Lessons Learned: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly; Questions to Ask Traders, Private Client Programs $5k to $50m, Lines and Credit and More 20101002
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This is a compilation of everything that occurred in our office for the week. It’s an opportunity for you to see what we learned.
We’re pretty good at what we do but we’re far from perfect. You’ll learn that our clients and funding providers are far from perfect too. Hopefully we’ll all learn some lessons on how to do business better.
We’re looking for “Clients for Life.” If you’re looking for a trustworthy, hard working Capital and Cash Flow Specialist perhaps we can do business. With 33+ years of financial services experience (November 1976 to present) we may be uniquely qualified to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.
Please remember that we work on a Priority-Expedited basis and a Non-Priority- Get To You When We Can basis. Not everyone understands our business model and that’s okay. After 33+ years in financial services we can’t please everyone – We do the best that we can for committed paying clients because they’re the ones who keep us in business.
I’ve sat through tens of thousands of presentations since we started in business July 1,1999. Most are made by shrewed entrepreneurs in search of funding for their new business concepts.
I am continually shocked by the failure of most of these presentations to communicate effectively and persuasively.
The problem is that nobody knows how to tell a story. And what’s worse, nobodyknows that they don’t know how to tell a story.
The overwhelming majority of business presentations merely serve to convey data, not to persuade.
You need to be able to master the art of telling a story in a clear, convincing manner.
Investors have been burned badly in the past several years. There’s nothing worse than receiving a 250-page “novel” with the funding request buried on page 57. We don’t have time to sift and sort through hundreds of pages of data and to give dozens of hours of our precious time away.
If you’d like to be “coached” on how to present powerfully and effectively you should retain Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. as a Priority – Expedited Client.
We’ve helped hundreds obtain funding, are you next?
We’re running a Special Promotion until December 31, 2010:
We’ve had good success in funding several in these difficult times.
We’ve found that those whom we meet with face-to-face for a couple of hours, that really get plugged into our websites, newsletters, articles, and webinars have a much higher funding success rate than those who try to “go on the cheap” skip the process. don’t read the newsletters and, in general, try to do things their way.
If you’re serious about getting funded you’ll come to Concord CA and spend two hours with me.
For only $2,500 you’ll receive two hours of coaching for you and your teamhere in Concord CA on how to properly fund your viable project or idea, athorough review and written critique of your Executive Summary, Bio’s, Detailed Use of Funds, 5-Year Pro-Forma, and Exit Strategy, and a one-year prepaid subscription to http:joetufo.com/blog our 4,000+ page and growing private subscription website which archives our newsletters. This is a $4,664 value if you buy the services separately.
In addition, if you choose to become a Priority Client we’ll credit your entire $2,500 investment plus the costs of your travel to Concord CA towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.
We’ve been successful in funding dozens of business people who struck out using mainstream funding sources. Block a couple of days; fly or drive to the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area, bring a cashier’s check or wire funds direct to our Bank of America corporate account.
If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.
If you need me to come to you for two hours you’ll need to add $10,000 for travel expenses and time away from Concord CA. If you need more than two hours we’ll charge only $500 an hour instead of our normal $1,000 an hour and we’ll still credit it all towards our Priority Expedited Client Fee.
This is what I wrote a prospective client Tuesday September 28, 2010:
We’ve funded dozens in the past year and hundreds in the past 10+ years. We have 5,333 double opt-in subscribers to our newsletters. You can subscribe for free at http://www.workingcapitalfast.com
We have found that when clients pay a fee they are committed. We don’t take anyone on unless we’re reasonably confident that we can get them funded. There is no question that Mr. B has a great project and will create badly needed jobs that will bless thousands.
I do business all over the world. I give clients the option of visiting with me face-to-face: some do, some don’t. The serious pay the fee, the “shoppers” don’t. Many choose to do business again and again and refer others.
Rabo Bank is an excellent bank. I’m confident that they can fund Mr. B.
This came in from my friend Jack, a San Francisco based asset lender, whom I have known for a few years:
Small-cap to Lower Middle-market Companies
Deal Size of $1M to $30M for Senior Debt / $1M to $10M for Cash-flow Term Loans
We welcome inquiries and return results quickly.
USC is a private investment bank, direct lender, co-lender, and lead financial arranger specializing in asset-based debt for small and lower middle-market companies with $5 million to $100 million in sales. USC will lend or participate in funding asset-backed loans of $500 thousand to $30 million for growth capital, working capital, assets, acquisitions, and liquidity events. Assets eligible for USC loans include inventory, accounts receivable, purchase orders, machinery and equipment, commercial real estate, and intellectual property. USC has the experience and ability to understand special situations and is willing to provide distress, turnaround, and growth financing.