featured Presenter:  Jerome, Venture Capitalist

Location: White Plains, NY

Date & Time:  trong> Friday, Jun 25th, 2010 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Seminar & Networking Event Objective:  Provide entrepreneurs and others searching for investors with an understanding of the typical VC deal screening process and the elements VCs look for when considering business deals for investment.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Differentiating between angel investment and Venture Capital
  • The stages of business development from initial concept to expansion along with rounds of financing
  • The origins of a good VC deal:  Trusted sources, a message to brokers and a word on “shopped” deals
  • The final word on the importance of a quality executive summary and business plan
  • Identifying key elements and show stoppers when screening deals
  • An alternative funding option for those with assets and cash flow  – What’s hot with SBA
  • Utilizing an IT partner that recognizes the constraints of start-up resources
  • How to get your foot in the door and build relationship with Angels and VCs

Who Should Attend:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Financial consultants
  • Brokers
  • Individuals looking for networking opportunities
  • Vendors and service providers seeking partnerships
  • Individuals considering a new career, educators, and recent grads who are seeking a broader understanding of the VC process

Enter this discount code: Cashflow CA – jp04221010


I really appreciate your open expression of your faith and sharing the way with all who see it.

David Van Meter
You can see all comments on this post here:


We had a referral partner bring a $1.72 billion precious gem collection for monetization Friday April 16th. Here’s what I sent them:


Get as much as possible as to all that applies.

Can monetize up to 90%LTV

The $ can then be placed into our Trade Platforms.

Send at the same time, do not piece mail.


Precious Metals-Gold/Silver/Ore, etc.  Precious Stones, Gems, Rubies Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphire, Rare Coins MuseumQuality Antiques & Art works.





















Here’s an email Mark Molenaar sent to Jim Thursday April 22nd:

I strongly encourage you to read the email below and contact Joe Tufo about funding your green growth technology project!

I have followed Joe for several years and he is one of the guys I first thought of to put you in contact with.  I’ve reviewed several projects with him and really appreciate his approach to funding and taking care of business.  He’s a straight shooter and won’t waste your time.  The only reason I didn’t refer you to him already last summer was that we were focused on finding a “proof of funds” lender and the lenders on his hot list at the time were similar to what you already had, but wasn’t proof of funds…. But guess what, I just got this email from Joe last week and it is specifically targeted to your needs.  Please email or call him directly and let me know how it goes.


I believe this project will be right up your alley.  Jim is CEO of a company called “Green Growth Technology”, they are men of integrity, they have excellent due diligence, and they have a compelling project with potential to generate over $250,000,000 within the first year operation.

But as is far too familiar, they haven’t been able to secure the funding necessary to put the plan into action.  They had an investor in 2008 that was forced to back out in early 2009 due to economy (sound familiar?).  Now they have a letter of intent for $17,000,000 but need proof of funds and its been hard to come by, and maybe we were just talking with the wrong investors (aka: not you).  Your explanation below is exactly what we were trying to find and create last fall.  This would be good.

My friend’s company has first rights to a land acquisition for a green technology park and mining operations – significant land resources for anthrocite, and butanol with a captive high BTU fuel supply at an extremely low $/mmBTU price.  In addition to the full scale butanol projects, this site offers significant opportunities to divest the various non-core assets to provide both a return of invested capital as well as funds to further the mining development other power and fuel developments such as a coal to liquids facility, a synthetic natural gas facility, a natural gas combined cycle project, wind power project, and solar power project.  In addition, if GGT is able to finish the first stage of this project, they have also secured the rights to purchase a significantly larger property to expand operational capacity.  That could potentially include raising $100-300M funds which you and your affiliates may very well be able to provide.

Anyhow, I’m excited because I think this is really finally doable.  Please anticipate a call in a few days.

Best Regards,  I appreciate hearing how you’re still able to help people find funding in this economy.

Mark Molenaar

Proof of Funds

We are committed to guiding you through today’s complicated credit environment by targeting your specific needs to insure future success for your business and yourself!

Types of processes our products assist with:

  • Net worth enhancements

  • Show of Downpayment

  • Bond requirement

  • Reserved or Blocked funds

  • Video Production

  • Real Estate

  • Oil and Commodity

  • Fund you Large Commercial projects

  • Credit enhancement

  • Proof of Collateral / Liquidity

  • Qualify for financing

Proof of Funds & Letters of Credit
Welcome to our boutique of financial instruments:
We offer proof of funds with financial backing of over $500billion in assets. Our funds are fully verifiable via bank swift (MT760, MT799, MT999 & MT103/23), bank call, VOD or soft escrow etc. Written Confirmations from 1 to 366 days up to $5B. Clients have utilized these funds for a variety of reasons. These programs aren’t to be used for any Arms, Drugs or any other transaction that are illegal. We do not qualify the use of these accounts.

Our programs exist of but are not limited to:

PROOF OF FUNDS – Investment Brokerage Account: Great to enhance and leverage your transactions with large funds at low costs.

PROOF OF FUNDS LETTER – Investment Brokerage Account: Works very well for Real Estate show of assets.

PROOF OF FUNDS – Top Bank: Enables clients to enter into new arenas of high yield opportunities.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Investment Brokerage Account: SBLC- BG- DLC Etc. Great for Import/Export and other large transactions.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Top Banks: Leverage large projects for high volume funding.


  • This is a Forex Master Trading Account.

  • Yes it is cash backed.

  • This account offers seasoning by request.

  • Amounts from $50K to $5B and at times higher.

  • VOD, phone and fax verifiable.

  • Swift MT799 by request for additional costs.

  • Funds can be blocked for the transaction and Administrative holds are available.

  • Great for showing proof of assets for real estate and other business transactions.

  • Verifiable by standard VOD, phone and fax verification.

  • Very inexpensive method of proof of fund.

  • Cash Backed.

  • Top Bank.

  • Master Account.

  • 8 week programs with extensions.

  • Starting from $1M and up.

  • MT799, MT760 Ping or Fax verification.

  • Blocked and reserved for the transaction.

  • SBLC/SLOC: Standby Letter of Credit.

  • DLC: Documentary Letter of Credit.

  • BCL: Bank Capabilities Letter.

  • BG: Bank Guarantee.

  • Up to $10B.

  • 1 to 13 months with extensions.

  • Great for Import/Export and commodities.

  • Large transactions.

– This acts as a guarantee of payment issued by a financial entity on behalf of a client that is used as “payment of last resort” should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby letters of credit are created as a sign of good faith in business transactions, and are proof of a buyer’s credit quality and repayment ability. The financial entity issuing the SLOC/SBLC will perform brief underwriting duties to ensure the viability of the contract and transaction, as well as the integrity of the party seeking the letter of credit. Typically, the letter of credit is cancelled as soon as the terms of the contract have been met by the purchaser or borrower. After due-diligence is concluded, the issuing process is 2-3 days.

  • Top US and European Banks

  • Leverage Funding

  • Monetizable

We pride ourselves with our success track record and effectiveness to produce results for you. Consider us your complete one stop source for Proof of Funds. Ask about our broker network program. Please note our arrangement fee is upfront (through escrow) and not as a success fee.

Procedures and Forms
1. Client, or client’s representative, will provide the necessary information to provide a quote. The minimum information needed is: the client’s name, email address, telephone number, and physical address, account funding amount, account term and type of account verification required.

2. A Term Sheet will be issued for the amount of funds requested by the Client. The Term Sheet will stipulate the Arrangement Fee, refundable processing costs, escrow fee and include a short application.

3. Upon receipt of the signed Term Sheet, processing fee, escrow fee, application and proof of ability to deposit the Arrangement Fee in the Escrow Account, a Principal Agreement will be issued detailing how the Proof of Funds is to be provided. The agreement will include provisions concerning delivery of confirmation documentation and terms of account use. Escrow instructions will also be provided so that the initial Arrangement Fee can be deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account. It is a condition in the Escrow Agreement that in the event we do not open the Proof of Funds account, the Arrangement Fee will be returned in full to the Client by the Escrow Agent.

4. Concurrent with the Client’s execution of the Principal Agreement, the Client must deposit the initial Arrangement Fee into the Escrow Account. The Client will be required to provide the necessary documentation to complete the account establishment process. This information will include color copies of photo ID’s for all signatories; a second ID including address; Certificate of Good Standing or Incorporation, if applicant is a company; Employer Identification Number (if applicable) and Corporate resolutions (if applicable) and social security numbers for individuals. The Client will be a signatory on the account, but will be unable to conduct transactions or encumber the funds in the account in any manner.

5. Upon confirmation that the Arrangement Fee has been deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account, the Proof of Funds Account will be opened in the Client’s name, and funds will be deposited into the POF account in the amount stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

6. The Arrangement Fee is released from the Trust Account when confirmation is provided to the Escrow Agent that the account has been set up in the client’s name, and that the appropriate funds have been deposited as stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

7. The Proof of Funds account will remain open for the Client’s use for the period of time stated in the Principal Agreement, and conditionally, may be extended through mutual agreement, and payment by the Client of the Arrangement Fee for such extensions, within five (5) days of the expiration of the current term.

Frequently Asked Questions
Proof of funds: blocked funds in a cash account with the client (personal or business name) on the account (master account) for a specified term. These moneys are not available to draw against, encumber … Etc.

Why do I need to pay your fee before you open the letter of credit? Can’t you take your fee out of the profits of our transaction?
We do not participate in the transactions of our clients as a party to the transaction other than providing the Letter of Credit.  Our fees are the same regardless of the profit margin in the transaction.

Can I cancel my letter of credit after it has been opened?
All of the instruments that we issue are irrevocable and cannot be canceled except by the beneficiary.

What is the required cost to open a letter of credit?
We require an amount equal to ___% of the face value although in some instances the required amount may increase due to the amount of risk involved.  When a client wishes to open a letter of credit, they are to present the details of the transaction so that we can make a decision based on its merit.

What is the maximum size letter of credit that you open?
We are able to open letters of credit of almost any size. We consider the complexity of the transaction such as the product that is being traded as well as other factors having to do with the parties involved and where they take place.

For what type of goods do you open letter of credit?
We can open letters of credit for any type of goods provided they fall into our ethical and legal criteria. That said, we will not get involved in transactions involving weaponry or ammunition under any circumstances.

