I’m off to Church and our annual business meeting and annual BBQ in 90 minutes but I wanted to get this information to you so that you would have it for yourself and those whom you may choose to refer to us.
I have been at Dale’s recording studio six days a week for about 25 hours recording live webinars and writing the new websites and adding content to the existing sites. www.joetufo.com is chock full of content with more being added. This subscription site is the cornerstone for our business. Eventually it will house hundreds to thousands of pages of articles, video’s, MP3’s, success stories, and teaching materials. New information is added five days a week.
Go to www.joetufo.com/subscribe
The first ever webinar recorded live last week discussed in detail the power of the Executive Summary. It is available once you subscribe.
Is your back up against the wall? Do you have “more month than money?” Contemplating Bankruptcy? Then you’ll want to visithttp://joetufo.com/debt/ Listen to the video and study the chart our attorney owned firm (a former Deputy Attorney General in CA) has 10 years experience saving thousands of consumers and businesses hundreds of millions of dollars and satisfying debts for 40 cents on the dollar, that’s right slash what you owe by 60%. pay off your debt in three to 36 months. Visit www.joetufo.com today.
If you sit on a Church board, are involved with a local Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, Lion’s Club, Kiwanis, or other non-profit and have watched donations plummet then you may want to have me speak to your group live if you are in the San Francisco Bay Area or by webinar if you are not local. If you are a Human Resources Manager or owner, manager, officer, or director of a large company and have employees faced with wage garnishment and collections for unsecured debt call or write today but most importantly visit www.joetufo.com/debt
Dale and I just finsihed writing a book on the Basics of Forex. You’ll find it at www.thebasicsofforex.com It is available in ebook and video format.
We have several clients whom have invested in one of our FOREX traders. Rates of return have been in a range of 0% to as high as 49% a month in January 2009. We did have a client who micro-managed his account from $10,000 to $1,500 because he thought that he “knew it all” and wouldn’t listen to the professional trader so my advice is that if you think that you know something that the pro‘s don’t know do us both a favor and stay away from our trader.
Here’s a comment that came in from one of our vendors who personally knows the offending party. This came in after I sent the first batch of 200 emails:
I would ‘lay it on thicker’ next time by indicating that your ‘know it all’ client who micromanaged his account is also a CPA and Series 7[?] license holder.
Funding Is 85% Presentation And 15% Is The Appetite That The Funding Source Has At That Point In Time When You Submit Your Project.
You Will Dramatically Improve Your Chance Of Getting Funded When You Follow The Road Map To Funding Success
Our www.joetufo.com/roadmap explains in a mind map format with hyperlinks our different products and services. This roadmap will expand this summer.
This is an ad that I placed on Craig’s List yesterday that has already generated response:
Reply to: serv-y2g3m-1173886931@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-05-16, 9:37AM PDT
SWIFT MT-760: MT-760
SWIFT MT-799: MT-799
Financial Instruments such as Stand by Letter of
Credits, Bank Capability Letters, Bank Guarantees, and POF (Tear Sheets, MT
799, and MT 760) from banks such as HSBC, Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse,
ABN AMRO, UBS AG, Bank of America, and Wells Fargo.
Bank of America, Sun Trust, Chase, Other Banks Available, No credit check required.
Cash Backed accounts issued from top US banks. Accounts can be issued in an individual or company name. This type account is verifiable in writing, verbally by phone or fax. It is important to understand that this is not a loan. Funds cannot be moved or depleted.
Master accounts, which can be verified electronically on line or by simply verifying with any branch. Also provided, with master account is monthly bank statement / tear sheet and dual bank officer signatures. Blocked / reserved funds letter also available.
BEST PRICE GUARANTEE we will beat any competitors price guaranteed
Should find a better legitimate offer please let us know so that we may adjust our fees.
Joe Tufo, President
Cash Flow Specialists, Inc.
