You were initially referred to me by Carole Phelps March 12, 2007. I met you at your Petaluma location March 30, 2007. You were looking for $1,500,000 in funding. I told you exactly what you needed to do. We enjoyed several servings of your award winning pizza and Caesar salad. You sent me home with pizza and salad dressing and said that you’d complete the application, pay our fee, and get started. Nothing happened.
You contacted me through Facebook September 19, 2009. I called and it took a couple of days for you to call back. I listened to your needs and emailed an application. The urgency of funding faded. We would have probably had the $30,000+/- that you asked about in your bank account by now with a merchant cash advance.
What a disconnect: $1.5 million in March 2007 and $30,000 two and a half years later?
I don’t have time to chase people.
We had seven people approved this week for funding from two different business line of credit sources. The amounts were from $50,000 to $2,000,000. We had a hard money loan of $300,000 approved for a man in Corralitos CA who had been turned down by seven other funders. I shot a video with seven takes with Dale in the recording studio explaining that deal in detail including the review of four appraisals, his executive summary, and my cover letter and it got the job done for that client.
I’d be delighted to report that kind of news to you but we’ll never know until you quit screwing around and set aside the time to complete the application and get it in here with the other items we need to get you funded, will we?
You’re a great guy. You make some of the best pizza that I’ve ever enjoyed and your Caesar salad dressing is arguably the best that I’ve ever tried ( I’ve attended the Fancy Food Show more than 25 years now) but if you could just get plugged in with us and let us stair step you in funding you’d be able to roll your food products out in a big way and not be stymied by continual disappointment and lack of funding.
Action Steps:
1. Complete Application
2. Scan and email supporting Documentation
3. Blow up your CA Driver’s License and scan and email
4. Join under the Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. affiliate code and send us your user name and password
5. Be available when we call and when the funding source(s) call
6. Be ready to “rock and roll” when you are funded
I’m not a miracle worker, Glenn. I care about you. I don’t want to sever a business relationship but I don’t have time for people who start, then stop, pontificate, waste time, screw around, and just plain piss me off.
Why? Because I Can!