I opened a letter of credit to my supplier, but he did not ship the goods. Will you refund my fee?
Once the letter of credit is opened your fee cannot be refunded. We recommend to all of our clients that they need to assure themselves of their suppliers’ ability to perform before opening any banking instruments to them.

DISCLAIMER: Sender is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser.  Sender is a consultant and makes no warranties or representations as to the buyer, seller or transaction.  All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyer and seller.  This E-mail letter and the attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. This document including any attachments hereto is a response to a formal request of information only. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledges this disclaimer.  These documents are not from any banking or other Institution. We do not provide securities or securities-related advice. No information herein shall be construed as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering in any way. These Confidential communications are protected under Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act 15 USC, Subchapter 1, sections 6801-6809 and other laws addressing the disclosure of Non-Public Personal Information.


This just came in from a Hard Money lender that I know here in CA Wednesday April 28th:


Multi family-5+units-We have an extreme appetite for this asset class.

Mixed use-We have an extreme appetite for this asset class.



Light industrial

Groups of n/o/o condos

Rehabs loans for multifamily.

California ONLY

O/O and N/O/O Residential.(SFR,Condos,2-4 units). We also have an extreme appetite for this asset class!

Properties I will consider:


Mobile home parks

Motel and Hotels flagged and non flagged-in conjunction with a capital partner

Gas Stations branded and non branded–in conjunction with a capital partner

Properties I will NOT lend on:




And yes Land




Golf courses-yes even if its Tiger Woods personal course.


Water treatment plants

Fish Farms

Coal deposits

Oil refineries

Geo thermal power plants

Nuclear power plants

Clean green alternative fuel power plants

Cruise ships

Disney Land-yes even if Mickey is going to personally guarantee it.


Up to 65% on really good deals.

Loan amounts

In house

Commercial-up to 1 to 5+ million and as low as 25K.

Trophy homes-up to 5 million!

Lien position:

1st only

To submit a package just send me the following:

-Executive summary

-1003 or PFS


-Pictures of property-if commercial property


When you call us for help here are some of the questions that I’ll be asking you:

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. Pre-Qualification Questions

  1. Who referred you to us?
  2. What did they say about us?
  3. Have you visited our websites to see how we do business?
  4. Do you understand that you will pay a consultation fee to move your project forward?
  5. How much money are you looking for?
  6. When do you need it?
  7. Do you have an Executive Summary that is one to four pages long?
  8. Do you have a written Business Plan?
  9. Do you have bio’s of key people prepared?
  10. Do you have a detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter?
  11. Do you have a 5-year proforma?
  12. Do you have a written Exit Strategy?
  13. Do you have a tri-merge credit report dated within the past 30 days that you personally pulled?
  14. What was your credit score when you last pulled it?
  15. Have you filed bankruptcy?
  16. Have you had a foreclosure or given your keys back to a lender?
  17. How many liens or judgments do you have?
  18. How many derogatories?
  19. How many inquiries?
  20. Are you a paid member of
  21. Are you willing to have a 3rd party verification service record your understanding of our fully earned, non-refundable consultation fee?
  22. Do you have a personal financial statement dated within the past 60 days?
  23. Do you have a business financial statement dated within the past 60 days?
  24. Do you have the past three years of business tax returns?
  25. Do you have the past three years of personal tax returns?


    Deuteronomy 7:9
    Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.

Life is 10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.

John Maxwell


As always we are available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

If you have an emergency and absolutely need my help after hours and on weekends call my cell phone at 925-352-6000. I will call back when I can.


Bonnie, Katie, and Mike will be arriving Friday, June 11th and returning to Racine, WI Wednesday August, 25th.  I will NOT be working Saturdays in the summer. Please pray for reconcilement and remarriage for Bonnie and I. We were married for 34 years. I have loved Bonnie for more than 40 years.


Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
SKYPE: jptufo
Follow me on FaceBook!
Follow me on Twitter!

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Approvals Asset Monetization Bank Instruments Business Lines Of Credit Collateral Instruments Credit Enhancement Hard Money Improve Credit In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Newsletters Preparation Proof of Funds Real Estate Projects Referral Partners Testimonials Trade Programs

Right From The Heart: Joe Will Be In LA And San Diego 5/6 to 5/8, New Publishing Schedule, Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, Proof of Funds, Hard Money, Get Ready Questions and More 20100505

Right From The Heart: Joe Will Be In LA And San Diego 5/6 to 5/8, New Publishing Schedule, Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, Proof of Funds, Hard Money, Get Ready Questions and More 20100505


Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where temperatures are in the high-70’s: the sky is blue and rainfall has exceeded normal for the first time in years, Praise God!


Sunday April 25th we exceeded the bandwidth capacity again. Dale added another gig four days ago. We’re up to 7.5 GB. Viewership is way, way up! Thank you!

Here was the message I saw:

Bandwidth Limit Exceeded

The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.

We’re changing the way that we Market and promote our websites. If you’d like to learn more about what we’re doing visit:
Dale and I are taking classes (mainly Dale).

This new marketing tool will help you build your business too!


We’ve gone to a publishing schedule for the first time in 10+ years:

Monday: Monster Corporations, Business Lines of Credit $50,000 to $14,800,000

Tuesday: International Hard Money Conference and Access to Hard Money Funding $500,000 to $100,000,000

Wednesday: Newsletter

Thursday: Proof of Funds, SBLC, BG, Bank Instruments and More

Friday: Large Project Funding $20m+, 100% True JV, Trade Programs

Saturday: Down Payment Assistance Programs

Sunday: Credit Restoration, Derogatory Removal, Inquiry Removal, Business Credit Enhancement


Dale and I are looking for “Don’t Wanter” Real Estate. If you know of properties kindly refer them to me We pay referral fees.


Today is Mom and Dad’s 60th wedding anniversary. As most know Mom died January 31st.


To Jay:

We have a prospect that needs a $5m POF for one year. He is in the construction business. He needs the POF to show financial substance. The loan is due to close June 15th. He needs to show POF in the next two weeks. He would prefer paying monthly if possible. What is the cost?

From Jay:

30 day $5m 1.5%, renewal 1.25% a month

60 day $5m 2.0%, renewal 1.75% 60 days


Hi Joe,

I think you met me through Mark Boersma.

Again, not really sure how I got on your email list.

I have a home health care business and had some questions about raising more
capital for my business growth.

Not sure If I really need it at this time, but it seems like I might be able to get some direction from you. Which is why I am emailing you.

Seems like we are on the same page spiritually and I think its great you express that to the world without hesitation as Jesus instructed us to do.

Maybe I can get a few minutes of your time to see if your line of work might be able to assist our business. If not now, maybe in the future.

Kurt Hjelle, PT

My response:

I have known Mark for six+ years. We have 5,116 double opt-in subscribers to the newsletter. I personally know a little less than a third.

The articles and websites explain how we do business:

You’ll get good ideas there.

The best of success in your business!

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV


Working Capital Fast

Time Is Money: Credit Restoration Services


The through-put numbers are abyssal; recently  Wells Fargo accepted 55 out of 1,000 business applications; Bank of America accepted 89 out of 1,000 business applications. Is it any wonder why so many businesses are shuttering?

The same can be said about personal credit scores. Your goal should be to maintain a minimum 740 FICO across the board – all three bureaus: Equifax, Transunion, and Experian.

We’ve had thousands ask us about reliable, trustworthy Credit Enhancement and Credit Restoration Services over the years.

We have two services that we recommend:

For Business Credit Enhancement we recommend Hector and Peter’s Services:

To date 1,652 have watched: our Derogatory Removal Video.

To date 2,034 have read the article:

Derogatory Removal Service – Guaranteed Results!

To date 539 have read: our Business Credit Enhancement Program.

If you are seriously interested in getting your business or project funded you need an 80 PAYDEX score and 77 Experian score or higher. Read out the services by clicking on the hyperlinks.

We’re not for everybody.

We do our best to serve each who is referred to us or contacts us.

We work on either a Priority basis where you pay us a commitment fee which caps our expenses or a Non-Priority basis where we get to you when we can.

To date 5,792 have read Let Us Help You Get Funded.

To date 1,608 have read:


To date 527 have read How We Work:

To date 756 have read:

Business Line of Credit Application (BLOC)

To date 1,609 have read:

To date 1,925 have read http://www.

Monster Corporations to $1,500,000 (USD)

Most of our business is by referral. If you want to learn about how you will be compensated on referrals:

To date 620 have read:

Referral Program


Referral Program Earnings Disclosure

I am in the process of writing a series on:

Inquiry Removal – Did you know that for a nominal $190 that you can have each inquiry removed from your credit report? A prospective client called this morning and told me that he has 11 inquiries in the past 45 days.

Express Late Removal – I discuss this in detail on the website but briefly, the attorney retainer is $1,000. The removal of each late is $1,000. Each mortgage late removal is $1100. Each collection removal is $1,150. Each charge-off removal is $1,150.

These come with a performance guarantee – if the items are not removed you get your money back.

There’s a Public Record Eraser Service – Foreclosures may be removed on a quote basis – usually $5,000 to $10,000 each. Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 removal $6,000. Tax Lien Removal 10% or $5,000 whichever is greater. Judgement Removal 10% or $5,000 whichever is greater. UCC-1 quote.

There is a Credit Identity Profile – This is the Alter-Ego that many celebrities, professional athletes, and entertainers use. Three Lines of $5,000 to $45,000 is $5,000. Five Lines of $5,000 to $45,000+ is $7,000.

Authorized User Trade Lines:

Level 1 – $5k to $10k – $900

Level 2 –  $10k to $15k – $900

Level 3 –  $15k to $20k – $1,000

Level 4 –  $25k to $45k – $1,100

Level 5 – Over $45k – Quote

Primary Lines – Quote

Debt Negotiation – Quote

Loan Modification – Quote

ID/Theft/FTC Repair – Have you had your identity stolen? Need to get your credit restored? $2,500.

Accelerated Credit Repair – Need Credit Repair but can’t afford the Express Program? Can you afford to wait 60 business days? $1,499.

