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National & International Project Financing

National & International Project Financing

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. is offering the following program to prospective clients.  We offer extremely competitive rates and terms and work with our clients to get them the funding they need for their new or existing projects. Our program is not aasset-based, but rather cash-based. This is why we can offer help for our clients who have the required deposit relationships.

Summary of the project loan funding products we are able to provide for our clients:


– Minimum Loan: $2M, no maximum – requires a deposit relationship of 10% or more of the project cost. A certificate of deposit, issued by a financial institution and backed by a top world bank. The CD will be released back to investor at permanent loan funding.

– If the financial institution declines the loan request, the CD can be presented for a return of monies, and accrued interest – at the depositor’s request.

– From the date of the CD deposit, a 10% deposit can close in as early as 60 – 90 business days.

– Due diligence is required on the company, real estate, principals, and the market.

Fees include a 2% loan origination fee and a 3 percent broker fee, paid out of the first draw of the loan proceeds.

– Security for the loan is the CD, real estate obtained, equipment, machinery, and/or receivables, as they apply.

–  No personal credit reports are needed

– No personal guarantee will be required

– Loan to be structured through a use of funds schedule with no more than 20% early draw down permitted for any given month.

– Construction periods can be as long as 60 months with interest only payments accruing.  No payment option can be set during the construction phase.

– Loan modification will occur after construction phase – no additional closings or costs.

Permitted funds use: real estate, build outs, building refurbishment, capital equipment, film production, and others.

To get started: Borrower(s) submit loan package complete with all required forms and supporting documentation:

– Application Form

– Executive Summary and supporting documentation

– Detailed Use of Funds broken down monthly firsy year, quarterly thereafter

– Proof of Funds for the cash deposit

– Corporate Resolutions – Signatory authority

After the above is received, a letter of understanding will be issued as documentation of willingness to work with the project. The LOU will also state the terms and conditions for funding. Once the LOU has been signed and returned and the client is a depository client, the full due diligence will commence. As soon as the due diligence is complete a closing will be scheduled.

For more information or questions please contact me at:

Joe Tufo

Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.

Phone: (925)352-6000

One reply on “National & International Project Financing”

We have six large project funding sources that we are direct with. Remember that we are intermediaries and not direct lenders. Established July 1, 1999 we stand by ready to assist you and those whom you choose to refer. Fee and commission based.

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