If you need bank instruments we have two licensed investment bankers and two other licensed firms that provide these banking instruments and they close quickly – if you begin the process on a Monday the transactions can close by Friday (sometimes sooner) if all parties agree to the rates, terms, and conditions. In December we closed a $500million transaction.
Concerned about not getting funded? Wonder what the bank will see that you don’t know about? Visit http://joetufo.com/powerfunding/and save $1,250 for a limited time on these powerful reports and as a bonus receive pre-approval from one to as many as 15 lenders.
We have three sources and are adding two more for Business Lines of Credit. Currently we can obtain $100,000 to $5,000,000. The new sources can go as low as $50,000.
We have a new green project Funding source that recently approved and funded $8 Billion. They have capacity for an additional $12 billion. The information will be placed at www.joetufo.com and www.greenprojectsfunding.com We have a site at www.projectfundingoptions.com where I explain in detail in book and video format how funding sources look at a project with their eyes.
We have several other large project funding sources. Money is finally freeing up and we expect to see progress and success in tranching by the official start of summer.
We are adding a website for our 230 referral power partners and affil;iates. We actually posted it a few years ago: www.successbehaviors.comAfter you opt-in you’ll find a couple of audio recordings from Dale and I at the bottom of the sales page. The fees listed on the sales apge are old and will be increasing substantially so those who enroll now will save a small fortune. This training is not for the exclusive use of our 230 referral power partners only although an affiliate area will be available.
I taught insurance for 19 years and was chairman of education for a nationwide insurance association and influenced thousands. I ran two multi-billion dollar mortgage companies in CA and trained more than 1,000 agents and brokers. I was president of a funding company that had 4,000 brokers and agents so I do know a little bit about teaching and training.
This is a recent article posted at www.joetufo.com
Applications? Are We Right For You? Are You Right For Us?
by Joe Tufo on May 8, 2009[edit]
We receive several requests a week for our services.
Some business people find our websites: www.joetufo.com/powerfunding www.joetufo.com www.joetufo.com/roadmap Others are referred by their Attorney, CPA, Financial Planner, Insurance Agent or Broker, Commercial Realtor, The American Cash Flow Association, Credit Restoration Specialist, Loan Agent or Broker, Banker, Architect, Business Valuation Specialist or some other referral source.
95% of our business is by referral and the other 5% comes from public speaking engagements.
If you have faxed in your application or scanned and emailed your application but haven’t heard from someone in our office, please give me a call on my private line at 925-691-8200.
We are only considering a very limited number of people because of the personal time I will be spending with each person individually, and my commitment to get 100% of the applicants funded – now I want you to understand that even though that’s my goal that it’s really up to you to follow our systems, policies and procedures.
I want to make sure everyone who is interested is accommodated, and that no one is overlooked. I think we’re pretty well on top of things, but please… if you haven’t yet heard from us, give me a call at 925-691-8200. It’s my personal line. I’ll spend whatever time you need to ensure that you get the answers you need to see if Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. is right for you, and if you’re a right fit for us.
One final note: Please… if you’re financially strapped, if you’re about to lose your house or business and are looking for a “bail-out” program, if you don’t have the funds and you want us to let you come through our funding process for free and you’ll pay us out of money you receive after you are funded… don’t call me.
I’m not trying to be mean or insensitive… not at all. It’s just that that’s not what this program is about.
I’m not looking for people who are functioning out of desperation. I’m committing a tremendous amount of my personal time and resources to helping a select number of clients achieve some incredible financial goals. I’ve done it many times in the past, and I know what’s involved on my part.
My personal and family life take a back seat to those whom I’m helping, but that’s okay. I take my commitment to the people who invest with me in the Cash Flow Specialists, Inc. program very seriously. When you give me your money, I reciprocate by giving you my most valuable possession… my time…which translated, is my life. It’s irreplaceable and unrecoverable. So I hope you can understand and appreciate the fact that I must be very selective about whom I work with.
As always we are here to serve you and those whom you choose to refer.
I tried to cut and paste a blessing below but I messed it up. “Always be joyful!”