Need to acquire a seasoned California corporation:

2.5 to 3 year – $5,900

4 year – $7,900

5 year plus    – Quote

Experian Business Lines (Chris) – $1,000 each

D&B Trade Lines (Chris) – $1,600 each

How to Proceed:

Visit and open an account. The monthly investment is $20 to $25. This will count as a soft inquiry and will not effect your credit score. Provide us with your user name, password, and social security number. We will obtain a customized quote for you.


Prices are subject to change until finalized. We have two different service providers. Additional discounts for larger files may be available. Updates are verified on


I have received U.S. Banker since 1984 in print and in the last several years over the Internet. You may be interested in this publication:

U.S. Banker

to joe

show details 6:12 AM (16 minutes ago)

U.S. Banker

Morning Scan

Friday, April 30, 2010

White Papers
Web Seminars

Morning Scan

The news you need from the major dailies

By Allison Bisbey Colter, with contributions from Kate Davidson and Sara Lepro.

Updated every business day, circa 9 a.m. ET. Links may require registration/subscription. To view Morning Scan on, click here.

Receiving Wide Coverage …

Devil in the Details: The Senate began debating a financial overhaul bill Thursday. The Post said, “the real fight over the details of the legislation will begin to unfold next week, as lawmakers” begin voting on additional amendments.” The Times said several of the proposed amendments by Democrats were designed to “demonstrate that the legislation would not provide any future taxpayer bailouts of failing financial companies — answering a Republican criticism that the Democrats had dismissed as false.” The Journalsaid that, if adopted, these amendments “would change the banking industry far more than the current version of the bill that aims to overhaul financial-sector regulations.” Wall Street Journal, New York Times,Washington Post

____________________________________________________________________From Dwain:


I have four situations you might want to be aware of:

1) An ongoing opportunity – see the attached document that describes in great detail a USD$100M Leased SBLC program that can turn, historically, USD$4M into USD$55M in 4-7 weeks using more traditional business means (it is NOT a private placement platform).

2) An ongoing opportunity but with a real short term positive twist, as follows:

Ø      Owner of a BG, SBLC, or MTN instrument that is currently on DTC or Euroclear

Ø      Face Value of Instrument is to be ideally USD$1B (but can be less).

Ø      The instrument may be leased if the verbiage is suitable for monetization.

Ø      Will receive 80% of the face value of the instrument by May 4th or 5th, 2010 if client moves quickly.  Funds are sent within 1-2 banking days after the instrument DTC is received.

Ø      Instrument is assigned for 90 banking days and will be returned at the end of this period back to the client, free and clear.

The monetization provider had another client with a USD$1B face value instrument.  All arrangements had been made to monetize the instrument, including the monetization group setting up the line of credit from which to pay the instrument owner.  However, at the last minute, the instrument owner was unable to deliver the instrument.  Hence, the monetization group has a LOC that is just idling at present.

Hence, the opportunity is for another client to fill the defaulting client’s shoes and walk into a USD$800M non-recourse, no interest, no repayment 90 banking day loan.  As the instrument is returned to the client at the end of this 90-day period, the client can reinitiate another transaction using the same instrument.

If you have a client that owns a USD$1B instrument that may be interested, please contact Dwain Wiley as soon a possible as this is a very short term opportunity but one that is very profitable for the client.

Joe, this second program far exceeds what Tod offered you today.  The client gets 80% of face value of instrument in 24-48 hours after the instrument is delivered via DTC AND the client gets their instrument back after 90 banking days AND the client does NOT have to repay the interest free, non-recourse loan.

3) I have a wonderful small opportunity for typically between USD$20K and USD$100K where the client can historically get 50x their investment in 3-5 business days by enabling a much larger client to trigger their line of credit when a large BG is issued.   The 1% fee up front that the issuing bank charges for the MT799 to the large client’s bank triggers the large client’s line of credit for their projects.  For example, a USD$100K fee can trigger a large client’s LOC backed by a USD$1B bank guarantee or SBLC providing hundreds of millions of dollars available for a larger client’s project.  That is why they are willing to pay the small client 50x their investment, and the way it is structured, the small client’s funds are secured against non-performance by HSBC.

4) I also work directly (with my partner) with a Swiss trader who works with copper isotopes and historically provides about USD1.8B per 1,000 Kg of copper isotopes.

Please call me if you have any interest in any of the above or if you know of a client who may need any of these services.

Dwain W.

P.S. Remember, you and I met at the American Cash Flow Conference in San Francisco a couple of years ago … shared the same 3-4 day course, had dinner together, etc.


CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail contains information that is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the individual(s) or entity named. It is also subject to legal restrictions and penalties regarding its unauthorized disclosure or use. You are prohibited from copying, distributing or otherwise using this information if you are not the intended recipient. If you are not the named addressee you should not copy, disseminate or distribute this e-mail. You should notify the sender immediately and delete it from your system.

DISCLAIMER: The sender is not a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser. Sender is a Private Investor and Introductory Service Provider for borrowers and/or clients to the various contacts that suit their business needs at their request. The sender does not provide any funding, bank instruments, bank guarantees or other financial instruments or commitments of any kind. This E-mail letter and the attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. This communication (including any attachments) is covered by Electronics Communications Privacy Act 18 U.S.C. 2510-25212701-2710,3121-3126 and is confidential & legally privileged. Information contained in this E-Mail message is intended for a specific individual(s) & purpose & therefore is protected from disclosure under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Upon receipt and acceptance of these documents, you as the Recipient(s) acknowledge this warning and disclaimer.


More from Tod:






We make NO INTEREST loans against BG, SBLC, CD, Bank Drafts and Sovereign Bonds.

How does it work.  Provide a KYC, RWA and copy of instruments (attached).  On “AA” rated instruments we make loans at 90% of face, 2 pts to lender and 2 pts to intermediaries.  No daisy chains.  On a 1-year term, at the end of the the term you pay back the 90% and get your instruments back.  Lessor rated, “B” and “C” discounted more.


1-Provide a KYC, RWA and copy of instrument.

2-We verify in 24-48 hours, conference call with lender and client,  then issue out Loan Agreements.

3-Upon receiving the executed Loan Agreement back we fund in a matter of days.

All intermediaries supply a CIS, Passport and wire instructions and are protected by a Master Fee Agreement.



Waiting your favorable reply and successful completion of a transaction.

Warmest Regards,


I had several long talks with Jay, our Preferred Proof of Funds Provider this month. Friday, April 30th Jay stated that the largest POF they have personally closed was $10billion. They can go higher. There is no upper end limit. As long as it is not something illegal they will furnish the POF.

Marty asked the fee for a $10b POF: Jay replied 1.5% looking for the client to proof up for the $150m. If the client proofed for $75m Jay would use the completed application and POF to negotiate a lower fee.


My friend, Jerome, is an expert on funding start-ups. He is an Angel Investor that funds $50,000 to $350,000. He takes 10% to 15% equity. Learn how to get your foot in the door.

Add Discount Code: Cashflow CA – jp04221010

They are not here to look at projects. He’s here to give an education.

Introduction To Venture Capital

Introduction To Venture Capital

Friday, June 25, 2010 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (ET)

White Plains, NY

Ticket Information

Ticket Type Sales End Price Fee Quantity
Introduction To Venture Capital: June 25, 2010 Seminar & Networking Event Jun 24, 2010 $300.00 $0.00

If you have a discount code, enter it here: 

Credit Cards

Event Details

Introduction To Venture Capital Process

Seminar & Networking Event

Featured Presenter:  Jerome, Venture Capitalist

Location: White Plains, NY

Date & Time: Friday, Jun 25th, 2010 from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Seminar & Networking Event Objective: Provide entrepreneurs and others searching for investors with an understanding of the typical VC deal screening process and the elements VCs look for when considering business deals for investment.

Key Topics Covered:

  • Differentiating between angel investment and Venture Capital
  • The stages of business development from initial concept to expansion along with rounds of financing
  • The origins of a good VC deal:  Trusted sources, a message to brokers and a word on “shopped” deals
  • The final word on the importance of a quality executive summary and business plan
  • Identifying key elements and show stoppers when screening deals
  • An alternative funding option for those with assets and cash flow  – What’s hot with SBA
  • Utilizing an IT partner that recognizes the constraints of start-up resources
  • How to get your foot in the door and build relationship with Angels and VCs

Who Should Attend:

  • Entrepreneurs
  • Financial consultants
  • Brokers
  • Individuals looking for networking opportunities
  • Vendors and service providers seeking partnerships
  • Individuals considering a new career, educators, and recent grads who are seeking a broader understanding of the VC process

Enter this discount code: Cashflow CA – jp04221010



I really appreciate your open expression of your faith and sharing the way with all who see it.

David Van Meter

You can see all comments on this post here:


We had a referral partner bring a $1.72 billion precious gem collection for monetization Friday April 16th. Here’s what I sent them:


Get as much as possible as to all that applies.

Can monetize up to 90%LTV

The $ can then be placed into our Trade Platforms.

Send at the same time, do not piece mail.


Precious Metals-Gold/Silver/Ore, etc.  Precious Stones, Gems, Rubies Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphire, Rare Coins MuseumQuality Antiques & Art works.




















Trisha wrote asking about T-strips Saturday, April 24th:

i have a real buyer,, for t strips.. it is a bank.. and hedgefund.. I had the strips for them .. [ but the seller is sick, and I don’t want to lose this client…question
do you have someone that is selling t strips that is on the seller side… ?  these people will buy.. and they  also have with them  x badge caring treasury officers.. and they are ready to go officer to officer


I replied with this:

Direct To Programs and Providers
Also available for further monetization & Instruments for Purchase;
Seasoned/Slightly Seasoned T-Strips BG’S & MTN’S
If your goal is mainly to earn a Safe and High Yield
Slightly Seasoned T-Strips, BG’s, & MTN’S Managed OR -Buy-Sell Trading Programs

Here’s what I received and sent Sunday April 26th before leaving for church:

I’m off to church. I work M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific. I received this moments ago:

A- I am direct with several major Principal’s/Commitment Holder/Trader

For (Wholesale) – FC/SS-SEND LOI with POF-

B- My Trust has 2 Foundations;

For Retail- (S) -Need the buyer’s procedures with LOI

Then we can match up buyer with seller.

We can issue elements of the asset principal to principal once we know who we are dealing with.

