Current Status Large Project Funding Sources

Large Project Funding
We have five funding sources open to large projects of $4m to billions.

Source A is an investment banker in FL who has been in the business for approx. 30 years. He has access to eight different programs including a Trust that does JV’s.

Source B is presently closed. They are scheduled to re-open this late February 2009. I have a call into their underwriter.

Source C is open but they have not funded the transactions that they approved for our clients. They have been in business for many years and have funded tens of billions in projects globally.

Source D is not available.

Source E is presently closed. They are in the process of funding several of our clients. This came in from the SrVP of this program Wednesday February 12th:

RE projects are tough! I am afraid I do not have a solution nor a referral for your projects. I am in Maine right now, will be back in NY perhaps on the weekend and anticipate to be in Vegas middle of next week.


We have additional sources that are not posted on the matrix.

Posted 2/14/09