C- Commitment Holder/Trader-SELLER

Screen Block & Pay (ATP)-NO SWIFT- Settlement at ECB

If you have any questions, please contact me at any time of day or night.


As a Cadillac owner for many years this was Good News from GM:

Dear Joe,

We are proud to announce we have repaid our government loan – in full, with interest, five years ahead of the original schedule. We realize we still have more to do. Our goal is to exceed every expectation you’ve set for us. We’re designing, building and selling the best cars and trucks in the world. Like the award-winning Chevy Malibu, the all-new Buick LaCrosse, the versatile Cadillac CTS Sport Wagon and the innovative GMC Terrain, just to name a few. We invite you to learn more about the new GM and join our community, by visiting

Susan E. Docherty
Vice President, U.S. Marketing

Here’s a testimony from a referral partner that was received Friday April 16th:

My Name is Kurt Henry and I’m a financial and Commodities Broker, I’ve Known Joe Tufo since the Fall of 2007, he came highly recommended to me from a couple of my business partners at the time.

Joe has been a Consultant, Mentor, and a good friend ever since, I’ve recommend Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. to over 200 people within the last 3 years and I always pass on Joe’s Monthly Newsletters to several business associates of mind.
I think very highly of Joe Tufo and Cash Flow Specialists, Inc, I’ve seen several companies similar to Tufo’s company around the country but none of them has the integrity and success rate as Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

Kurt Henry
Gxxxxx Enterprise Inc.


Here’s an email Mark Molenaar sent to Jim Thursday April 22nd:

I strongly encourage you to read the email below and contact Joe Tufo about funding your green growth technology project!

I have followed Joe for several years and he is one of the guys I first thought of to put you in contact with.  I’ve reviewed several projects with him and really appreciate his approach to funding and taking care of business.  He’s a straight shooter and won’t waste your time.  The only reason I didn’t refer you to him already last summer was that we were focused on finding a “proof of funds” lender and the lenders on his hot list at the time were similar to what you already had, but wasn’t proof of funds…. But guess what, I just got this email from Joe last week and it is specifically targeted to your needs.  Please email or call him directly and let me know how it goes.


I believe this project will be right up your alley.  Jim is CEO of a company called “Green Growth Technology”, they are men of integrity, they have excellent due diligence, and they have a compelling project with potential to generate over $250,000,000 within the first year operation.

But as is far too familiar, they haven’t been able to secure the funding necessary to put the plan into action.  They had an investor in 2008 that was forced to back out in early 2009 due to economy (sound familiar?).  Now they have a letter of intent for $17,000,000 but need proof of funds and its been hard to come by, and maybe we were just talking with the wrong investors (aka: not you).  Your explanation below is exactly what we were trying to find and create last fall.  This would be good.

My friend’s company has first rights to a land acquisition for a green technology park and mining operations – significant land resources for anthrocite, and butanol with a captive high BTU fuel supply at an extremely low $/mmBTU price.  In addition to the full scale butanol projects, this site offers significant opportunities to divest the various non-core assets to provide both a return of invested capital as well as funds to further the mining development other power and fuel developments such as a coal to liquids facility, a synthetic natural gas facility, a natural gas combined cycle project, wind power project, and solar power project.  In addition, if GGT is able to finish the first stage of this project, they have also secured the rights to purchase a significantly larger property to expand operational capacity.  That could potentially include raising $100-300M funds which you and your affiliates may very well be able to provide.

Anyhow, I’m excited because I think this is really finally doable.  Please anticipate a call in a few days.

Best Regards,  I appreciate hearing how you’re still able to help people find funding in this economy.

Mark Molenaar

Proof of Funds

We are committed to guiding you through today’s complicated credit environment by targeting your specific needs to insure future success for your business and yourself!

Types of processes our products assist with:

  • Net worth enhancements

  • Show of Downpayment

  • Bond requirement

  • Reserved or Blocked funds

  • Video Production

  • Real Estate

  • Oil and Commodity

  • Fund you Large Commercial projects

  • Credit enhancement

  • Proof of Collateral / Liquidity

  • Qualify for financing

Proof of Funds & Letters of Credit
Welcome to our boutique of financial instruments:
We offer proof of funds with financial backing of over $500billion in assets. Our funds are fully verifiable via bank swift (MT760, MT799, MT999 & MT103/23), bank call, VOD or soft escrow etc. Written Confirmations from 1 to 366 days up to $5B. Clients have utilized these funds for a variety of reasons. These programs aren’t to be used for any Arms, Drugs or any other transaction that are illegal. We do not qualify the use of these accounts.

Our programs exist of but are not limited to:

PROOF OF FUNDS – Investment Brokerage Account: Great to enhance and leverage your transactions with large funds at low costs.

PROOF OF FUNDS LETTER – Investment Brokerage Account: Works very well for Real Estate show of assets.

PROOF OF FUNDS – Top Bank: Enables clients to enter into new arenas of high yield opportunities.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Investment Brokerage Account: SBLC- BG- DLC Etc. Great for Import/Export and other large transactions.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Top Banks: Leverage large projects for high volume funding.


  • This is a Forex Master Trading Account.

  • Yes&hellip it is cash backed.

  • This account offers seasoning by request.

  • Amounts from $50K to $5B and at times higher.

  • VOD, phone and fax verifiable.

  • Swift MT799 by request for additional costs.

  • Funds can be blocked for the transaction and Administrative holds are available.

  • Great for showing proof of assets for real estate and other business transactions.

  • Verifiable by standard VOD, phone and fax verification.

  • Very inexpensive method of proof of fund.

  • Cash Backed.

  • Top Bank.

  • Master Account.

  • 8 week programs with extensions.

  • Starting from $1M and up.

  • MT799, MT760 Ping or Fax verification.

  • Blocked and reserved for the transaction.

  • SBLC/SLOC: Standby Letter of Credit.

  • DLC: Documentary Letter of Credit.

  • BCL: Bank Capabilities Letter.

  • BG: Bank Guarantee.

  • Up to $10B.

  • 1 to 13 months with extensions.

  • Great for Import/Export and commodities.

  • Large transactions.

– This acts as a guarantee of payment issued by a financial entity on behalf of a client that is used as “payment of last resort” should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby letters of credit are created as a sign of good faith in business transactions, and are proof of a buyer’s credit quality and repayment ability. The financial entity issuing the SLOC/SBLC will perform brief underwriting duties to ensure the viability of the contract and transaction, as well as the integrity of the party seeking the letter of credit. Typically, the letter of credit is cancelled as soon as the terms of the contract have been met by the purchaser or borrower. After due-diligence is concluded, the issuing process is 2-3 days.

  • Top US and European Banks

  • Leverage Funding

  • Monetizable

We pride ourselves with our success track record and effectiveness to produce results for you. Consider us your complete one stop source for Proof of Funds. Ask about our broker network program. Please note our arrangement fee is upfront (through escrow) and not as a success fee.

Procedures and Forms
1. Client, or client’s representative, will provide the necessary information to provide a quote. The minimum information needed is: the client’s name, email address, telephone number, and physical address, account funding amount, account term and type of account verification required.

2. A Term Sheet will be issued for the amount of funds requested by the Client. The Term Sheet will stipulate the Arrangement Fee, refundable processing costs, escrow fee and include a short application.

3. Upon receipt of the signed Term Sheet, processing fee, escrow fee, application and proof of ability to deposit the Arrangement Fee in the Escrow Account, a Principal Agreement will be issued detailing how the Proof of Funds is to be provided. The agreement will include provisions concerning delivery of confirmation documentation and terms of account use. Escrow instructions will also be provided so that the initial Arrangement Fee can be deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account. It is a condition in the Escrow Agreement that in the event we do not open the Proof of Funds account, the Arrangement Fee will be returned in full to the Client by the Escrow Agent.

4. Concurrent with the Client’s execution of the Principal Agreement, the Client must deposit the initial Arrangement Fee into the Escrow Account. The Client will be required to provide the necessary documentation to complete the account establishment process. This information will include color copies of photo ID’s for all signatories; a second ID including address; Certificate of Good Standing or Incorporation, if applicant is a company; Employer Identification Number (if applicable) and Corporate resolutions (if applicable) and social security numbers for individuals. The Client will be a signatory on the account, but will be unable to conduct transactions or encumber the funds in the account in any manner.

5. Upon confirmation that the Arrangement Fee has been deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account, the Proof of Funds Account will be opened in the Client’s name, and funds will be deposited into the POF account in the amount stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

6. The Arrangement Fee is released from the Trust Account when confirmation is provided to the Escrow Agent that the account has been set up in the client’s name, and that the appropriate funds have been deposited as stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

7. The Proof of Funds account will remain open for the Client’s use for the period of time stated in the Principal Agreement, and conditionally, may be extended through mutual agreement, and payment by the Client of the Arrangement Fee for such extensions, within five (5) days of the expiration of the current term.

Frequently Asked Questions
Proof of funds: blocked funds in a cash account with the client (personal or business name) on the account (master account) for a specified term. These moneys are not available to draw against, encumber … Etc.

Why do I need to pay your fee before you open the letter of credit? Can’t you take your fee out of the profits of our transaction?
We do not participate in the transactions of our clients as a party to the transaction other than providing the Letter of Credit.  Our fees are the same regardless of the profit margin in the transaction.

Can I cancel my letter of credit after it has been opened?
All of the instruments that we issue are irrevocable and cannot be canceled except by the beneficiary.

What is the required cost to open a letter of credit?
We require an amount equal to ___% of the face value although in some instances the required amount may increase due to the amount of risk involved.  When a client wishes to open a letter of credit, they are to present the details of the transaction so that we can make a decision based on its merit.

What is the maximum size letter of credit that you open?
We are able to open letters of credit of almost any size. We consider the complexity of the transaction such as the product that is being traded as well as other factors having to do with the parties involved and where they take place.

For what type of goods do you open letter of credit?
We can open letters of credit for any type of goods provided they fall into our ethical and legal criteria. That said, we will not get involved in transactions involving weaponry or ammunition under any circumstances.

I opened a letter of credit to my supplier, but he did not ship the goods. Will you refund my fee?
Once the letter of credit is opened your fee cannot be refunded. We recommend to all of our clients that they need to assure themselves of their suppliers’ ability to perform before opening any banking instruments to them.

DISCLAIMER: Sender is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser.  Sender is a consultant and makes no warranties or representations as to the buyer, seller or transaction.  All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyer and seller.  This E-mail letter and the attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. This document including any attachments hereto is a response to a formal request of information only. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledges this disclaimer.  These documents are not from any banking or other Institution. We do not provide securities or securities-related advice. No information herein shall be construed as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering in any way. These Confidential communications are protected under Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act 15 USC, Subchapter 1, sections 6801-6809 and other laws addressing the disclosure of Non-Public Personal Information.


This just came in from a Hard Money lender that I know here in CA Wednesday April 28th:


Multi family-5+units-We have an extreme appetite for this asset class.

Mixed use-We have an extreme appetite for this asset class.



Light industrial

Groups of n/o/o condos

Rehabs loans for multifamily.

California ONLY

O/O and N/O/O Residential.(SFR,Condos,2-4 units). We also have an extreme appetite for this asset class!

Properties I will consider:


Mobile home parks

Motel and Hotels flagged and non flagged-in conjunction with a capital partner

Gas Stations branded and non branded–in conjunction with a capital partner

Properties I will NOT lend on:




And yes Land




Golf courses-yes even if its Tiger Woods personal course.


Water treatment plants

Fish Farms

Coal deposits

Oil refineries

Geo thermal power plants

Nuclear power plants

Clean green alternative fuel power plants

Cruise ships

Disney Land-yes even if Mickey is going to personally guarantee it.


Up to 65% on really good deals.

Loan amounts

In house

Commercial-up to 1 to 5+ million and as low as 25K.

Trophy homes-up to 5 million!

Lien position:

1st only

To submit a package just send me the following:

-Executive summary

-1003 or PFS


-Pictures of property-if commercial property


When you call us for help here are some of the questions that I’ll be asking you:

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. Pre-Qualification Questions

  1. Who referred you to us?
  2. What did they say about us?
  3. Have you visited our websites to see how we do business?
  4. Do you understand that you will pay a consultation fee to move your project forward?
  5. How much money are you looking for?
  6. When do you need it?
  7. Do you have an Executive Summary that is one to four pages long?
  8. Do you have a written Business Plan?
  9. Do you have bio’s of key people prepared?
  10. Do you have a detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter?
  11. Do you have a 5-year proforma?
  12. Do you have a written Exit Strategy?
  13. Do you have a tri-merge credit report dated within the past 30 days that you personally pulled?
  14. What was your credit score when you last pulled it?
  15. Have you filed bankruptcy?
  16. Have you had a foreclosure or given your keys back to a lender?
  17. How many liens or judgments do you have?
  18. How many derogatories?
  19. How many inquiries?
  20. Are you a paid member of
  21. Are you willing to have a 3rd party verification service record your understanding of our fully earned, non-refundable consultation fee?
  22. Do you have a personal financial statement dated within the past 60 days?
  23. Do you have a business financial statement dated within the past 60 days?
  24. Do you have the past three years of business tax returns?
  25. Do you have the past three years of personal tax returns?


1 Chronicles 16:11
Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face continually.

A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth, to say no. That’s where toughness comes into play. Toughness is not being a bully. It’s having backbone.
Robert Kiyosaki – Truth – Fear – Leadership – Strength


As always we are available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

If you have an emergency and absolutely need my help after hours and on weekends call my cell phone at 925-352-6000. I will call back when I can.


Bonnie, Katie, and Mike will be arriving Friday, June 11th and returning to Racine, WI Wednesday August, 25th.  I will NOT be working Saturdays in the summer. please pray for reconcilement and remarriage for Bonnie and I. We were married for 34 years. I have loved Bonnie for more than 40 years.


Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist
P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax
SKYPE: jptufo
Follow me on FaceBook!
Follow me on Twitter!

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer

Bank Instruments Business Lines Of Credit Collateral Instruments Credit Enhancement Improve Credit In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Newsletters Preparation Private Placement Programs Proof of Funds Real Estate Projects Testimonials Trade Programs

Right From The Heart: How To Fund Your VIABLE project Today; Monster Corps, Monetize Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, and More 20100421

Right From The Heart: How To Fund Your VIABLE project Today; Monster Corps, Monetize Out of Ground Assets, Testimonies, and More 20100421

Greetings from the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area where temperatures are in the mid-70’s, the sky is blue and the weather is magnificent.

We had a referral partner bring a $1.72 billion precious gem collection for monetization Friday April 16th. Here’s what I sent them:


Get as much as possible as to all that applies.

Can monetize up to 90%LTV

The $ can then be placed into our Trade Platforms.

Send at the same time, do not piece mail.


Precious Metals-Gold/Silver/Ore, etc.  Precious Stones, Gems, Rubies Emeralds, Diamonds, Sapphire, Rare Coins MuseumQuality Antiques & Art works.



















Here’s a testimony from a referral partner that was received Friday April 16th:

My Name is Kurt Henry and I’m a financial and Commodities Broker, I’ve Known Joe Tufo since the Fall of 2007, he came highly recommended to me from a couple of my business partners at the time.

Joe has been a Consultant, Mentor, and a good friend ever since, I’ve recommend Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. to over 200 people within the last 3 years and I always pass on Joe’s Monthly Newsletters to several business associates of mind.

I think very highly of Joe Tufo and Cash Flow Specialists, Inc, I’ve seen several companies similar to Tufo’s company around the country but none of them has the integrity and success rate as Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

Kurt Henry
Gxxxxx Enterprise Inc.

Business Lines Of Credit Credit Enhancement Film Funding Hard Money Improve Credit In The News Large Projects Money Available Multi-Family Newsletters Preparation Proof of Funds Real Estate Projects Referral Partners Testimonials

Right From The Heart: Monster Corps $500k to $14.8M, BLOC $50k to $2m, Large Project $20m+, New International Funding Source; $500k to $100m, Hard Money Conference, Proof of Funds, Credit Restoration and More 20100421

Right From The Heart: Monster Corps $500k to $14.8M, BLOC $50k to $2m, Large Project $20m+, New International Funding Source; $500k to $100m, Hard Money Conference, Proof of Funds, Credit Restoration and More 20100421

Do You Need Guaranteed Money?: Monster Corporations, Business Lines of Credit $50,000 to $14,500,000

Monster Corporation Update

Hector and I met in Rancho Cucamongca in February. We speak two or three times weekly at a minimum. If you have a 740 FICO score (if you don’t you’ll need to invest in credit restoration services), $38,000 to $75,000 for their services, and are at least 27 years old with a good business idea they’ll fund you $500,000 to $1,000,000 guaranteed!

Hector and Peter fund new corporations about 30% of the time. They have three sizes of funding available:

$500,000 $38,000 up front and 12% back end fee

$1,500,000 $75,000 up front and 12% back end fee

You can read more here:

and here:

I was surprised to learn that 70% of the time they fund existing corporations who, for whatever reason, strike out with local banks.

In my experience, funding is all about presentation.

Hector funded a manufacturer that had been in business for several years. The president of the company had visited three banks and was turned down by each bank.

They paid a fee to Hector and Peter. They cooperated with the process and within 60 business days were funded $4,450,000!

Isn’t that amazing? Here was a company that had been in business for many years. Their books were a mess. They hadn’t filed corporate income taxes in two years.

Hector and Peter put down their heads and rolled up their sleeves and got the company to do exactly what they were told to do. That’s what it takes to get funding: pay the fee for professional services, mutual cooperation, up-to-date books, current tax returns, and paying a back end fee.

What did it cost? $30,000 up front and about $534,000 back end. Was it worth it? They thought so.

The largest funding to date was in November 2008 for $14,500,000.That company used the money to more than double their work force from 55 to 125. Sales increased by more than double too and more importantly the value of the business increased from $22m to $52m.

Looking for a way to generate a badly needed cash injection?

If you have a minimum 700 FICO score on all three bureaus, have no more than a 30% debt to high credit limit or are willing to pay down debt, can wait 60 business days, are mutually cooperative, have a good executive summary, bio’s of key people, a detailed use of funds, a five-year pro-forma and powerful exit strategy with the funds to get started call me at 1-800-669-2700.

With your corporation: Funding from $100K – $10M based on qualifications ( some of you may have a very strong company with verifiable tax returns, hence larger funding amounts)
– Backend Success fee applies
– Personal Guarantee Required

– Experienced consultants to guide you through the process
– Proven track record

Qualification Requirements
Applicants must have:
– A login and password to:
– No collections, charge offs, bankruptcies or judgments.
– No late payments
– At least a 700 mid FICO score
– At least 6 years of credit history with 3 open and active trade lines
– All installments and revolving accounts should have balances under 30%

With our affordable and reliable platform we are able to maximize your credit rating and obtain the funding you need. Our team of dedicated service professionals are standing by to offer help in credit improvement and loan services.  This may be the solution for all of your essential needs We look forward to making a friend for life.

Who We Are

We are a team of business consultants, legal advisors, and loan specialists who are not afraid to talk to you directly.

While most websites today want you to place online orders, we will  consult with you first and explain each procedure and walk you through on each and every step.

We have PAYDEX and Experian credit enhancement services available.

From our working Capital Fast website



Business Lines of Credit explanation from another vendor:

If you already have a successful business you know that it was not easy to get where you are now, but through hard work, determination, persistence, business smarts, and perhaps even with sheer GUTS you made it this far….but this far is not far enough for you, and you have big dreams and a vision of taking your business to the next level, perhaps through opening new locations, increasing your Inventory, hiring more talent, or increasing your Marketing Budget.

Whichever your plan for Growth and Expansion, you again need LOM, or “Lots of Money”.

How do you get this Cash Infusion?

… Let www.workingcapitalfast .com help you.

As our client, you will deal with Top-Notch EXPERTS in Unsecured Business Financing, each with an average of 10 years experience underwriting Small Business Loans who are here to help you and to give you the STRAIGHT ANSWERS you need.

Our Underwriters devote 100% of their time exclusively to working with our clients in obtaining the MOSTfinancing possible in the SHORTEST time possible – This is our niche, it’s all we do, and we are the BEST at it.

We specialize in Business Loans and Lines of Credit featuring:

  • NO Collateral
  • NO Tax Returns
  • NO Business Plans
  • NO UCC Filings
  • NO Headaches
  • 4%+ APR
  • NO DOC to $400,000 (Start-Ups OK!)
  • EZ DOC to $10 Million

The Lenders in our Network focus on your Credit History and (if available) Business Financials to make their decisions, and the stronger your Credit History, the less documentation you will need to provide. If you have High Credit Scores above 700 FICO our Lenders will rarely ever require any Income or Asset documentation.

Our Expertise is in the complete and correct preparation of your Application so it gets approved the 1st time, and in our extensive network of financial institutions that are willing to finance your particular type of business. We make it easy for you, so don’t waste time and apply right now!

Find out how our EXPERTS can get you Funded!

OUR PROCESS: Setting the Right Expectations from the Start!

Here at we know from experience that Clients that come in to us with the Right Expectations and understanding about the service we provide end up achieving dramatically superior results than Clients that don’t.

Therefore, we have decided to explain the basics of Our Process so you know exactly how everything works and achieve the Best Possible Results that can be obtained for your particular situation and also with a sense of Satisfaction that you made the Right Decision in choosing

So here is.


  1. You Apply Online or call us to start the Process.
  2. We send you our Client Package via e-mail for your review. This Package included the Professional Consulting Agreement you will need to sign that outlines the cost of our Service.
  3. We offer you a Free Initial Consultation to answer some of your basic questions and concerns about our Service.
  4. You fax back to us the completed and signed Client Package.
  5. We pull your Business and Personal Credit Reports and perform an Expert Review on your File to determine all issues (Submission Conditions) that may need to be resolved prior to submitting any Loan Applications.
  6. We work with you to resolve as many of these Submission Conditions as possible. The quantity and type of Submission Conditions that need to be resolved, together with your level of cooperation, will determine how fast your File will be ready to be submitted to Lenders for Approval and Funding.
  7. We put you in the BEST Possible Position to obtain the Financing you seek – Your File will be “As Good As It Gets”.
  8. We refer you to the Lenders that we know from Experience are most likely to Approve your Loan Applications and assist you in completing Application Forms and coordinating Lender Appointments and Site Visits if necessary.
  9. We assist you and advise you in resolving Approval Conditions if and when they come up so that your Approvals can turn into Successful Fundings and money in your Bank Account.


APPROVAL AMOUNTS & TIME FRAMES: Each Client is a unique challenge and requires a different strategy – Because of that, the Time Frame for receiving Approvals and the Approval Amounts will depend on various factors and cannot be pre-determined or guaranteed ahead of time. Having said that, we are currently experiencing Approvals within 1 to 3 Days from the the Date each Application is submitted to a Lender, and once each Application if Approved, our Clients are getting funded within 7 to 10 days in the majority of cases. No Doc financing (especially for Start-Up Businesses) may come in the form of personal installment loans in increments of$25K to $100K per lender (depending mainly on your geographical location) and several credit applications may be submitted in order to achieve your total requested financing amount and each credit application will result in a new inquiry on your personal credit report(s) because each lender will need to obtain your personal credit report(s) in order to underwrite your credit application – There is no way to avoid Inquiries, but we can assist you in removing most of them – Ask us how.

WARNING: Anyone or any other Company out there making promises or guarantees to you regarding Approval Amounts or Time Frames is deceiving you – Hold on to your Wallet! No one can promise you any particular Approval Amount or Time Frame until you are actually Approved and Funded – That’s the bottom line and anyone claiming otherwise is deceiving you or stretching the truth at the very least. Here at we don’t play that game – We tell you the Truth, whether you like it or not.

INTEREST RATES: The normal range of interest rates for No Doc loans and lines of credit is 7%to 14%, and for EZ Doc loans and lines of credit it is 6% to 12%, but the interest rate you receive may be higher or lower in some situations.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATION CRITERIA: We are ready and able to help every Client that needs our assistance, but if you have recent derogatory marks on your Credit Report, Bankruptcy, Foreclosure, or Repossession in the last 10 Years then it may be very difficult to obtain financing unless you bring in a Business Partner with a clean credit history. There are  also some Industries that are harder to finance than others because they are considered to be “High Risk” by Lenders, so if you are concerned that your Business may be in a High Risk Industry or that your credit rating is not strong enough, please ask us about it before you sign-up.

NO DOC: No Doc means that you do NOT need to provide any proof of Income or Assets and depending on market conditions and your geographical location, the financing may come mostly in the form of Unsecured Personal Installment Loans ranging from $25K to $100K each. The time you have been in business is NOT an issue either – Start-Ups are OK.

EZ DOC: EZ Doc means that your Personal and/or Business Tax Return Transcript(s) are obtained directly from the IRS using IRS Form 4506T to facilitate the process for you, but Lenders may still require you to provide full copies of your Tax Return(s) and/or additional documentation such as Bank Statements for the last 3 Months, Business License, etc.



How We Work


From the desk of Joe Tufo…

Thank you for visiting my website and signing up for my FREE newsletter…

Here’s a little background on me.

For the past 10 years I’ve been helping people just like you get funding for their businesses and their business ideas.

Over this time I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs secure over $1.2 Billion for businesses of all kinds… from home based businesses, to Real Estate Investing, to business lines of credit to wireless internet technology… and everything in between.

I’ve participated in many business funding seminars from the International
Hard Money Conference, various Real Estate Investment Clubs, Various Webinars, Radio Shows, and am a member of The American Cash Flow Association.

It has taken a lot of time, effort, and some painful experiences to develop the winning formulas that help businesses get the funding they need… especially in today’s economy.

But I’m happy to say that because of what I’ve learned there isn’t a business or business idea out there that can’t find the capital it needs.

It’s pretty easy to do too…

I’ve broken it down into a simple 5 step process…

***Step 1: Determine exactly how much capital you need for your business.

***Step 2: Learn the different types of business capital available to you.

***Step 3: Determine what type of funding is the right fit for your business.

***Step 4: Find the best source of funding which matches your needs.

***Step 5: Put together a deal that makes sense for your business today and down the road.

And it doesn’t matter how much you need either… whether you need $50,000 or $5 Million or more the process is exactly the same and you can get it


Our websites are at which is about 600 pages (January ’10) and subscription site which has about three times the content. It also archives the newsletters.


If you have a Large Project that requires funding you may be interested in an 8-Week Course that we are producing:


Week 1 – Course Overview – What Will You Learn?-What is Large Project Funding?

Week 2 – The Power of Your Executive Summary – The First Key to Successful Funding

Week 3 – The Power of Your Bio’s – The Second Key to Successful Funding

Week 4 – The Power of Your Detailed Use of Funds – The Third Key to Successful Funding

Week 5 – The Power of Your 5-Year Proforma and Exit Strategy – The Fourth Key to Successful Funding

Week 6 – Putting It All Together – Your Presentation and Proof of Funds

Week 7 – Current Funding Sources and Available Programs

Week 8 – Wrap-Up – What Do You Do Next?

t;LEFT”>Bonus Week– Q&A With Joe and Large Project Funding Sources


Our websites feature our Business Creed and a pre-qualification application.

We offer a one-time FREE 20-minute consultation to those who complete the questionnaire completely. This is a $333.34 value based on our hourly consulting fee. Of course, you may purchase additional time at p://”>


We work one of two ways:

Priority – If you want us to “Clear The Decks” put our heads down and get to work you’ll honor us by paying a fee for six months of service. You may renew after that time.


When you hire us to work on a priority basis we thoroughly study your submission package to make sure that it complies with our recommended Road Map to Funding Success. Funding has always been about presentation. Those who present well are funded. Those who don’t present well are not funded.


The key ingredients to funding success, in our experience, have been:

  1. A powerful Executive Summary of one to four pages. You can purchase our template and video review at
  2. Bio’s of key personnel.
  3. A detailed use of funds broken down monthly for the first year and quarterly thereafter.
  4. A 5-year proforma and written Exit Strategy.


When we meet face-to-face we’ll review the following questions:

• What do you expect from us?

• What is your current pain?

• What keeps you awake at night?

• How do you see us helping you address these challenges and opportunities?

• What growth plans do you have?

• If price were not an issue, what role would you want us to play in your business?

• Do you expect capital needs? New financing?

• Do you anticipate any mergers, purchases, divestitures, recapitalizations, or reorganizations in the near future?

• We know you are investing in total quality service, as are we. What are the service standards you would like for us to provide you?

• How important is our satisfaction guarantee to you?

• How important is rapid response? What do you consider rapid response?

• Why are you changing professionals? What did you not like about your former firm that you do not want us to repeat?*

• How did you enjoy working with your former firm?**

• Do you envision any other changes in your needs?

• Are you concerned about any of your asset, liability, or income statement accounts to which we should pay particularly close attention?

• If we were to attend certain of your internal management meetings as observers, would you be comfortable with that?

• How do you suggest we best learn about your business so we can relate your operations to the financial information and so we can be more proactive in helping you maximize your business success?

• May our associates tour your facilities?

• What trade journals do you read? What seminars and trade shows do you regularly attend? Would it be possible for us to attend these with you?

• What is your budget for this type of service?

* We never denigrate the predecessor. First, this insults you and reminds you of a poor decision. Second, it diminishes respect and confidence in the profession as a whole and lowers the public’s perception of our professionalism.

** Even though you are changing firms, it is almost certain that you liked certain characteristics of the predecessor. We want to find out what those were and exceed them. For instance, if you said the prior firm always returned phone calls within one day, we strive to return phone calls within four hours.


Non-Priority – If you think that you’ve “nailed it” when preparing the four key ingredients to funding success, and you aren’t in any hurry at all to fund and aren’t quite ready to pay consultation fees then we’ll take a look at your project when we can get to it. After we look at it we may need to send it back because you don’t meet our requirements. (Priority Clients get major help from us in cleaning up their submission.) We’ll return your calls and emails when we can: after all, priority clients come first.


We reserve the right to review each submission once, beyond that our consultation fee will be required. You had better complete the submission request correctly the first time or you better get familiar with our websites mentioned above. If you submit for free we can’t spend a lot of time. It’s not fair to us, our families, or our Priority Clients.


In our experience we can fund 1/3 of the files that cross our desks, 1/3 are DOA Dead on Arrival, and the final 1/3 are broken and need to go through some form of remediation which can take hours, days, weeks, months, or years.




With 33 years of Financial Services experience we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

Working Capital Fast

Money to Solve Cash Flow Needs



Why We Say NO! A Lot and Mean It


Many times throughout each day we receive calls from folks like you: referrals, referral partners, past clients, current clients, prospective clients, or someone who Googled one of our websites.

Invariably, you tell us that your project or start-up is “the greatest thing since sliced bread,” is a “billion dollar idea,” We’d “be a fool if we didn’t drop everything and devote all our time for free to get you funded.”

To each of you who expect us to work for free we have this to say – NO! NO! NO! A thousand times NO!


It’s not that we’re uninterested or impolite it’s just that we’ve heard it thousands of times. Here’s our thoughts:

  • Do we have the time?
  • Will we feel pressured to get it done?
  • Will we be upset with ourself?
  • Will we be resentful of the other person?
  • Will we feel duped, had, or swindled?
  • What do we have to give up to do this?
  • What can we gain (What’s in it for us?)

No is our first option instead of the propensity to say yes that emanates from wanting to please, wanting to be liked, needing to be needed, being timid, avoiding confrontation, not knowing our rights, or feeling: plain and simple, that we should.

We’re in the consulting and funding business. With 33 years (November 1976 to present) of financial services experience in insurance, securities, and finance we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.

We charge a fee because we do this full-time: 50 hours scheduled a week plus another 20+ working on the websites, writing articles and newsletters, recording audio and video, holding webinars and other tasks to help each  of you.

We take on committed paying clients and then focus all of our effort and energy in getting you funded.

Even at that we fail about half of the time.

In our 10+ years experience in this business about 1/3 of what crosses our desks we can fund (you may not like the rates, terms and conditions but we can fund you), 1/3 is DOA – Dead on Arrival – even with the thousands of pages of information we’ve published, dozens of books and courses we’ve published – let’s face it many of you can’t or won’t follow instructions, and the final 1/3rd is broken: your credit sucks, you have no business credit profile, you have more than three inquiries, you have derogatories, liens and judgments – you’re a mess and it will take days, weeks, months, or years to fix.

So it’s not that we want to say NO! It’s just that we have a way that we do business well and that works for us: pay us our fully earned, non-refundable commitment fee of $25,000 for each project of $2,500,000 or above (1% minimum $2,500 per project $25,000 maximum per project for six months of service). We’ll roll up our sleeves, put on our thinking cap and get to work.

We have REAL funding sources that fund viable projects. Your project can be next.

As always we are available M-F 7AM to 5PM Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.


My good friend, Leonard Rosen, is arguably “The Pit Bull” when it comes to Hard Money.



May 27th Leonard be hosting his National Hard Money Conference at the Ft Lauderdale FL Marriott.  I hope to be there and I hope that you’ll be there to join me.

Be sure to put TUFO in the coupon code and get two tickets for the price of one, a savings of $595 to $895 on the purchase of two tickets.



Seminar Agenda

6:00 am to 8:00 am

7:00 am to 8:00 am

15 minute break

Lunch break 45 min

Attendee Check in

Meet and Greet networking breakfast

EVENT BEGINS – 8:00 am sharp
Matt Rosen, Introduction of featured speakers and sponsors

Market Commentary
Leonard Rosen

  • Market Implosion
  • Buying Performing and Non Performing Notes
  • How to Prosper From The Foreclosure Crisis
  • Taking Advantage of Opportunities Available

Mortgage Pool Conversation
Leonard Rosen

  • Becoming a Portfolio Manager
  • How to Become a Hard Money Lender, Creating Multiple Revenue streams by Servicing your own loans
  • Raising Capital
  • Mortgage Pool Products
  • Performing and non performing debt

How to Raise Millions From Real Estate Investors
Dale Hamill, Pinnacle Lending Group

Commercial Markets & Creating a Private Placement Offering
Jon Hornik, Attorney At Law

Understanding commercial loan workout programs
Phil Jemmett, Commercial Loan Workout Services Inc

Strategic Marketing
Leonard Rosen

  • New Marketing Strategies
  • S.E.O. – The 20 steps
  • Business Plans – What now?

Acquisition and Funding of REOs 
Leonard Rosen

Round Table Discussion – 7 person panel
Jon Hornik, Attorney At Law
Sam Kohn, Commercial Broker, National Equity Funding 
Dale Hamill, Pinnacle Lending Group
Phil Jemmett, Breakwater Equity Partners
Greg Hindson, CEO, Nortridge Software
Michael Griffith, CEO, FCI Lender Services


Hosted Networking Cocktail party

*Agenda subject to change

General Admission $595 Premier Admission $695 VIP Admission $895





For Hotel Room Reservations:
Marriott Harbor Beach Resort 
Ft Lauderdale – Florida
May 27th, 2010
Seminar will be held from 8:00am to 6pm.


Be sure to put TUFO in the coupon code and get two tickets for the price of one, a savings of $595 to $895 on the purchase of two tickets.




From our Working Capital Fast website





Please remember that we have two primary websites:

Working Capital Fast is a free site for the general public.

Our corporate website is a subscription site that archives newsletters, audio, video, advanced alternative funding solutions, proprietary products, and confidential solutions that we don’t want the general public to access without subscribing.

New International Strategic Funding Source

I received a call Monday April 19th from Heather the Director of a USA based firm that has access to hundreds of international funding sources. I have know Heather for just under one year.

I conferenced in a client in Aspen CO who is building two ultra-high end custom homes that will retail in the $35m to $40m range each.

Heather can fund these in about 60 days at 6% to 7% interest fixed amortized over 20 to 30 years with a seven-year call. The loans are non-recourse and are assumable; not a bad exit strategy for builders.

They can fund from $500,000 to $100,000,000. As always having a pleasing personality and great presentation are funding keys. Once approved they require $750,000 as a refundable deposit.

Please remember that we are fee and commission based and work on a Priority and Non-Priority basis.

We will look at ANY viable project for free. We will host one free 20-minute consultation. After that you’ll decide whether to retain us

Commercial Loan Modifications: Testimonials, from my friend Phil

The commercial workout process is a complicated and multifaceted endeavor requiring expertise in numerous fields. Breakwater successfully merges our knowledge base and experience in law, banking, tax, and real estate to generate a synergistic approach to client solutions. Our years of experience encompass multiple asset classes, financial institutions, and loan products.

Please review the posted testimonials for a brief insight into the success we have brought our clients. Due to the confidential nature of the industry the disclosure of information is limited.


Case History “A” – High End Condo Development

Our client owned a high-end four (4) unit condo construction project near the beach in San Diego, CA. The bank began experiencing problems, and as a result slowed down the funding of the client’s construction loan. The loan matured in March 2009 with only $2.4MM out of $3.5MM having been advanced to the client. The bank refused to fund the balance of the construction loan and threatened to execute on the personal guarantees.

We completed a legal, bankruptcy, and economic analyses of both the asset and the guarantors. Our primary recommendation was to cram-down the loan principal with the current bank and bring in a ‘white-knight’ investor to acquire the project at a substantial discount. However, as a matter of professional reputation the guarantor simply wanted to finish the project.

During the workout, we discovered several breach of contract and tort claims against the lender. The bank eventually recognized its conduct had voided the guarantees and created significant exposure. In addition, we demonstrated the asset’ s value would further deteriorate in bankruptcy, making a repossession uneconomical. The bank agreed to extend the loan for 1 year, advance the money to complete the project and reduce the interest rate to just 2%.

The client was pleased that they could finish the project successfully and honor the wishes of the guarantor.

Case History “B” – Condo Development

We represented a developer on a completed condo project. The owner had been in negotiations with the bank for over eight (8) months attempting to short sale the asset. The client had a buyer willing to purchase the project for $4.0MM, which was approximately $1.8MM below the note value. However, the bank was only willing to discount the note $750K and was not willing to relinquish the personal guarantee, which was full recourse.

After a thorough legal and economic analysis, it was obvious that the client had significant litigation claims. Collecting on the personal guarantee would be problematic and bankruptcy would further diminish the value. Within two weeks after the initial meeting with the lender they agreed to a full release and allowed the project to be sold to the ‘white  knight’ for $4MM.

Even though the client lost their equity in the deal they were relieved to be out of a project which may have dragged on – clouding the rest of their performing projects. Often, purging a deal strengthens a client’s portfolio.

Case History “C” – Mixed Use Retail

A large and successful Southern Californian developer attempted to renegotiate the terms of their loan with a CMBS special servicer. The project was a finished state of-the-art mixed-use development in Southern California. The client wanted a term extension and a release from the LTV covenants.

Proceeding thorough legal, bankruptcy and economic analyses of both the asset and client, it was obvious to us that the litigation and bankruptcy leverage points were unsatisfactory. We chose to concentrate on an economic approach.

Negotiations often take months. However, in this case, we completed negotiations in less than 60 days. We were able to get a 4-year extension, and a 200 basis point interest rate reduction – saving the client $1.4mm over the life of the loan.

Oftentimes, it is just a matter of having strong representation along with a couple leverage points to convince a lender to concede to reasonable terms.

Case H  istory “D” – Partially Developed Land – Entitlement (Multifamily/Commercial Zoning)

In February 2007 the asset was appraised at $6.8MM and the developer took out a $4.7MM loan with a full recourse personal guarantee. The property was adjacent to several proposed public and private projects which would create hundreds of new jobs. As the Phoenix economy collapsed and the proposed projects were cancelled, the vacant land declined in value by 80%.

We completed a thorough legal, bankruptcy and economic analyses of both the asset and the client. The legal leverage points were moderate at best. However, when we combined the legal, bankruptcy, and economic strategies we demonstrated that the bank’ s best strategy was a quick liquidation in order to avoid a continuing drop in asset values compounded by holding costs. Given a potential bankruptcy, and collectability problems with the personal guarantee, the bank was eager to purge this loan from its books.

We brought in a ‘ white knight’ and sold the property for approximately $650k. The relationship between the ‘ white knight’ and the client was disclosed in the documentation. The white knight purchased the project and re-sold it for a 100% profit.

The bank was rid of a troublesome asset, the client quickly resolved a potentially long-term problem and a related party partook in a profitable deal.

Case History “E” – Multifamily – 16 Units, Phoenix AZ

The asset’ s value had fallen from $1.5mm when the loan was made to around $400K. The asset had a negative NOI and could not cash flow even if the bank authorized a zero percent (0%) interest rate.

Even though the client had some limited assets, we were able to demonstrate to the bank they could not collect, and the best option for the bank was to repossess the project immediately – and release the client from the PG.

The bank took the property back, salvaged some value and the client avoided personal bankruptcy – protecting the rest of their assets. All of this took place in less than 90 days.

Even though we received this case just prior to the loan maturity deadline, we strategically played the few remaining cards to achieve a good resolution for the client.

Case History “F” – Corporate Housing Community

Our client acquired a 36 unit corporate housing community in October, 2007 and placed a twoyear interest-only loan at Prime Rate minus ¼ with a 7.5% floor and a 50% personal guarantee. Nearing loan maturity in late November of 2009, the bank denied long-term financing due to an LTV below 80%. To avoid a new property appraisal, the bank agreed to a six month loan extension at 6% IO and a 100% personal guarantee. As cap rates continued to rise and market rental rates decreased, our clients were rightfully hesitant to increase their liability to 100% for only a six month extension.

Once engaged, our team performed thorough economic, financial and legal analyses of the both the asset and client.

During negotiations, we convinced the bank they did not have the expertise to operate this asset as a corporate housing project, and their best option was to keep the clients in the deal. The bank reversed course and engaged in more realistic negotiations. The bank agreed to waive the $240K of back interest and keep the guarantee at 50%. The clients were most pleased with our ability to manage their liability, maintain the 50% personal guarantees and keep them in their asset.

Proof of Funds

We are committed to guiding you through today’s complicated credit environment by targeting your specific needs to insure future success for your business and yourself!

Types of processes our products assist with:

  • Net worth enhancements
  • Show of Downpayment
  • Bond requirement
  • Reserved or Blocked funds
  • Video Production
  • Real Estate
  • Oil and Commodity
  • Fund you Large Commercial projects
  • Credit enhancement
  • Proof of Collateral / Liquidity
  • Qualify for financing

Proof of Funds & Letters of Credit

Welcome to our boutique of financial instruments:
We offer proof of funds with financial backing of over $500billion in assets. Our funds are fully verifiable via bank swift (MT760, MT799, MT999 & MT103/23), bank call, VOD or soft escrow etc. Written Confirmations from 1 to 366 days up to $5B. Clients have utilized these funds for a variety of reasons. These programs aren’t to be used for any Arms, Drugs or any other transaction that are illegal. We do not qualify the use of these accounts.

Our programs exist of but are not limited to:

PROOF OF FUNDS – Investment Brokerage Account: Great to enhance and leverage your transactions with large funds at low costs.

PROOF OF FUNDS LETTER – Investment Brokerage Account: Works very well for Real Estate show of assets.

PROOF OF FUNDS – Top Bank: Enables clients to enter into new arenas of high yield opportunities.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Investment Brokerage Account: SBLC- BG- DLC Etc. Great for Import/Export and other large transactions.

LETTERS OF CREDIT – Top Banks: Leverage large projects for high volume funding.


  • This is a Forex Master Trading Account.
  • Yes… it is cash backed.
  • This account offers seasoning by request.
  • Amounts from $50K to $5B and at times higher.
    VOD, phone and fax verifiable.
  • Swift MT799 by request for additional costs.
  • Funds can be blocked for the transaction and Administrative holds are available.

  • Great for showing proof of assets for real estate and other business transactions.
  • Verifiable by standard VOD, phone and fax verification.
  • Very inexpensive method of proof of fund.

  • Cash Backed.
  • Top Bank.
  • Master Account.
  • 8 week programs with extensions.
  • Starting from $1M and up.
  • MT799, MT760 Ping or Fax verification.
  • Blocked and reserved for the transaction.

  • SBLC/SLOC: Standby Letter of Credit.
  • DLC: Documentary Letter of Credit.
  • BCL: Bank Capabilities Letter.
  • BG: Bank Guarantee.
  • Up to $10B.
  • 1 to 13 months with extensions.
  • Great for Import/Export and commodities.
  • Large transactions.

– This acts as a guarantee of payment issued by a financial entity on behalf of a client that is used as “payment of last resort” should the client fail to fulfill a contractual commitment with a third party. Standby letters of credit are created as a sign of good faith in business transactions, and are proof of a buyer’s credit quality and repayment ability. The financial entity issuing the SLOC/SBLC will perform brief underwriting duties to ensure the viability of the contract and transaction, as well as the integrity of the party seeking the letter of credit. Typically, the letter of credit is cancelled as soon as the terms of the contract have been met by the purchaser or borrower. After due-diligence is concluded, the issuing process is 2-3 days.

  • Top US and European Banks
  • Leverage Funding
  • Monetizable

We pride ourselves with our success track record and effectiveness to produce results for you. Consider us your complete one stop source for Proof of Funds. Ask about our broker network program. Please note our arrangement fee is upfront (through escrow) and not as a success fee.

Procedures and Forms

1. Client, or client’s representative, will provide the necessary information to provide a quote. The minimum information needed is: the client’s name, email address, telephone number, and physical address, account funding amount, account term and type of account verification required.

2. A Term Sheet will be issued for the amount of funds requested by the Client. The Term Sheet will stipulate the Arrangement Fee, refundable processing costs, escrow fee and include a short application.

3. Upon receipt of the signed Term Sheet, processing fee, escrow fee, application and proof of ability to deposit the Arrangement Fee in the Escrow Account, a Principal Agreement will be issued detailing how the Proof of Funds is to be provided. The agreement will include provisions concerning delivery of confirmation documentation and terms of account use. Escrow instructions will also be provided so that the initial Arrangement Fee can be deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account. It is a condition in the Escrow Agreement that in the event we do not open the Proof of Funds account, the Arrangement Fee will be returned in full to the Client by the Escrow Agent.

4. Concurrent with the Client’s execution of the Principal Agreement, the Client must deposit the initial Arrangement Fee into the Escrow Account. The Client will be required to provide the necessary documentation to complete the account establishment process. This information will include color copies of photo ID’s for all signatories; a second ID including address; Certificate of Good Standing or Incorporation, if applicant is a company; Employer Identification Number (if applicable) and Corporate resolutions (if applicable) and social security numbers for individuals. The Client will be a signatory on the account, but will be unable to conduct transactions or encumber the funds in the account in any manner.

5. Upon confirmation that the Arrangement Fee has been deposited by the Client into the Escrow Trust Account, the Proof of Funds Account will be opened in the Client’s name, and funds will be deposited into the POF account in the amount stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

6. The Arrangement Fee is released from the Trust Account when confirmation is provided to the Escrow Agent that the account has been set up in the client’s name, and that the appropriate funds have been deposited as stipulated in the Principal Agreement.

7. The Proof of Funds account will remain open for the Client’s use for the period of time stated in the Principal Agreement, and conditionally, may be extended through mutual agreement, and payment by the Client of the Arrangement Fee for such extensions, within five (5) days of the expiration of the current term.

Frequently Asked Questions

Proof of funds: blocked funds in a cash account with the client (personal or business name) on the account (master account) for a specified term. These moneys are not available to draw against, encumber … Etc.

Why do I need to pay your fee before you open the letter of credit? Can’t you take your fee out of the profits of our transaction?
We do not participate in the transactions of our clients as a party to the transaction other than providing the Letter of Credit.  Our fees are the same regardless of the profit margin in the transaction.

Can I cancel my letter of credit after it has been opened?
All of the instruments that we issue are irrevocable and cannot be canceled except by the beneficiary.

What is the required cost to open a letter of credit?
We require an amount equal to ___% of the face value although in some instances the required amount may increase due to the amount of risk involved.  When a client wishes to open a letter of credit, they are to present the details of the transaction so that we can make a decision based on its merit.

What is the maximum size letter of credit that you open?
We are able to open letters of credit of almost any size. We consider the complexity of the transaction such as the product that is being traded as well as other factors having to do with the parties involved and where they take place.

For what type of goods do you open letter of credit?
We can open letters of credit for any type of goods provided they fall into our ethical and legal criteria. That said, we will not get involved in transactions involving weaponry or ammunition under any circumstances.

I opened a letter of credit to my supplier, but he did not ship the goods.
Will you refund my fee?
Once the letter of credit is opened your fee cannot be refunded. We recommend to all of our clients that they need to assure themselves of their suppliers’ ability to perform before opening any banking instruments to them.

DISCLAIMER: Sender is NOT a United States Securities Dealer or Broker or U.S. Investment Adviser.  Sender is a consultant and makes no warranties or representations as to the buyer, seller or transaction.  All due diligence is the responsibility of the buyer and seller.  This E-mail letter and the attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content. This document including any attachments hereto is a response to a formal request of information only. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledges this disclaimer.  These documents are not from any banking or other Institution. We do not provide securities or securities-related advice. No information herein shall be construed as a solicitation of investment funds or a securities offering in any way. These Confidential communications are protected under Gramm-Leach-Bailey Act 15 USC, Subchapter 1, sections 6801-6809 and other laws addressing the disclosure of Non-Public Personal Information.


Luke 6:38
Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


We are available 7AM to 5PM M-F Pacific to serve you and those whom you choose to refer. Kindly visit our websites for more information and complete our online application so that we’re prepared before calling you.

Joe Tufo, Certified Cash Flow Consultant, Certified Capital Specialist

P.O. Box 844
Alamo CA 94507
925-691-8200 Direct to my desk
800-669-2700 Business
206-984-2853 Fax

Fee and Commission Based.

Your #1 Alternative Funding Source. Call Us When Your Banker Says NO!!!

Business and Personal Lines of Credit $50,000 to $10,000,000, Large Project Funding $10,000,000 to No Limit, Commercial Loans, SBA Loans, Hard Money Loans, Church Loans, Factoring, Accounts Receivable Funding, Merchant Cash Advance.

Speaker, Writer, and Seminar Leader

Providing Honest Answers in a Timely Manner No Matter How Difficult the Situation.

Trust, Integrity, and Service: Here Today, Here Tomorrow

Please click on the link below to read our Disclaimer